IBM Cloud Docs
Using a custom model for speech synthesis

Using a custom model for speech synthesis

Once you create a custom model and populate it with custom entries, you use it by passing its customization ID (GUID) with the customization_id query parameter of the HTTP GET or POST /v1/synthesize method or the WebSocket /v1/synthesize method. When you include a customization ID, you must call a synthesize method with credentials for the instance of the service that owns the specified custom model.

Examples of using a custom model

The first two examples generate a custom pronunciation for IEEE that is based on entries from the indicated custom model. The custom pronunciation is used instead of the default pronunciation from the service's regular pronunciation rules.

  • The HTTP GET /v1/synthesize method:

    IBM Cloud

    curl -X GET -u "apikey:{apikey}" \
    --header "Accept: audio/flac" \
    --output ieee.flac \

    IBM Cloud Pak for Data IBM Software Hub

    curl -X GET \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer {token}" \
    --header "Accept: audio/flac" \
    --output ieee.flac \
  • The HTTP POST /v1/synthesize method:

    IBM Cloud

    curl -X POST -u "apikey:{apikey}" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Accept: audio/flac" \
    --data "{\"text\":\"IEEE\"}" \
    --output ieee.flac \

    IBM Cloud Pak for Data IBM Software Hub

    curl -X POST \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer {token}" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Accept: audio/flac" \
    --data "{\"text\":\"IEEE\"}" \
    --output ieee.flac \

The third example establishes a WebSocket connection with the /v1/synthesize method. The request uses the indicated custom model to synthesize text that is passed over the connection.

var access_token = '{access_token}';
var wsURI = '{ws_url}/v1/synthesize'
  + '?access_token=' + access_token
  + '&voice=en-US_AllisonV3Voice'
  + '&customization_id=={customization_id}';
var websocket = new WebSocket(wsURI);