IBM Cloud Docs
Setting up the IBM Cloud Schematics API

Setting up the IBM Cloud Schematics API

Before you begin using the IBM Cloud® Schematics API to deploy IBM Storage Scale, review and complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Make sure that you have access to an IBM Cloud account and that you generated an IBM Cloud API key to authenticate to IBM Cloud.
  2. If the GitHub repository that hosts the Terraform code is not public, generate a personal GitHub access token for authentication. If you are using the public IBM GitHub repository, you do not need to complete this task.
  3. Install the IBM Cloud CLI and login to the IBM Cloud account through the IBM Cloud CLI.
  4. Install Python 3 or a newer version.
  5. Follow the IBM Cloud Schematics SDK for Python instructions to set up and install the IBM Cloud Schematics API by using pip.
  6. Install all of the respective Python application dependencies that your Python code will be using, such as logging, os, yaml, and json, which are required when you use pip3 to run the application.

Next steps

After you've reviewed and completed the prerequisites for setting up the API, you are ready to Create a workspace.