IBM Cloud Docs
Developing, hosting, and testing your service brokers

Developing, hosting, and testing your service brokers

The IBM Cloud® platform interacts with service brokers to create and manage service instances and service bindings. You can build your broker by using a combination of our public IBM Cloud service broker samples, Open Service Broker Reference App, and the Open Service Broker API documentation.

When you onboard your service to IBM Cloud, you must build one or more service brokers to manage the lifecycle of your service and its metering integration. For more information, see Metering integration.

What is a service broker?

Service brokers manage the lifecycle of services. Platforms interact with service brokers to create, get access to, and manage the services they offer. The Open Service Broker API defines these interactions to allow software providers to offer their services to anyone regardless of the technology or infrastructure those software providers choose. The service broker acts as a middleware component that handles the automatic provisioning of service instances for a product, and it helps with the usage tracking of the service instances.

A broker is useful if you are developing and offering software as a service, platform as a service, or infrastructure as a service across multiple vendors. It can increase business value by introducing the service broker to automate the provisioning and binding for customers. Also, customer management and usage tracking can be easier with a middleware component that handles these cross-cutting concerns. However, a service broker is not suitable if you have custom software that can be deployed on any virtual machine or platform.

When a user selects your service and its pricing plan from the IBM Cloud catalog and creates an instance, the data for the service including the pricing plan and metrics, is sent to your service broker. The broker is integrated with the backend system that manages the provisioning of service instances and the metrics for a selected pricing plan. If a customer deletes an instance of the product, a request is sent to the service broker, and it manages the deprovisioning of the instance.

Figure 1. Understanding the role of a service broker when a user selects a product from the IBM Cloud catalog.
A diagram that shows third-party providers what role a service broker performs when a user selects their product from the catalog.

The broker architecture provides significant benefits for both development and operations teams:

  • Developers can connect their applications and containers to the backing services they need. The operation is the same, regardless of the backing service.
  • Operators no longer have to manually create and delegate access to services. Instead, they configure a marketplace of services and service plans. From there, developers can self-serve, reducing the administrative costs many enterprises face today.

Each service broker that's built to the Open Service Broker API specification has the same intuitive set of lifecycle commands. These commands provide useful benefits for the service broker:

Fetching the catalog of backing services that a service broker offers
The catalog describes all of the services that can be created through a service broker, and each service is made up of plans. Plans typically represent the costs and benefits for a given variant of the service. Many services use plans related to the size the product, for example small, medium, and large.
Provisioning new service instances
A service instance is a created instance of a service and plan as described in the service broker’s catalog.
Connecting and disconnecting applications and containers from those service instances
When a service instance is created, you want your application or container to start communicating with that instance. From a service broker’s perspective, this is called a service binding.
Deprovisioning service instances
This action deletes all the resources that are created upon the initial creation of the service instance.

Before you begin

Building your broker

Configure and deploy a broker that has your required specifications by using the following documentation and sample applications:

Review the following sample applications:

Including required endpoints

All service brokers must set certain required endpoints. Additional endpoint logic is required for bindable services and disabling and reenabling service instances.

Required endpoint logic for all service brokers

Service brokers must provide a standard set of metadata values that are consumed by REST APIs, and IBM Cloud brokers must have logic for the following REST API endpoints or paths:

catalog (GET)
Returns your catalog metadata included in your broker.
resource instances (PUT)
Creates your service instance.
resource instances (DELETE)
Deletes your service instance.
resource instances (PATCH)
Updates your service instance.

Note on catalog (GET): This endpoint defines the contract between the broker and the IBM Cloud platform for the services and plans that the broker supports. This endpoint returns the catalog metadata that is stored within your broker. These values define the minimal contract between your service and the IBM Cloud platform. All additional catalog metadata that isn't required is stored within the IBM Cloud catalog. Any updates to catalog display values like links and icons must be updated in the IBM Cloud console, and not housed in your broker. None of metadata that is stored in your broker is displayed in the IBM Cloud console or the IBM Cloud CLI. The console and CLI return what was set within Partner Center Sell and stored in the IBM Cloud catalog. The following section shows the minimal-required values that catalog (GET) returns:

       "services": [{
           "id": "0bc9d744-6f8c-4821-9648-2278bf6925bb",
           "name": "ibmcloud-link",
           "description": "An IBM provided service that enables aliasing to service instances in the IBM Cloud.",
           "bindable": true,
           "plan_updateable": false,
           "plans": [
                   "id": "da40662d-2f72-4a19-8c79-8c77cf285e1",
                   "name": "ibmcloud-alias",
                   "free": true,
                   "description": "The IBM Cloud alias plan used for linking."

