IBM Cloud Docs
Connectivity issue basics

Connectivity issue basics

There are several simple issues that might be causing your connectivity issues. Verify the following tasks to eliminate them as problems.

Checking your permissions

If you are encountering resource issues on the provisioning page, make sure you have the correct IAM permissions in order to use IBM Cloud Transit Gateway and IBM Cloud VPC for the connections you are attempting to make.

If you cannot successfully provision a transit gateway, your account administrator may have disabled certain users' visibility to the IBM Cloud catalog.

Using supported locations

If you are not able to establish connectivity between networks interconnected by a transit gateway, ensure that your networks are located in one of the Transit gateway supported locations. You will not be able to establish connectivity to a resource in an unsupported location.

Working with security groups

Security groups exist at the VSI level. Ensure that you allow the protocol you are using to egress from the originator and ingress at the target.

Working with Access Control Lists

Network Access Control Lists ACLs are applied at the VPC level. By default, they allow all inbound and outbound traffic. Check if you have changed this default.

Interconnecting VPCs

You can create a single transit gateway or multiple transit gateways to interconnect more than one IBM Cloud VPCs. You can also connect your IBM Cloud classic infrastructure to a transit gateway to provide seamless communication with classic infrastructure resources. For more information, refer to Interconnecting VPCs.