IBM Cloud Docs
Release notes for Security and Compliance Center

Release notes for Security and Compliance Center

The following changes to the service were made available with the associated date.

23 April 2024

Updated rules

The following rules were updated:

  • Check whether Cloud Object Storage bucket resiliency is set to cross region or regional
  • Check whether Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) security groups have no inbound rules that specify source IP to SSH port
  • Check whether Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) security groups have no inbound rules that specify source IP to RDP port
  • Check whether Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network access control lists don't allow ingress from wildcard IP addresses to SSH port
  • Check whether Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network access control lists don't allow ingress from to RDP port

20 March 2024

New rules available

The following rules are now available:

  • Check whether there is at least one IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance in the region where Watson Machine Learning Service is available
  • Check whether all endpoints exposed by Watson Machine Learning instance are accessible only through TLS 1.2 or higher
  • Check whether all Watson Machine Learning Service instance are accessed only through a private endpoints
  • Check whether IBM Cloud IAM establishes minimum and maximum lifetime restrictions and reuse conditions for authenticators used in Watson Machine Learning services, such as API keys and Service IDs

19 March 2024

Scanning resources in other accounts is now available

You can now scan resources in other IBM Cloud accounts that are either part of an enterprise or outside of an enterprise. You can enable scanning across other accounts by adding these accounts to your attachment as target accounts. For more information about scanning resources in other IBM Cloud accounts, see Scanning resources across accounts.

You can take advantage of an automation script that can help you to automatically register to scan resources across accounts. For more information, check out the script in GitHub.

13 March 2024

IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services profile version 1.6.0

Version 1.6.0 of the IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services profile is now available. For more information, see the Change log.

New rules and rule changes are available

The following rules have been added or updated. They are not currently mapped to any profile, including the IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services profile. Users can now override the default value and specify an allowed IP or IP range as a parameter. Rules related to context-based restrictions only evaluate for public and private configurations. If you have configured direct endpoints, it will not evaluated by the following rules.

When a context-based restriction is set regarding private endpoints, your users will not be able to access a service through the UI unless an allowed IP address is set through your account settings.

The following rules are now available:

  • Check whether App Configuration can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Code Engine can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Security and Compliance Center can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Container Registry can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Kubernetes Service can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Databases for ElasticSearch can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Databases for EDB can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Databases for etcd can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Databases for MongoDB can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Databases for MySql can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Databases for PostgreSQL can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Databases for Redis can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Direct Link can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether DNS Services can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Event Notifications can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Hyper Protect Crypto Services can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether IAM access management can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether IAM access groups can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether IAM identities can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Key Protect can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether IBM Log Analysis can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether IBM Cloud Activity Tracker can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Event Streams can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Messages for RabbitMQ can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions and service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Schematics can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Secrets Manager can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether IBM Cloud Monitoring can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Transit Gateway can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether User Management can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs

The following rules are updated:

  • Check whether Code Engine can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service)
  • Check whether there are no wild cards in the private endpoint allow list for Code Engine (Context-based restrictions or service)

For more information about rules, see Defining custom rules.

OSPAR profile

Version 1.0.0 of the Outsourced Service Provider’s Audit Report (OSPAR) profile is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the Change log.

27 February 2024

New rules available

The following rules are now available:

  • Check whether App ID is enabled with customer-managed encryption and either Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) or Keep Your Own Key (KYOK)
  • Check whether Schematics is enabled with customer-managed encryption and either Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) or Keep Your Own Key (KYOK)
  • Check whether Block Storage for VPC is enabled with customer-managed encryption and either Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) or Keep Your Own Key (KYOK)
  • Check whether Cloud Object Storage is enabled with customer-managed encryption and either Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) or Keep Your Own Key (KYOK)
  • Check whether Red Hat OpenShift cluster is enabled with customer-managed encryption and either Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) or Keep Your Own Key (KYOK)
  • Check whether Kubernetes Service Cluster is enabled with customer-managed encryption and either Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) or Keep Your Own Key (KYOK)

For more information about rules, see Defining custom rules.

