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Resilient and secure multi-region Kubernetes clusters with IBM Cloud Internet Services

Resilient and secure multi-region Kubernetes clusters with IBM Cloud Internet Services

This tutorial may incur costs. Use the Cost Estimator to generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage.

Users are less likely to experience downtime when an application is designed with resiliency in mind. When implementing a solution with Kubernetes Service, you benefit from built-in capabilities, like load balancing and isolation, increased resiliency against potential failures with hosts, networks, or apps. By creating many clusters and if an outage occurs with one cluster, users can still access an app that is also deployed in another cluster. With many clusters in different locations, users can also access the closest cluster and reduce network latency. For additional resiliency, you have the option to also select the multi-zone clusters, meaning your nodes are deployed across many zones within a location.

This tutorial highlights how Cloud Internet Services (CIS), a uniform platform to configure and manage the Domain Name System (DNS), Global Load Balancing (GLB), Web Application Firewall (WAF), and protection against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) for internet applications, can be integrated with Kubernetes clusters to support this scenario and to deliver a secure and resilient solution across many locations.


  • Deploy an application on many Kubernetes clusters in different locations.
  • Distribute traffic across many clusters with a Global Load Balancer.
  • Route users to the closest cluster.
  • Protect your application from security threats.
  • Increase application performance with caching.

Figure 1. Architecture diagram of the tutorial

  1. The developer builds a Docker image for the application.
  2. The image is pushed to a Container Registry.
  3. The application is deployed to Kubernetes clusters in Dallas and London.
  4. End-users access the application.
  5. IBM Cloud Internet Services is configured to intercept requests to the application and to distribute the load across the clusters. In addition, DDoS Protection and Web Application Firewall are enabled to protect the application from common threats. Optionally assets like images, CSS files are cached.

Before you begin

This tutorial requires:

  • IBM Cloud CLI,
    • IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service plugin (kubernetes-service),
  • kubectl to interact with Kubernetes clusters,

You will find instructions to download and install these tools for your operating environment in the Getting started with solution tutorials guide.

In addition, make sure you:

Deploy an application to one location

This tutorial deploys a Kubernetes application to clusters in many locations. You will start with one location, Dallas, and then repeat these steps for London.

Create a Kubernetes cluster

A minimal cluster with one (1) zone, one (1) worker node and the smallest available size (Flavor) is sufficient for this tutorial.

When creating the following Kubernetes cluster:

  1. Set Cluster name to my-us-cluster.

  2. Locate in North America and Dallas

  3. Open the Kubernetes clusters and click Create cluster.

  4. Create a cluster on your choice of Infrastructure.

    • The following steps are if you select VPC for Kubernetes on VPC infrastructure. You are required to create a VPC and subnet(s) before creating the Kubernetes cluster. Reference the Creating VPC clusters documentation for more details.

      1. Click Create VPC.
      2. Under the Location section, select a Geography and Region, for example North America and Dallas.
      3. Enter a Name of your VPC, select a Resource group and optionally, add Tags to organize your resources.
      4. Uncheck Allow SSH and Allow ping from the Default security group.
      5. Uncheck Create subnet in every zone.
      6. Click on Create.
      7. Under Worker zones and subnets, uncheck the two zones for which the subnet wasn't created.
      8. Set the Worker nodes per zone to 1 and click on Change flavor to explore and change to the worker node size of your choice.
      9. Under Ingress, enable Ingress secrets management and select your existing Secrets Manager instance.
      10. Enter a Cluster name and select the same Resource group that you used for the VPC.
      11. Logging or Monitoring aren't required in this tutorial, disable those options and click on Create.
      12. While you waiting for the cluster to become active, attach a public gateway to the VPC. Navigate to the Virtual private clouds.
      13. Click on the name for the VPC used by the cluster and scroll down to subnets section.
      14. Click on the name of the subnet created earlier and in the Public Gateway section, click on Detached to change the state to Attached.
    • The following steps are if you select Classic for Kubernetes on Classic infrastructure. Reference the Creating a standard classic cluster documentation for more details.

      1. Under the Location section, select a Geography, multizone Availability, and Metro for example North America and Dallas.
      2. Under Worker zones and VLANs, uncheck all zones except for one.
      3. Set the Worker nodes per zone to 1 and click on Change flavor to explore and change to the worker node size of your choice.
      4. Under Master service endpoint, select Both private & public endpoints.
      5. Under Ingress, enable Ingress secrets management and select your existing Secrets Manager instance.
      6. Enter a Cluster name and select the Resource group to create these resources under.
      7. Logging or Monitoring aren't required in this tutorial, disable those options and click on Create.

While the cluster is getting ready, you are going to prepare the application.

Deploy the application to the Kubernetes cluster

The cluster should be ready. You can check its status in the Kubernetes Service console.

