IBM Cloud Docs
Known issues

Known issues

IBM Cloud Pak for Data IBM Software Hub

Known issues are listed by the release in which they were identified.

5.1.x releases

Limitations and known issues in Watson Speech services.

5.0.x releases

Limitations and known issues in Watson Speech services.

4.8.x releases

Limitations and known issues in Watson Speech services.

4.7.x releases

Limitations and known issues in Watson Speech services.

4.6.x releases

Limitations and known issues in Watson Speech services.

4.5.x releases

Limitations and known issues in Watson Speech services.

The following known issues apply to service functionality that spans releases for all platforms.

Issue: The Ogg audio format is not supported with the Safari browser

9 September 2022: By default, the service returns audio in the Ogg audio format with the Opus codec (audio/ogg;codecs=opus). However, the Ogg audio format is not supported with the Safari browser. If you are using the Text to Speech service with the Safari browser, you must specify a different format in which you want the service to return the audio.

Issue: Sampling rate for ogg format with opus codec is always 48 kHz

22 August 2019: When you specify the audio/ogg;codecs=opus audio format, you can optionally specify a sampling rate other than the default 48,000 Hz. However, although the service accepts 48000, 24000, 16000, 12000, or 8000 as a valid sampling rate, it currently disregards a specified value and always returns the audio with a sampling rate of 48 kHz.