20 February 2024

New rules and rule changes are available

The following rules have been added or updated. They are not currently mapped to any profile, including the IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services profile. Users can now override the default value and specify an allowed IP or IP range as a parameter. Rules related to context-based restrictions only evaluate for public and private configurations. If you have configured direct endpoints, it will not evaluated by the following rules.

When a context-based restriction is set regarding private endpoints, your users will not be able to access a service through the UI unless an allowed IP address is set through your account settings.

The following rules have been added:

  • Check whether Cloud Object Storage can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Virtual Private Cloud can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Backup for VPC can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Bare Metal Servers for VPC can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Dedicated Host for VPC can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Virtual Private Endpoints for VPC can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether VPC floating IPs can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Flow Logs for VPC can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether VPC images can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Auto scale for VPC can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Virtual Servers for VPC can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether VPC SSH keys can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Load Balancer for VPC can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether VPC network access control lists can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether VPC placement groups can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether VPC public gateways can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether VPC security groups can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Block Storage Snapshots for VPC can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether VPC subnets can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Block Storage for VPC can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether Client VPN for VPC can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs
  • Check whether VPN for VPC can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service) and allowed IPs

For more information about rules, see Defining custom rules.

13 February 2024

New rules available

The following rules are now available:

  • Check whether App ID is enabled with customer-managed encryption and Bring Your Own Key (BYOK)
  • Check whether Schematics is enabled with customer-managed encryption and Bring Your Own Key (BYOK)
  • Check whether Event Streams is enabled with customer-managed encryption and Keep Your Own Key (KYOK)
  • Check whether an IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance is present across all provisioned regions
  • Check whether a Red Hat OpenShift cluster has at least # worker nodes across multiple zones

For more information about rules, see Defining custom rules.

23 January 2024

New rules available

The following rules are now available:

  • Check whether Databases for EDB can be evaluated to determine whether it can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service)
  • Check whether Databases for EDB can be evaluated to determine there are no wild cards in the private endpoint allow list (Context-based restrictions or service)
  • Check whether Databases for MySql can be evaluated to determine whether it can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service)
  • Check whether Databases for MySql can be evaluated to determine there are no wild cards in the private endpoint allow list (Context-based restrictions or service)
  • Check whether IBM Log Analysis can be evaluated to determine whether it can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service)
  • Check whether IBM Log Analysis can be evaluated to determine there are no wild cards in the private endpoint allow list (Context-based restrictions or service)
  • Check whether IBM Cloud Activity Tracker can be evaluated to determine whether it can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service)
  • Check whether IBM Cloud Activity Tracker can be evaluated to determine there are no wild cards in the private endpoint allow list (Context-based restrictions or service)
  • Check whether IBM Cloud Monitoring can be evaluated to determine whether it can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service)
  • Check whether IBM Cloud Monitoring can be evaluated to determine there are no wild cards in the private endpoint allow list (Context-based restrictions or service)
  • Check whether Messages for Rabbitmq can be evaluated to determine whether it can be accessed only through a private endpoint (Context-based restrictions or service)
  • Check whether Messages for Rabbitmq can be evaluated to determine there are no wild cards in the private endpoint allow list (Context-based restrictions or service)
Updated rules

The following rules are updated:

  • Check whether IBM Log Analysis can be evaluated to determine whether an instance exists in a required region and is configured to receive platform logs
  • Check whether Container Registry can be evaluated to determine there are no wild cards in the private endpoint allow list (Context-based restrictions or service)

For more information about rules, see Defining custom rules.

17 January 2024

Updated rule
The rule logic for Check whether Kubernetes Service version is up-to-date has changed. In a previous version of the evaluation, the logic compared the recommended version. Now, the logic compares the recommended version and supported versions. The rule ID is rule-e0686900-c022-4434-b04f-f7032bea1050.

