IBM Cloud Docs
Planning the deployment

Planning the deployment

Plan the deployment by capturing information for use in the subsequent steps. Select the planning tasks for the deployment environment that you intend to build:

Immutable backup planning

Capture the following details of the VMware vCenter Server® instance and Veeam® service instance:

Table 1. Capture parameters for Immutable backup planning
Parameter Description
<root_domain> The vCenter Server instance domain name. For example, test.ibmcloud.local
<sub_domain> The vCenter Server instance subdomain name. For example, if the root domain is test.ibmcloud.local, then the subdomain is test.
<dc_code> The code for the data center in which the vCenter server instance is deployed into, such as DAL10.
<public_vlan_number> The Public VLAN number can be obtained from the UI by browsing to the Resources > vCenter Server > Infrastructure page.
<public_vlan_id> The ID can be found from the VLAN number and the IBM Cloud® CLI. For example, for VLAN number 1344, ibmcloud sl vlan list awk '/1344/ { print "Public_VLAN_ID: " $1 }'.
<private_vlan_number> The Private VLAN number can be obtained from the UI by browsing to the Resources > vCenter Server > Infrastructure page. The Secondary Private VLAN number is not required.
<private_vlan_id> The ID can be found from the VLAN number and the IBM Cloud CLI. For example, for VLAN number 1607, ibmcloud sl vlan list awk '/1607/ { print "Private_VLAN_ID: " $1 }'
<private_subnet> The Primary subnet for hosts and virtual server instances on the Private VLAN can be obtained from the UI by browsing to the Resources > vCenter Server > Infrastructure page.
<private_subnet_id> The ID can be found from the subnet identifier and the IBM Cloud CLI. For example, for subnet, ibmcloud sl subnet list awk '/ { print "Private_Subnet_ID: " $1 }'.
<public_subnet> The Primary subnet for hosts and virtual server instances on the Public VLAN.
<public_subnet_id> The ID can be found from the subnet identifier and the IBM Cloud CLI. For example, for subnet, ibmcloud sl subnet list awk '/ { print "Public_Subnet_ID: " $1 }'
<addns_fqdn> The FQDN can be obtained from the UI by browsing to the Resources > vCenter Server > Summary page.
<addns_1> The IP address of the first AD/DNS server can be obtained from the UI by browsing to the Resources > vCenter Server > Summary page.
<addns_2> The IP address of the second AD/DNS server can be obtained from the UI by browsing to the Resources > vCenter Server > Summary page.
<vbr_ip> The IP address of the Veeam Backup and Replication server.

Define the following parameters:

Table 2. Define parameters for Immutable backup planning
Parameter Description
jmp_security_group_name The required name for the security group to protect the jump server.
as_security_group_name The required name for the security group to protect the automation server.
js_hostname The required jump server hostname.
as_hostname The required automation server hostname.
ansible_ip The IP address of the automation server.
lhbr_hostname The required Linux® hardened repository server hostname.
sa_veeam_cyber_admin_password A complex password used for the Veeam service account sa-veeam-cyber-admin account.
your_username A username for the account on the automation server so that you can SSH to the server.
timezone The time zone to be configured in the Linux hardened repository. For more information, see the time zone catalog.
lhbr_root_password This password is the IBM Cloud supplied initial root password that is provided after provisioning of the Linux bare metal server. It is used to initially connect to the server for configuration and stored in the Ansible® vault file.
sa_ansible_password A complex password that is stored in the Ansible vault file that is used for the sa-ansible service account on the Veeam backup server.
immutability_period The required immutability period for the Linux Hardened repository. For example, 30 for 30 days.
max_concurrent_jobs Specifies the maximum allowed number of concurrent tasks for the backup repository. For example, Veeam recommends one task = one CPU core and 2 GB RAM per core. For more information, see Task limitation for backup repositories.

Isolated recovery environment planning

The following information is needed for the isolated recovery environment planning:

Table 3. Parameters for Isolated recovery environment planning
Parameter Description
<public_key> A public key for vSRX user.
<vSRX_private_ip> The private IP of the vSRX that is reachable from the automation server.
<proxy_1_ip> The IP address of the Veeam cyber-proxies in the production environment. Multiple proxies are possible.
<lhbr_ip> The IP address of the Linux hardened repository server.
<vcsa_fqdn> The FQDN or IP address of the vCenter appliance in the production environment.
<vcsa_user> The username of the account in vCenter appliance in the production environment.
<vcsa_user_password> The password for the vcsa_user.
<sub_domain> The subdomain of the root domain of the vCenter appliance in the production environment.