IBM Cloud Docs
Deployment values

Deployment values

The following deployment values can be used to configure the Storage Scale cluster instance on IBM Cloud®:

Deployment values
Value Description Is it required? Default value
afm_server_profile The virtual instance or bare metal server instance profile type name used to create the AFM gateway nodes. For more information, see Instance Profiles and bare metal server profiles. No bx2-32x128
afm_cos_config Provide details for the Cloud Object Storage (COS) instance, including information about the COS bucket, service credentials (HMAC key), AFM fileset, mode (such as Read-only (RO), Single writer (SW), Local updates (LU), and Independent writer (IW)), storage class (standard, vault, cold, or smart), and bucket type (single_site_location, region_location, cross_region_location). Note: The afm_cos_config can contain up to 5 entries. For more details on COS bucket locations, refer to Endpoints and storage locations documentation. No [{cos_instance="", bucket_name="", bucket_region="us-south", cos_service_cred_key="", afm_fileset="fileset1", mode="iw", bucket_storage_class="smart", bucket_type="region_location"}]
bastion_key_pair Name of the SSH key configured in your IBM Cloud account that is used to establish a connection to the bastion and bootstrap nodes. Make sure that the SSH key is present in the same resource group and region where the cluster is being provisioned. If you do not have an SSH key in your IBM Cloud account, create one by using the SSH keys instructions. Yes Null
bastion_osimage_name Name of the image that used to provision the bastion node for the Storage Scale cluster. Only Ubuntu stock images of any version available to the IBM Cloud account in the specific region are supported. No ibm-ubuntu-24-04-6-minimal-amd64-2
bastion_vsi_profile The virtual server instance profile types name used to create the bastion node. For more information, see Instance profiles. No cx2-2x4
bootstrap_osimage_name Name of the custom image that you would like to use to create the Bootstrap node for the Storage Scale cluster. The solution supports only the default custom image that is provided. No hpcc-scale-bootstrap-v2-7-0
bootstrap_vsi_profile The virtual server instance profile types name used to create the bootstrap node. For more information, see Instance profiles. No bx2-8x32
bms_boot_drive_encryption To enable the encryption for the boot drive of the bare metal server. Select true or false. No false
client_cluster_key_pair Name of the SSH keys configured in your IBM Cloud account that is used to establish a connection to the client cluster nodes. Make sure that the SSH key is present in the same resource group and region where the cluster is provisioned. If you do not have an SSH key in your IBM Cloud account, create one by using the SSH keys instructions. Yes Null
client_vsi_osimage_name Name of the image that you would like to use to create the client cluster nodes for the IBM Storage Scale cluster. The solution supports only stock images that use RHEL8.10 version. No ibm-redhat-8-10-minimal-amd64-4
client_vsi_profile The virtual server instance profile type name is used to create the client cluster nodes. For more information, see Instance Profiles. No cx2-2x4
compute_cluster_filesystem_mountpoint Compute cluster (accessingCluster) file system mount point. The accessingCluster is the cluster that accesses the Owningcluster. For more information, see Mounting a remote GPFS file system. No /gpfs/fs1
compute_cluster_gui_password This compute cluster GUI password is used for logging in to the compute cluster through the GUI. The password must contain a minimum of eight characters. For a strong password, use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, one number, and a special character. Make sure that the password doesn't contain the username and must not start with a special character. Yes Null
compute_cluster_gui_username GUI username to perform system management and monitoring tasks on the compute cluster. The username must be at least four characters (any combination of lowercase and uppercase letters). Yes Null
compute_cluster_key_pair Name of the SSH key configured in your IBM Cloud account that is used to establish a connection to the compute cluster nodes. Make sure that the SSH key is present in the same resource group and region where the cluster is provisioned. The solution supports only one SSH key that can be attached to compute nodes. If you do not have an SSH key in your IBM Cloud account, create one by using the SSH keys instructions. Yes Null
compute_vsi_profile The virtual server instance profile types name used to create the compute cluster nodes. For more information, see Instance profiles. No bx2-2x8