15 December 2023

Caveonix Security Baselines for VMware profile
Version 1.0.0 of the Caveonix Security Baselines for VMware profile is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.
Command Line Interface
You can now interact with Security and Compliance Center through the CLI. You can review the updates in the CLI reference.

12 December 2023

IBM Cloud Security Best Practices profile has been removed
The IBM Cloud Security Best Practices profile has been removed. The profile was deprecated on September 12, 2023 and was removed according to schedule today.
IBM Cloud Red Hat OpenShift Kubernetes OCP4 (Version 1.1.0) profile has been removed.
Version 1.1.0 of the IBM Cloud Red Hat OpenShift Kubernetes OCP4 has been removed from the service.

11 December 2023

Version 1.0.0 of the ISMAP profile
Version 1.0.0 of the ISMAP profile is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.
Version 1.0.0 of the AI ICT Guardrails profile
Version 1.0.0 of the AI ICT Guardrails profile is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.

7 December 2023

Madrid availability
Security and Compliance Center is now available in the Madrid (eu-es) region. For more information about the availability of the service, see Regions and endpoints.

6 December 2023

Profile versioning now available
Profile versioning is now available in Security and Compliance Center. With profile versioning, you can upgrade to the latest version of a profile as updates are released. For more information about profile versioning, including timelines, see Managing profile versions.
Version 1.0.0 of the SOC 2
Version 1.0.0 of the SOC 2 is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.
Version 1.2.0 of the CIS Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Benchmark
Version 1.2.0 of the CIS Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Benchmark is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.
Version 1.2.0 of the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices
Version 1.2.0 of the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.
Version 1.2.0 of the AWS Well-Architected Framework
Version 1.2.0 of the AWS Well-Architected Framework is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.
Version 1.2.0 of the NIST SP 800-53 (Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations)
Version 1.2.0 of the NIST SP 800-53 (Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations) is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.
Version 1.2.0 of the CIS Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Benchmark
Version 1.2.0 of the CIS Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Benchmark is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.

21 November 2023

Version 1.1.0 of the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices
Version 1.1.0 of the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.
Version 1.1.0 of the AWS Well-Architected Framework
Version 1.1.0 of the AWS Well-Architected Framework is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.
Version 1.1.0 of the NIST SP 800-53 (Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations)
Version 1.1.0 of the NIST SP 800-53 (Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations) is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.

16 November 2023

Version 1.0.0 of the C5:2020 profile
Version 1.0.0 of the C5:2020 profile is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.

7 November 2023

New rules available

The following rules are now available:

  • Check whether DevSecOps Toolchain verifies all changes to source code have been manually reviewed
  • Check whether DevSecOps Toolchain validates signature provenance of each deployed artifact
  • Check whether an instance of IBM Log Analysis exists in each required region and is configured to receive platform logs
  • Check whether the Identity and Access Management service can now be evaluated to determine whether a user's contact email is valid
  • Check whether Secrets Manager can now be evaluated to determine whether certificates that are generated through the service are configured to be renewed before they expire
  • Check whether Event Notifications is configured to work with Security and Compliance Center

For more information about rules, see Defining custom rules.

Version 1.1.0 of the CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations Benchmark

Version 1.1.0 of the CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations Benchmark is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.

Version 1.1.0 of the CIS Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Benchmark

Version 1.1.0 of the CIS Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Benchmark is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.

Version 1.1.0 of the CIS Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Benchmark

Version 1.1.0 of the CIS Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Benchmark is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.

24 October 2023

For a select group of controls, remediation informaiton is now available in the Security and Compliance Center UI. To see remediation, navigate to your results, and select the control. A side panel opens with additional information, click the Non-compliant properties tab.