  1. Gain access to your cluster as described on the Access tab of your cluster. Something like:

    ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster $MYCLUSTER
  2. Create the deployment using a pre-built image of the application. The application source code can be found in this GitHub repository.

    kubectl create deploy hello-world-deployment

    Example output: deployment "hello-world-deployment" created.

  3. Make the application accessible within the cluster by creating a service:

    kubectl expose deployment/hello-world-deployment --type=ClusterIP --port=80 --name=hello-world-service --target-port=3000

    It returns message like service "hello-world-service" exposed. To see the services:

    kubectl get services
  4. Run the application in the cluster with two replicas:

    kubectl scale deployment hello-world-deployment --replicas=2
  5. You can check the status of the deployment with the following command:

    kubectl get pods

Get the Ingress Subdomain assigned to the cluster

When a Kubernetes cluster is created, it gets assigned an Ingress subdomain (for example, and a public Application Load Balancer IP address.

  1. Retrieve the Ingress subdomain of the cluster:
    ibmcloud ks cluster get --cluster $MYCLUSTER
    Look for the Ingress Subdomain value.
  2. Make note of this information for a later step.

This tutorial uses the Ingress Subdomain to configure the Global Load Balancer. You could also replace the Ingress Subdomain with the public Application Load Balancer, ALB of the cluster. An <IngressSubdomain> looks something like

Configure the Ingress for your DNS subdomain

It will be required to have your own DNS domain name and a global load balancer subdomain will be created in the following task: <glb_name>.<your_domain_name>. Something like <glb_name> = hello-world-service and <your_domain_name> =

  1. Create the file glb-ingress.yaml and replace the placeholders with their respective values:
    kind: Ingress
     name: <glb-name>
       spec.ingressClassName: "public-iks-k8s-nginx"
     - host: <glb-name>.<your_domain_name>
         - path: /
           pathType: Prefix
               name: hello-world-service
                 number: 80
  2. Add the ingress instance:
    kubectl apply -f glb-ingress.yaml
    It can take a few minutes before ingress becomes available as indicated by a value in the ADDRESS column in the command:
    kubectl get ingress
  3. Now test by configuring the curl Host http header with your DNS subdomain name to override the default of <IngressSubdomain>:
    curl --header 'Host: <glb_name>.<your_domain_name>' <IngressSubdomain>/hostname
    The curl command would look something like this: curl --header 'Host:'

And then to another location

Repeat the previous steps for the London location with the following replacements:

Configure multi-location load-balancing

Your application is now running in two clusters but it is missing one component for the users to access either clusters transparently from a single entry point.

In this section, you will configure IBM Cloud Internet Services (CIS) to distribute the load between the two clusters. CIS is a one-stop shopping service providing Global Load Balancer (GLB), Caching, Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Page rule to secure your applications while ensuring the reliability and performance for your Cloud applications.

To configure a global load balancer, you will need:

  • to point a custom domain to CIS name servers,
  • to retrieve the Ingress Subdomain of the Kubernetes clusters,
  • to configure health checks to validate the availability of your application,
  • and to define origin pools pointing to the clusters.

Register a custom domain with IBM Cloud Internet Services

The first step is to create an instance of CIS and to point your custom domain to CIS name servers.

  1. If you don't own a domain, you can buy one from a registrar.

  2. Navigate to IBM Cloud Internet Services in the IBM Cloud catalog.

  3. Pick a plan, set the service name and resource group, and click Create to create an instance of the service.

  4. When the service instance is provisioned, click on Add domain.

  5. Enter your domain name and click Next.

  6. Setup your DNS records is an optional step and can be skipped for this tutorial. click on Next.

  7. When the name servers are assigned, configure your registrar or domain name provider to use the name servers listed.

  8. At this point you can click on Cancel to get back to the main page, after you've configured your registrar or the DNS provider, it may require up to 24 hours for the changes to take effect.

    When the domain's status on the Overview page changes from Pending to Active, you can use the dig <your_domain_name> ns command to verify that the new name servers have taken effect.

Configure Health Check for the Global Load Balancer

Health Checks monitor responses to HTTP/HTTPS requests from origin pools on a set interval. They are used with origin pools to determine if the pools are still running properly.

  1. In the IBM Cloud Internet Services dashboard, use the navigation menu to select Reliability > Global Load Balancers.

  2. Select the Health checks tab and click Create.

    1. Set Name to hello-world-service
    2. Set Monitor Type to HTTP.
    3. Set Port to 80.
    4. Set Path to /.
    5. In the Configure request headers (optional) add Header name: Host and Value: <glb_name>.<your_domain_name>
    6. Click Create.

    When building your own applications, you could define a dedicated health endpoint such as /heathz where you would report the application state.

Define Origin Pools

A pool is a group of origin servers that traffic is intelligently routed to when attached to a GLB. With clusters in the United Kingdom and United States, you can define location-based pools and configure CIS to redirect users to the closest clusters based on the geographical location of the user requests.