compute_vsi_osimage_name Name of the image that you would like to use to create the compute cluster nodes for the IBM Storage Scale cluster. The solution supports both stock and custom images that use RHEL 8.10 version that have the appropriate Storage Scale functionality. The supported custom images mapping for the compute nodes can be found here. If you'd like, you can follow the instructions for Planning for custom images to create your own custom image. No hpcc-scale5221-rhel810
colocate_protocol_cluster_instances Enable it to use storage instances as protocol instances. No true
enable_ldap Set this option to true to enable LDAP for IBM Cloud HPC, with the default value set to false. No false
filesystem_block_size File system block size. Storage Scale supported block sizes (in bytes): 256K, 512K, 1M, 2M, 4M, 8M, and 16M. No 4M
ibmcloud_api_key This is the IBM Cloud API key for the IBM Cloud account where the IBM Storage Scale cluster needs to be deployed. For more information on how to create an API key, see Managing user API keys. Yes Null
ibm_customer_number The IBM Customer Number (ICN) that is used for the Bring Your Own License (BYOL) entitlement check. Note: An ICN is not required if the storage_type selected is evaluation. For more information on how to find your ICN, see What is my IBM Customer Number (ICN)? Conditional Null
filesets Mount point(s) and size(s) in GB of file share(s) that can be used to customize shared file storage layout. Provide the details for up to 5 file shares. No [{ mount_path = "/mnt/binaries", size = 0 }, { mount_path = "/mnt/data", size = 0 }]
ldap_admin_password The LDAP administrative password must be 8 to 20 characters long, with a mix of at least three alphabetic characters, including one uppercase and one lowercase letter. It must also include two numerical digits and at least one special character from (~@_+:) are required. It is important to avoid including the username in the password for enhanced security. [This value is ignored for an existing LDAP server]. Yes Null
ldap_basedns The dns domain name is used for configuring the LDAP server. If an LDAP server is already in existence, ensure to provide the associated DNS domain name. No Null
ldap_instance_key_pair Name of the SSH key configured in your IBM Cloud account that is used to establish a connection to the LDAP server. Make sure that the SSH key is present in the same resource group and region where the LDAP Servers are provisioned. If you do not have an SSH key in your IBM Cloud account, create one by using the SSH keys instructions. Yes Null
ldap_server Provide the IP address for the existing LDAP server. If no address is given, a new LDAP server is created. No Null
ldap_user_name Custom LDAP user for performing cluster operations. Note: Username must be between 4 to 32 characters, (any combination of lowercase and uppercase letters). [This value is ignored for an existing LDAP server]. No Null
ldap_user_password The LDAP user password must be 8 to 20 characters long, with a mix of at least three alphabetic characters, including one uppercase and one lowercase letter. It must also include two numerical digits and at least one special character from (~@_+:) are required. It is important to avoid including the username in the password for enhanced security. [This value is ignored for an existing LDAP server]. Yes Null
ldap_vsi_osimage_name Image name to be used for provisioning the LDAP instances. Note: Debian- based OS are only supported for the LDAP feature. No ibm-ubuntu-22-04-5-minimal-amd64-1
ldap_vsi_profile Profile to be used for LDAP virtual server instance. No cx2-2x4
management_vsi_profile The virtual server instance profile type name is used to create the management node. For more information, see Instance Profiles. No bx2-8x32
ldap_server_cert Provide the existing LDAP server certificate. This value is required if the ldap_server variable is not set to null. If the certificate is not provided or is invalid, the LDAP configuration may fail. For more information on how to create or obtain the certificate, refer to Enabling OpenLDAP service. No null
protocol_server_profile The virtual instance or bare metal server instance profile type name to be used to create the protocol nodes. For more information, see Instance Profiles and bare metal server profiles. No cx2-32x64
remote_cidr_blocks Comma-separated list of IP addresses that can access the Storage Scale cluster bastion node through SSH. For security purposes, provide the public IP addresses assigned to the devices that are authorized to establish SSH connections (for example, ""). To fetch the IP address of the device, use Yes Null