17 October 2023

Version 1.1.0 of the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service Benchmark
Version 1.1.0 of the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service Benchmark is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.
Version 1.1.0 of the CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations Benchmark
Version 1.1.0 of the CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations Benchmark is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.
You can view and analyze Security and Compliance Center logs by using the IBM® Log Analysis service and enabling platform logs in each region where you operate in IBM Cloud. For more information, see Logging for Security and Compliance Center.

10 October 2023

Version 1.0.0 of the ENS High profile
Version 1.0.0 of the ENS High profile is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.
Version 1.2.0 of the IBM Cloud Red Hat OpenShift Kubernetes OCP4 profile
Version 1.2.0 of the IBM Cloud Red Hat OpenShift Kubernetes profile is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.

28 September 2023

Terraform support
If you're already using Terraform with IBM Cloud, you can continue to use Terraform with Security and Compliance Center to read data sources and create resources.

23 September 2023

Profile name change

The following profile names have been updated:

  • IBM Cloud for Financial Services is now known as IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services
  • CIS IBM Foundations Benchmark is now known as CIS IBM Cloud Foundations Benchmark

There is no impact to your scans, just the name of the profile has been changed.

PCI DSS v4.0 profile

Version 1.0.0 of the PCI DSS v4.0 profile is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.

Version 5 of the IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services profile

Version 5 of the IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services profile is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log. This version of the profile has been renamed to IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services.

New version of the IBM Cloud Red Hat OpenShift Kubernetes OCP4 profile

Version 1.1.0 of the IBM Cloud Red Hat OpenShift Kubernetes OCP4 profile is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.

NIST SP 800-53 (Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations) profile

Version 1.0.0 of the NIST SP 800-53 (Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations) profile is now available in Security and Compliance Center. For more information about the profile, see the change log.

New rule available

The IBM Cloud Log Analysis service can now be evaluated to determine whether an instance exists in a specific region and whether platform logs are enabled. For more information about rules, see Defining custom rules.

Multi-environment profiles

You can now evaluate multiple environments by using the same profile. To get started with the multi-cloud flow, create a custom profile and then run an evaluation.

15 September 2023

Now available: Java SDK v5.0.0
A new version of the Security and Compliance Center Java SDK is now available. You can review the updates in the API docs.
Now available: Node SDK v5.0.0
A new version of the Security and Compliance Center Node.js SDK is now available. You can review the updates in the API docs.
Now available: Python SDK v5.0.0
A new version of the Security and Compliance Center Python SDK is now available. You can review the updates in the API docs.

12 September 2023

Profile deprecation: IBM Cloud Security Best Practices

As of 12 September 2023, the IBM Cloud Security Best Practices profile is deprecated. If you are currently working with the profile, be sure to keep the following timeline in mind.

  • 12 September 2023: Profile officially deprecated. There is no functionality change.
  • 12 October 2023: The creation of new and editing of existing attachments will be blocked starting on this date. Additionally, the profile will no longer be visible in the Profile page of the service UI. Previously created attachments will continue to be scanned.
  • 11 December 2023: The profile will be removed from the product. If an attachment exists with the profile, the scans will stop.

It is recommended that you move to another profile, such as CIS IBM Cloud Foundations Benchmark, to ensure continued support. However, if you want to continue working with the controls or assessments that are associated with the IBM Cloud Security Best Practices, you can use the profile to create a custom profile until the 12 October. You must then create a new attachment with your custom profile to initiate scanning.

If you're already working with the controls or assessments through a custom profile, you do not need to make any changes. Your scans will continue to run.

29 August 2023

Now available: Go SDK v5.0.2
A new version of the Security and Compliance Center Go SDK is now available. You can review the updates in the API docs.

9 August 2023

New rules available
The context based restrictions platform service is now available for you to create custom rules. Additionally, rules surrounding private endpoints are now available. For more information about rules, see Defining custom rules.
IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile version 1.4.0
Version 1.4.0 of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile is now available. For more information, see the Change log.

