IBM Cloud Docs
Viewing and deleting VCF as a Service Cloud Director sites

Viewing and deleting VCF as a Service Cloud Director sites

View the summary and detailed information of the IBM Cloud® for VMware Cloud Foundation as a Service Cloud Director sites that are provisioned in your account.

When you no longer need them, you can delete the Cloud Director sites that are provisioned in your account.

You cannot delete a single-tenant Cloud Director site instance if it still has virtual data centers (VDCs) in it. Before you delete your Cloud Director site, ensure that all VDC instances in the site are deleted.

For multitenant instances, you can delete only VDCs. The Cloud Director site is automatically deleted when the last VDC in the region is deleted.

Click the Switch view mode icon next to Create to open the original resource list summary view.

Procedure to view a summary of Cloud Director sites

  1. In the VMware Solutions console, click Resources > VCF as a Service from the left navigation panel.

  2. On the VMware Cloud Foundation as a Service page, view the summary of Cloud Director sites and the VDCs that are provisioned for each site. Each site summary includes the following information.

    • The name and status of the provisioned site.
    • The consumption model for the site, Single-tenant or Multitenant, and the region where the site is deployed.
    • The services that are installed and available for the VDCs to use.
    • Available actions for the site.

    Click VMware console to create and manage networking and workloads. For more information, see VMware Cloud Director single sign-on with IBM Cloud IAM.

    Click the Delete icon to delete the Cloud Director site. You cannot delete an IBM managed multitenant site.

  3. View the summary of VDCs that are provisioned for the site.

    Virtual data center summary
    Item Description
    Name The name of the VDC.
    Status The status of the VDC.
    Regional high availability Identifies if the VDC is enabled for high availability.
    Location The name of the data center where the site is deployed.
    Network connection Identifies the connection type: public and private or private only.
    Transit gateway The status of the Transit Gateway connection.

    Click the Delete icon on the VDC row to delete the VDC from the Cloud Director site.

Procedure to view details for the Cloud Director site

  1. Click the Cloud Director site name.

  2. On the Summary tab, review the site information: the number of resource pools, clusters, VDCs, and network edges that are provisioned for the site. Under Site details, review the following details:

    Cloud Director site details
    Item Description
    Infrastructure The VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) as a Service offering uses IBM Cloud Classic Infrastructure.
    Resource group The resource grouping for user access to assignments in the Cloud user account.
    Region The region where the site is deployed.
    VCFaaS type The consumption model for the site: Single-tenant or Multitenant.
    Creation time The date and time that the site was created.
    Billing cycle The pricing plan for the site.
    ID The globally unique ID of the site. This ID can be helpful to copy if you need to open an IBM Support ticket.
    Red Hat activation key The Red Hat Enterprise Linux activation key that is used to register the Red Hat VM.
    Regional high availability Identifies if the VDC is enabled for high availability.

    If a recommended service is not already installed for the site, you can click the service link to install or enable the service for your instance.

  3. On the Networking tab, review the type of management and workload connectivity. Under Network edges, review the following details:

    Network edge details
    Item Description
    Name The VDC name.
    Type The edge performance type.
    Regional high availability Identifies if the VDC is enabled for high availability.
    Location The data center where the site is deployed.
    vCPU The amount of virtual CPU for the VDC.
    RAM The amount of RAM for the VDC.

    Use the search bar to narrow down the network edge list.

  4. On the Resource pool tab, review details for each resource pool provisioned for the site.

    • The name and status of the resource pool.
    • The type of resource pool: standard or stretch high availability, the data centers where the resource pool is deployed, and if the host is an SAP-certified server.
    • The total computing and vSAN storage capacity of the resource pool.
    • The total NFS storage capacity of the resource pool.

    Expand the Clusters section to view all clusters that are deployed on the resource pool and to view cluster details.

    Cluster details
    Item Description
    Name The name of the cluster.
    Status The status of the cluster.
    Profile The host profile of the cluster.
    Total CPU The total host CPU for the cluster.
    Total RAM The total host RAM for the cluster.
    vSAN storage The amount of vSAN storage space.
    NFS storage The attached NFS storage tier and space.
    Host units The number of hosts for the host profile.

    Click Actions to complete the following actions for the cluster:

  5. On the Virtual data centers tab, review details for each VDC provisioned for the site.

    Virtual data center details
    Item Description
    Name The name of the VDC.
    Location The name of the data center where the VDC is deployed.
    Resource pool The name of the resource pool for the VDC.
    Regional high availability Identifies if the VDC is enabled for high availability.
    Network connection Identifies the connection type: public and private or private only. Available if you provisioned a network edge with your VDC order.
    Transit gateway The status of the Transit Gateway connection.
    Creation time The date and time that the VDC was created.
    Status The status of the VDC.

    Click the VDC name to review the VDC details. For more information, see Viewing and deleting VCF as a Service virtual data centers.

  6. On the Add-on services tab, review your options for available services.

    • Click Add service to install a service.
    • Click the overflow menu to delete a service.
    • If Veeam® Backup is installed, click Veeam backups to open the Self-Service Backup Portal.
    • Expand the VMware Cloud Director Availability service to see details and available options for the service. For more information, see VMware Cloud Director Availability for VCF as a Service overview.

Procedure to delete a Cloud Director site

  1. In the VMware Solutions console, click Resources > VCF as a Service from the left navigation panel.

  2. On the VMware Cloud Foundation as a Service page, click the single-tenant Cloud Director site name that you want to delete.

  3. Click the Actions menu, and then click Delete instance.

  4. Confirm that you want to delete the instance.

    The status of the Cloud Director site is changed to Deleting. When the site is deleted successfully, the components are released, and the status is changed to Deleted.

Alternatively, you can click the delete icon that is located in the site row of the Cloud director sites summary table.