IBM Cloud Docs
Provisioning dedicated hosts and virtual servers

Provisioning dedicated hosts and virtual servers

You can provision your dedicated virtual server through the IBM Cloud® catalog. See Signing up for IBM Cloud to set up your IBM Cloud catalog credentials.

Provisioning a dedicated virtual server through the IBM Cloud catalog

To provision a dedicated virtual server through the IBM Cloud catalog, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud catalog by using your unique credentials.

  2. In the Compute Infrastructure section, click the Virtual Server tile.

  3. Select Dedicated as your virtual server type.

  4. In the Dedicated Host section, select Auto Assign. IBM Cloud then automatically assigns your virtual server to a host in your selected data center.

    For dedicated hosts, select Specify Host or Create Host. For more information about dedicated hosts and dedicated virtual servers, see Dedicated virtual servers.

  5. Complete all of the relevant information for your dedicated virtual server.

  6. After you review your order summary, click the Third-Party Service Agreements checkbox.

  7. Click Provision.

Next steps

After your virtual server is provisioned and available to use, you can configure your virtual servers by using the IBM Cloud console or API. For more information, see Configuring virtual servers.