17 July 2023

Results from multiple environments are now available
You can now pull results from multiple environments, including Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure into Security and Compliance Center by connecting an instance of Workload Protection to the service. For help getting started, see Connecting Workload Protection.
New profiles are now available
Version 1.0.0 of the the following profiles are now available:
New API version available
The Security and Compliance Center version 3.0.0 is now available. All endpoints have changed to support the new architecture. For more details, review the API reference.

12 July 2023

IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service Benchmark profile version 1.0.0
Version 1.0.0 of the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service Benchmark profile is now available. This profile introduces the new assessment format wp-rule. For more information, see the Change log. To view results by using this profile, you must have a connected instance of Workload Protection. For help getting started, see Connecting Workload Protection.
New rule operators
You can now use the operators strings allowed, strings_required, string_contains, and string_not_contains to create custom rules. For more information about the new operators or help getting started with custom rules, see Defining custom rules.

8 July 2023

Security and Compliance Center is now an instance-based, regional offering

You now have full control over the region that is used when Security and Compliance Center processes your data. To process data in different regions, you can create multiple instances of the service in a single account. As part of this architecture change, any Identity and Access Management (IAM) access policies or context-based restrictions that are scoped to “All Account Management Services” will no longer apply to Security and Compliance Center. Users who have access to “All Identity and Access Enabled Services” will now have access to Security and Compliance Center. Additionally, if you are working with private catalogs, Security and Compliance Center must be added to the private catalog as an approved service in order for members of your organization to create an instance.

If users have a quota on the number of resources for their account that has already been met, instances of the service will not be able to be created.

1 July 2023

Support removed for the collector-based architecture

The collector-based architecture has been removed from the product in preparation for an upcoming architectural change to a regional offering.

The events related to collector-based evaluations have also been removed. To continue to receive events for your evaluations you must update your topics in Event Notifications.

23 June 2023

New rules available
The Global Search and Tagging platform service is now available for you to create custom rules. Rules can be written to evaluate resources that have been assigned specific tags. For more information about rules, see Defining custom rules.
Attachment details available
The create attachment flow has been updated to include details as an input. Profiles that were previously created will now see a name comprised of the combination of a scope-type and scope ID in the profiles table.. You can add a custom name at any time by editing your profile.

20 June 2023

IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile version 1.3.0
Version 1.3.0 of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile is now available. For more information, see the Change log.
IBM Cloud Security Best Practices profile version 1.2.0
Updates to version 1.2.0 of the IBM Cloud Security Best Practices library and profile are now available. For more information, see the Change log.

7 June 2023

OpenShift Compliance Operator (OSCO)
You can now evaluate your OpenShift clusters by using the OSCO integration in the updated architecture. For help getting started or customizing your workflow, see Evaluate the compliance of your RedHat OpenShift Clusters.

29 May 2023

Reminder: Security and Compliance Center will become regional

Starting 8 July 2023 Security and Compliance Center will be a provisionable, regional service offering in the IBM Cloud catalog. With this change, you will have full control over the region that is used when Security and Compliance Center processes your data. To process data in different regions, you can create multiple instances of the service in a single account.

deprecated To support this change, support for the collector-based architecture was deprecated. This means that all of the configurations surrounding collectors, goal-based profiles, collector-based scans, goal-based results, and credentials will be removed at the end of support on 1 July 2023.

Additionally, the following changes will be made:

  • Any Identity and Access Management (IAM) access policies or context-based restrictions that are scoped to “All Account Management Services” will no longer apply to Security and Compliance Center. Users who have access to “All Identity and Access Enabled Services” will now have access to Security and Compliance Center.
  • If users have access only to products added to a private catalog and not the full IBM Cloud catalog, then Security and Compliance Center must be added to their private catalog to enable them to create an instance.
  • If users have a quota on the number of resources for their account that has already been met, instances of the service will not be able to be created.

During this update, you are responsible for the migration of your scan configurations to the new architecture. You can start this migration at any time.