One pool for the cluster in Dallas

  1. Select the Origin pools tab and click Create.
  2. Set Name to US.
  3. Set Origin Name to us-cluster.
  4. Set Origin Address to the kubernetes service <IngressSubdomain> printed by ibmcloud ks cluster get --cluster $MYCLUSTER for the US cluster.
  5. Set Health check to the one created in the previous section.
  6. Set Health Check Region to Western North America.
  7. Click Save.

One pool for the cluster in London

  1. Select the Origin pools tab and click Create.
  2. Set Name to UK.
  3. Set Origin Name to uk-cluster.
  4. Set Origin Address to the kubernetes service <IngressSubdomain> printed by ibmcloud ks cluster get --cluster $MYCLUSTER for the UK cluster.
  5. Set Health check to the one created in the previous section.
  6. Set Health Check Region to Western Europe.
  7. Click Save.

Create the Global Load Balancer

With the origin pools defined, you can complete the configuration of the load balancer.

  1. Select the Load balancers tab and click Create.

  2. Enter a name, <glb_name>, under Name for the Global Load Balancer. This name will also be part of your universal application URL (http://<glb_name>.<your_domain_name>), regardless of the location.

  3. Under Geo routes, click Add route.

    1. Select Default from the Region drop down.
    2. Select the pool US.
    3. Click Add.

    Repeat the process to create the following:

    List of Geo routes to create
    Region Origin Pool
    Default US
    Western Europe UK
    Eastern Europe UK
    Northeast Asia UK
    Southeast Asia UK
    Western North America US
    Eastern North America US

    With this configuration, users in Europe and in Asia will be redirected to the cluster in London, users in US to the Dallas cluster. When a request does not match any of the defined route, it will be redirected to the pool(s) in the Default region.

  4. Click Create

At this stage, you have successfully configured a Global Load Balancer with Kubernetes clusters across many locations. You can access the GLB URL http://<glb_name>.<your_domain_name>/hostname to view your application. Based on your location, you are redirected to the closest cluster or a cluster from the default pool if CIS was not able to map your IP address to a specific location.

Secure the application

Turn the Web Application Firewall On

The Web Application Firewall(WAF) protects your web application against ISO Layer 7 attacks. Usually, it is combined with grouped rule-sets, these rule-sets aim to protect against vulnerabilities in the application by filtering out malicious traffic.

  1. In the IBM Cloud Internet Services dashboard, navigate to Security, then on the WAF.
  2. Ensure the WAF is On.
  3. Click OWASP Rule Set. From this page, you can review the OWASP Core Rule Set and individually enable or disable rules. When a rule is enabled, if an incoming request triggers the rule, the global threat score will be increased. The Sensitivity setting will decide whether an Action is triggered for the request.
    1. Leave default OWASP rule sets as it is.
    2. Set Sensitivity to Low.
    3. Set Action to Simulate to log all the events.
  4. Click CIS Rule Set. This page shows additional rules based on common technology stacks for hosting websites.

For a secured connection with HTTPS, you can either obtain a certificate from Let's Encrypt as described in the following IBM Cloud® blog or through IBM Cloud Secrets Manager.

Increase performance and protect from Denial of Service attacks

A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt normal traffic of a server, service, or network by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of internet traffic. CIS is equipped to protect your domain from DDoS.

  1. In the CIS dashboard, select Reliability > Global Load Balancer.

  2. Locate the GLB you created in the Load Balancers table.

  3. Enable the Security and Performance features in the Proxy column:

    CIS Proxy Toggle ON
    CIS Proxy Toggle ON

Your GLB is now protected. An immediate benefit is that the origin IP addresses of your clusters will be hidden from the clients. If CIS detects a threat for an upcoming request, the user may see a screen like this one before being redirected to your application:

Verifying - DDoS protection
Verifying - DDoS protection

In addition, you can now control what content gets cached by CIS and how long it stays cached. Go to Performance > Caching to define the global caching level and the browser expiration. You can customize the global security and caching rules with Page Rules. Page Rules enable fine-grained configuration using specific domain paths. As example with Page Rules, you could decide to cache all contents under /assets for 3 days:

Page Rules
Page Rules

Remove resources

Remove Kubernetes Cluster resources

  1. Remove the Ingress, you can do so by running the following command:
    kubectl delete -f glb-ingress.yaml
  2. Remove the service, you can do so by running the following command:
    kubectl delete service hello-world-service
  3. Remove the deployment, you can do so by running the following command:
    kubectl delete deployment hello-world-deployment
  4. Delete the clusters if you created them specifically for this tutorial.

Remove CIS resources

  1. Remove the GLB.
  2. Remove the origin pools.
  3. Remove the health checks.
  4. Update the DNS for your custom domain.
  5. Delete the CIS instance if you created it specifically for this tutorial.

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