resource_group Resource group name from your IBM Cloud account where the VPC resources must be deployed. For more information, see Managing resource groups. No Default
resource_prefix Prefix that is used to name the IBM Cloud resources that are provisioned to build the Storage Scale cluster. Make sure that the prefix is unique since you cannot create multiple resources with the same name. The maximum length of supported characters is 64. No storage-scale
scale_encryption_type To enable file system encryption, specify either key_protect or gklm. If neither is specified, the default value is 'null' and encryption is disabled. No Null
scale_encryption_vsi_osimage_name Specify the image name to create the GKLM server when 'scale_encryption_type' is set to gklm. Only RHEL 8.10 stock images are supported. No hpcc-scale-gklm4202-v2-5-2
scale_encryption_vsi_profile Specify the virtual server instance profile type name used to create the storage nodes. For more information, see Instance profiles. Yes, if scale_encryption_enabled is set to "true". bx2-2x8
scale_encryption_server_count Setting up a high-availability encryption server. You need to choose at least 2 and the maximum number of 5. Yes, if scale_encryption_enabled is set to "true". 2
scale_encryption_admin_password The password for administrative operations in KeyProtect or GKLM must be between 8 and 20 characters long. It must include at least three alphabetic characters (one uppercase and one lowercase), two numbers, and one special character from the set (~@_+:). The password should not contain the username. For more information, see Password policy page to know more about the password policy of GKLM. Yes, if scale_encryption_enabled is set to "true". Null
scale_encryption_dns_domain IBM Cloud DNS Services domain name to be used for the GKLM cluster. Note: If an existing DNS domain is already in use, a new domain must be specified as existing domains are not supported. No
scale_encryption_instance_key_pair Name of the SSH key configured in your IBM Cloud account that is used to establish a connection to the Scale Encryption key server nodes. Make sure that the SSH key is present in the same resource group and region where the key servers are provisioned. The solution supports only one SSH key that can be attached to key server nodes. If you do not have an SSH key in your IBM Cloud account, create one by using the SSH keys instructions. No Null
storage_bare_metal_osimage_name Name of the image that you would like to use to create the storage cluster nodes for the Storage Scale cluster. The solution supports only an RHEL 8.10 stock image. No hpcc-scale5211-rhel810
storage_bare_metal_server_profile Specify the bare metal server profile type name to be used to create the bare metal storage nodes. For more information, see Bare metal server profiles. No cx2d-metal-96x192
storage_cluster_filesystem_mountpoint Storage Scale storage cluster (owningCluster) file system mount point. The owningCluster is the cluster that owns and serves the file system to be mounted. For more information, see Mounting a remote GPFS file system. No /gpfs/fs1
storage_cluster_gui_password The storage cluster GUI password is used for logging in to the storage cluster through the GUI. The password must contain a minimum of 8 characters. For a strong password, use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, one number, and a special character. Make sure that the password doesn't contain the username and it must not start with a special character. Yes Null
storage_cluster_gui_username GUI username to perform system management and monitoring tasks on the storage cluster. Note: The username must be at least four characters (any combination of lowercase and uppercase letters). Yes Null
storage_cluster_key_pair Name of the SSH key configured in your IBM Cloud account that is used to establish a connection to the storage cluster nodes. Make sure that the SSH key is present in the same resource group and region where the cluster is provisioned. The solution supports only one SSH key that can be attached to the storage nodes. If you do not have an SSH key in your IBM Cloud account, create one by using the SSH keys instructions. Yes Null
storage_type Select the Storage Scale file system deployment method. The Storage Scale scratch and evaluation types deploy the Storage Scale file system on virtual server instances, and the persistent type deploys the Storage Scale file system on bare metal servers. No scratch
