IBM Cloud Docs
Retrieving action logs with Schematics API

Retrieving action logs with Schematics API

  1. To retrieve the logs for an action, such as generate a plan, apply a plan, and destroy resources using IBM Cloud® Schematics Python APIs, create a Python file and provide a name of your choice, for example,
  2. Copy and paste the Retrieve Schematics workspace action details using Python API example request into your Python file.
  3. Change the following parameters as part of the request:
    • Replace the authenticator = IAMAuthenticator('<ibm-api-key>') variable with your IBM Cloud API key.
    • Change the API endpoint to the endpoint mentioned in this link according to the location where you want your Schematics workspace to reside, for example, schematics_service.set_service_url('').
  4. Inside the schematics_service.get_workspace_activity function, provide the following parameters:
    • Provide the workspace ID that you generated in the Creating a workspace task, for example, us-south.workspace.Terraform-Schematics-Python-Workspace.b3bbc9f5.
    • Provide an activity ID that was generated as a successful response for the specific action for which you want to retrieve logs. You received an activity ID when you successfully completed the action in the Schematics workspace.
  5. Run the Python script by using python3 <python-file-name> to retrieve the logs for an action for your Schematics workspace in the IBM Cloud.
  6. You get an action ID, name, and action status, such as COMPLETED or FAILED, in response when it is determined whether the parameters passed as part of the request are valid. You should be able to retrieve the logs for an action for a specific Schematics workspace. If you don’t get a successful response, the error response contains the errors that you need to resolve. Resolve those errors and run the script until you are able to get a valid response and can retrieve the logs.

Example Python request

# Retrieve Schematics workspace action details using Python API

import json, logging

from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
from ibm_schematics.schematics_v1 import SchematicsV1


authenticator = IAMAuthenticator('<ibmcloud-api-key>')

schematics_service = SchematicsV1(authenticator = authenticator)

schematics_service.set_service_url('')"Started Retrieving the Schematic logs")

workspace_activity = schematics_service.get_workspace_activity(

print(json.dumps(workspace_activity, indent=2))"Completed Retrieving the Schematic logs")

Example Python response

INFO:root:Started Retrieving the Schematic logs
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "POST /identity/token HTTP/1.1" 200 992
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "GET /v1/workspaces/us-east.workspace.sunil-myworkspace-may12.2e0a560f/actions/6242ef71d4003bdae4a7ed7a3cbb0887 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
"action_id": "a11223334b11224345",
"name": "PLAN",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"message": [],
"performed_by": "",
"performed_at": "2019-08-21T14:07:25.814722573Z",
"templates": [
"template_id": "a1234b-2124",
"template_type": "terraform_v0.12",
"start_time": "2019-08-21T14:07:26.120106199Z",
"end_time": "2019-08-21T14:07:30.088495607Z",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"message": "{"messagekey":"M2001_ActivitySuccessful","parms":{},"requestid":"1234b1234b123-1234n13","timestamp":"2019-08-21T14:07:30.088498532Z"}",
"log_url": ""
INFO:root:Completed Retrieving the Schematic logs