Viewing all subnets
The Subnets page lists each subnet that is associated with the account, along with specific information about the subnet, including its network, type, VLAN, location, target, and total number of IP addresses. Follow these steps to view the Subnets page.
- From your browser, open the IBM Cloud console and log in to your account.
- From the dashboard, click the Menu icon
and select Infrastructure > Classic Infrastructure.
- Select Network > IP Management > Subnets.
Filtering the list of subnets
The list of subnets can be filtered to narrow the subnets displayed at any time. Follow these steps to filter the information shown in the Subnets page.
- Expand the Filter subnets section to display the filter options.
- Specify values for one or more items in the menu list. Filter options include:
- Subnet
- Network
- Type
- Location
- Target
- Note
- Click Filter to apply the selected filters to the display.
After filtering, all subnets that correspond with the parameters set by the filter are displayed on the Subnets page. To clear all parameters set by the filter, click Clear.
The search bar acts on the filtered results. If you have no filters selected, it searches all subnets.
Other actions available
On the Subnets page, each subnet that is associated with the account is displayed within the list of subnets. From this page, you can view a subnet or VLAN's details, edit notes for a subnet, or order more IP addresses.
Click the download icon to download a comma-separated value file of your subnets.
If you have filters applied in the Filter subnets section, the CSV file contains only those filtered subnets. If no filters are applied, the CSV file contains all of your subnets. Any search bar filters in use have no effect on the contents of the CSV file.