storage_vsi_osimage_name Name of the image that you would like to use to create the storage cluster nodes for the IBM Storage Scale cluster. The solution supports both stock and custom images that use RHEL8.10 version and that have the appropriate Storage Scale functionality. If you like, you can follow the instructions for Planning for custom images to create your own custom image. No hpcc-scale5221-rhel810
storage_vsi_profile Specify the virtual server instance profile type name used to create the storage nodes. For more information, see Instance profiles. No bx2d-32x128
total_client_cluster_instances Total number of client cluster instances that you need to provision. A minimum of 2 nodes and a maximum of 64 nodes are supported. No 2
total_compute_cluster_instances Total number of compute cluster instances that you need to provision. A minimum of three nodes and a maximum of 64 nodes are supported. A count of 0 can be defined when no compute nodes are required. No 0
total_protocol_cluster_instances Total number of protocol nodes that you need to provision. A minimum of 2 nodes and a maximum of 16 nodes are supported. No 2
total_storage_cluster_instances Total number of storage cluster instances that you need to provision. A minimum of two nodes and a maximum of 64 nodes are supported if the storage type selected is scratch. A minimum of two nodes and a maximum of 42 nodes are supported if the storage type selected is persistent. No 2
total_afm_cluster_instances Total number of instances that you need to provision AFM nodes and enable AFM. No 0
vpc_availability_zones IBM Cloud availability zone names within the selected region where the Storage Scale cluster must be deployed. For the current release, the solution supports only a single availability zone. For more information, see Region and data center locations for resource deployment. Yes Null
vpc_cidr_block IBM Cloud VPC address prefixes that are needed for VPC creation. Since the solution supports only a single availability zone, provide one CIDR address prefix for VPC creation. For more information, see Bring your own subnet. No
vpc_client_cluster_dns_domain IBM Cloud DNS domain name to be used for client cluster. Note: If an existing DNS domain is already in use, a new domain must be specified as existing domains are not supported. No
vpc_compute_cluster_dns_domain IBM Cloud DNS Services domain name to be used for the compute cluster. Note: If an existing DNS domain is already in use, a new domain must be specified as existing domains are not supported. No
vpc_protocol_cluster_dns_domain IBM Cloud DNS Services domain name to be used for the protocol nodes. Note: If an existing DNS domain is already in use, a new domain must be specified as existing domains are not supported. No
vpc_compute_cluster_private_subnets_cidr_blocks The CIDR block that is required for the creation of the compute cluster private subnet. Modify the CIDR block if it has already been reserved or used for other applications within the VPC or conflicts with anyon-premises CIDR blocks when using a hybrid environment. Provide only one CIDR block for the creation of the compute subnet. No
vpc_compute_subnet Name of an existing subnet for compute nodes. If no value is given, a new subnet is created. Yes Null
vpc_dns_custom_resolver_name Name of an existing dns custom resolver. If no value is given, a new dns custom resolver will be created. Yes Null
vpc_dns_service_name Name of an existing dns resource instance. If no value is given, a new dns resource instance is created. Yes Null
vpc_name Name of an existing VPC in which the cluster resources will be deployed. If no value is given, then a new VPC is provisioned for the cluster. For more information, see IBM Cloud VPC docs. If your VPC has an existing DNS service make sure that the name of the DNS Service ends with prefix scale-scaledns [Example: cluster-name-scale-scaledns] Yes Null
vpc_protocol_cluster_private_subnets_cidr_blocks The CIDR block that is required for the creation of the protocol nodes private subnet. No [""]
vpc_protocol_subnet Name of an existing subnet for protocol nodes. If no value is given, a new subnet is created. Yes Null
vpc_storage_cluster_dns_domain IBM Cloud DNS Services domain name to be used for the storage cluster. Note: If an existing DNS domain is already in use, a new domain must be specified as existing domains are not supported. No
vpc_storage_cluster_private_subnets_cidr_blocks The CIDR block that is required for the creation of the storage cluster private subnet. Modify the CIDR block if it has already been reserved or used for other applications within the VPC or conflicts with any on-premises CIDR blocks when using a hybrid environment. Provide only one CIDR block for the creation of the storage subnet. No
vpc_storage_subnet Name of an existing subnet for storage nodes. If no value is given, a new subnet is created. Yes Null