IBM Cloud Docs
Understanding readiness errors and warnings

Understanding readiness errors and warnings

Readiness check warnings and errors can occur for any of the three readiness checks: OS reload, license upgrade, or version upgrade. The following list provides information on these error and warning codes.

Error 1000

An OS reload is already running on a different node in the HA cluster. The other node's OS reload must complete before executing a second OS reload.

Error 1002

An error occurred in the connectivity check. Contact IBM Support.

Error 1003

The root user for the host is not found.

Error 1004

The root user credentials for the host are not found.

Error 1005

The host SSH console connection could not be created. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1007

The host SSH console connection could not be created. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1008

The host SSH console could not process the command. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1009

The host has an invalid IP address, or is blocked by a firewall. SSH failed. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1011

The root user's credentials for the gateway were not found.

Error 1012

The gateway SSH console connection failed. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1013

The root user for the gateway was not found.

Error 1014

The gateway readiness check has timed out.

Error 1017

The gateway SSH console connection could not be created. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1018

The gateway SSH console could not process the command. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1019

The gateway has an invalid IP address, or is blocked by a firewall. SSH failed. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1021

An error occurred in the connectivity check. Contact IBM Support.

Error 1022

The gateway readiness precheck failed with an unexpected exception. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1023

The gateway readiness precheck failed the DNS accessibility check on the Ubuntu host. Confirm there is network access to the private subnet from the host.

Error 1024

The gateway readiness precheck failed with an unexpected exception. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1025

The IPMI interface is disabled for the gateway host. Check IPMI status and enable the interface if is disabled. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1026

The Ubuntu host is unable to write to the attached storage as it is read only. Reboot the host and try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1101

An error occurred during the readiness check. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1104

The host experienced a precheck setup failure. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1105

The host experienced a precheck setup failure and cannot SSH to the gateway. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1107

The host experienced a precheck setup failure due to an invalid password. Correct the password and try again. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1114

The host has a precheck setup failure because insufficient memory is installed on the bare-metal server. A minimum of 32 GB is required. Contact IBM Support to install the required amount of memory.

Error 1117

The host's Ubuntu mirror server is not accessible. Retry the operation once the mirror is accessible.

Error 1118

The vFSA node is not started. Start the vFSA VM and retry the operation.

Error 1119

The vFSA node's VM is running but the node is not accessible via telnet. Exit from all console (telnet) sessions and retry the operation.

Error 1120

The vFSA node does not have a valid license. Remove any evaluation licenses and apply a valid license. Then retry the operation.

Error 1127

The Ubuntu host is missing an ethernet interface in bond0. Ensure bond0 includes the 2 private ethernet interfaces.

Error 1128

The Ubuntu host is missing an ethernet interface in bond1. Ensure bond1 includes the 2 public ethernet interfaces.

Error 1129

The Ubuntu host has an extra ethernet interface in bond0. Ensure bond0 only includes the 2 private ethernet interfaces.

Error 1130

The Ubuntu host has an extra ethernet interface in bond1. Ensure bond1 only includes the 2 public ethernet interfaces.

Error 1148

The vFSA HA cluster is not formed. The status is not in-sync. Contact IBM Support.

Error 1149

Unable to detect a valid vFSA license on the second node in the cluster. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1150

A private only vFSA was specified. Only a public/private vFSA network configuration is supported.

Error 1151

No network connectivity to the public port of the vFSA. Enable ping on the vFSA public IP and retry.

Error 1152

Unable to detect the vFSA build version. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1153

The detected vFSA build version is not supported by the IBM vFSA automation. Use the native vFSA upgrade/downgrade tool to load a supported version and retry.

Error 1155

The vFSA private IP is not pingable. Ensure the private IP allows icmp and try again.

Error 1156

Unable to retrieve vFSA information. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1164

The vFSA HA Cluster nodes are not in-sync. Contact IBM Support.

Error 1166

The gateway from the private subnet is not pingable from the vFSA Ubuntu host and/or from the vFSA node. Correct the networking and retry.

Error 1168

The Ubuntu server is running in rescue mode. Exit rescue mode and retry.

Warning 1186

The expected OS version for the member does not match the actual OS version detected on the server. Perform an OS Reload to the expected OS version to ensure the server OS is compatible with the Gateway version.