Required endpoints logic for bindable services

If your service can be bound to applications in IBM Cloud, it must return API endpoints and credentials to your service consumers. A bindable service must use the bindable operations in the Open Service Broker specification, and implement the following endpoints or paths:

bindings and credentials (PUT)
Binds your service instance to an application.
bindings and credentials (DEL)
Unbinds your service instance from an application.

Required IBM Cloud extension endpoints

The OSB specification doesn't support a disabled instance state. A disabled state includes a missing payment or other situations that result in an account suspension (but not yet cancellation) and is different from a deleted instance state. In order for IBM Cloud to support customers that might experience a disabled state, IBM Cloud defined the extended API endpoints that allow service instances to be disabled and re-enabled. The following endpoint extensions are required:

enable and disable instances (GET)
Status - returns the state of your service instance.
enable and disable instances (PUT)
Enable or disable a service instance.

It's the service provider's responsibility to disable access to the service instance when the disable endpoint starts and to re-enable that access when the enable endpoint is started.

Broker information provided by the IBM Cloud platform

Your service broker or brokers receive the following information from the IBM Cloud platform:


The user identity header is provided through an API originating identity header. This request header includes the user's IBM Cloud IAM Identity. The IAM Identity is base64 encoded. IBM Cloud supports a single authentication realm: IBMid. The IBMid realm uses an IBMid Unique ID (IUI) to identify the user's identity in IBM Cloud. This IUI is an opaque string to the service provider.


X-Broker-API-Originating-Identity: ibmcloud eyJpYW1faWQiOiJJQk1pZC01MEdOUjcxN1lFIn0=

API header version

The API version header is 2.12. For example: X-Broker-Api-Version: 2.12.

resource instance (PUT) body.context and resource instance (PATCH) body.context

PUT /v2/service_instances/:resource_instance_id and PATCH /v2/service_instances/:resource_instance_id receive the following value within body.context: { "platform": "ibmcloud", "account_id": "tracys-account-id", "crn": "resource-instance-crn" }.

Additional broker recommendations

Recommendations on using asynchronous instead of synchronous operations

The OSB API supports both synchronous and asynchronous modes of operation. If your operations are going to take less than 10 seconds, you must use synchronous responses. Otherwise, you must use the asynchronous mode of operation. The asynchronous mode requires the last_operation endpoint. For more information, see Get the status of a provision in-progress for a service instance.

Recommendations for managing brokers across locations

It's important for users to understand the location of their cloud services for latency, availability, and data residency.

When you're creating service instances on IBM Cloud, one of the required parameters your users provide is the location where they want that service instance to be created. Some services can support creation in multiple locations. For example, a database service can support creation in all IBM Cloud regions or it can support a subset.

If your third-party API-based service is implemented in another cloud and exposed into IBM Cloud, the location indicates the service's location in the other cloud.

When you onboard to IBM Cloud, you must implement at least one OSB broker. You can have more than one broker depending on your deployment strategy and the locations you want to support for your service. Within Partner Center Sell, you establish the mapping between your pricing plan and the broker. The typical choices are to define a single broker to service all locations for your service or to define a broker per location; this choice is up to the service provider.

For a list of available locations, review the IBM global catalog locations. If your service requires more locations to be defined, consult the IBM Cloud onboarding team.

Hosting your brokers

Your broker must be hosted as part of an application that can respond to REST API calls and your hosted location must meet IBM Cloud security guidelines. You might host your broker in IBM Cloud, or it can be hosted externally, if it's publicly accessible from IBM Cloud itself.

To host your broker outside of IBM, you must ensure that it meets the following security guidelines:

  • Must follow Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol version 1.2. For more information, see TLS protocol overview.
  • Must be hosted on a valid HTTPs endpoint that is accessible on the public internet

Testing your service's broker

You must validate your broker by running curl commands against the different endpoints that you enable. You need the hosted location of your service broker and the URL and credentials that are associated with your application. To test your broker, use the following methods:

Example curl request

Use the following example to test your brokers curl response:

curl -X PUT  https://<sample-service-broker>/v2/service_instances/<encoded-resource-crn> \
     -u '<your broker user>:<your broker password>' \
     -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -d '{ "context": {"platform": "ibmcloud", \
                        "account_id": "34ff5928-c3c7-4d46-bbf6-1a5628c325d1", \
                        "resource_group_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:resource-controller::a/003e9bc3993aec710d30a5a719e57a80::resource-group:b4570a825f7f4d57aa54e8e1d9507926", \
                        "crn": "<resource-crn>", \
                        "target_crn": "<target_crn>"}, \
            "service_id": "a07f025c-90db-4652-afd1-cf4adfac93c8", \
            "plan_id": "fe442cec-2eef-41fe-9f92-58d6c094584f"}'