As you begin your migration, please keep the following dates in mind:

  • 8 June 2023: The location setting in Security and Compliance Center will be frozen until the upgrade is complete. The location that is specified in the service is the region in which your new instance will be created. Additional instances can be created starting in July.
  • 1 July 2023: The collector-based architecture will be removed from Security and Compliance Center.
  • 8 July 2023: A regional instance of Security and Compliance Center will be available in your account based on your set location and the global instance will be removed. Additionally, the changes to IAM and context-based restrictions take effect.

You might see two instances of Security and Compliance Center through the Billing page during the migration period although you can’t see two instances in your account. This is due to the way that the migration is being conducted. You are only billed through one. When the migration is complete, the global instance will be removed from your account.

2 May 2023

Schedule the frequency of your scans
You can now schedule the frequency at which your scans are run in the updated architecture. Options include everyday, every 7 days, and every 30 days. You can also now pause your scans. It is recommended that you continue to scan your environments daily. To get started, see Scanning IBM Cloud resources.

1 May 2023

Support for context-based restrictions (CBR)
Manage user and service access to your Security and Compliance Center resources by using context-based restrictions, based on defined criteria. For more information, see Protecting Security and Compliance Center resources with context-based restrictions.

25 April 2023

Filter results by tag
You can now filter your results by specific tags. For more information about viewing and filtering results, see Viewing results in the dashboard.

24 April 2023

Now available: Toronto location
Toronto is now available as a location for processing your data. To learn more about how data is processed in Security and Compliance Center, see Storing and encrypting.

20 April 2023

Updates to the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile
Version 1.2.0 of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile are now available. For more information, see the Change log.

17 April 2023

Updates to the IBM Cloud Security Best Practices library and profile
Updates to version 1.1.0 of the IBM Cloud Security Best Practices library and profile are now available. For more information, see the change log.

10 April 2023

Customize notifications per attachment
As part of creating an attachment, you can now configure notifications by attachment. You can set a customized failure threshold or select specific controls that you want to be alerted for. By default, when notifications are enabled for your account, you are notified if 15% of the controls in a single scan fail. To adjust this you can adjust the threshold or you can turn off notifications as you create an attachment.

If you already have notifications configured they were migrated to the new format. To update your notification settings, you can do so in the settings of each attachment.

31 March 2023

deprecated Collector-based architecture
Starting 30 June 2023 Security and Compliance Center will be a provision-able, regional service offering in the IBM Cloud catalog. As this change is made, support for the collector-based architecture (v1) that currently resides in the Hybrid Cloud section of the UI will be removed. If you are exclusively evaluating IBM Cloud resources, you can start migrating at any time to the improved user experience by creating an attachment. If you are working using a collector to evaluate a hybrid cloud scenario, additional information will be available about your migration plan soon.

13 March 2023

New version of the IBM Cloud Security Best Practices library
Version 1.1.0 of the IBM Cloud Security Best Practices library and profile are now available. For more information, see the Change log.

3 February 2023

New version of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services library
Version 1.1.0 of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services library and profile are now available. For more information, see the Change log.

14 December 2022

A new and improved experience for Security and Compliance Center is now available!

We've been working in the background for the past several months to incorporate all of the feedback that we've received and we’re excited to share our new and improved architecture with you. When you work with our new architecture, there are a few changes to terminology and functionality that you’ll need to be aware of.

  • Enterprise support: Hierarchical management of organizational compliance

  • Simplified setup: There is no need to create service IDs, write IAM policies, or manage API keys when working with IBM Cloud.

  • More customization: Create version-able controls, profiles, and assessments through simple declarative rules and then customize evaluation parameters for each attachment.

  • New profile format: Moving from a goal-based architecture to an assessment based architecture to provide more transparency into how evaluations are conducted.

  • Customer-owned storage: Duration and capacity limits for saved monitoring results are removed by allowing you to secure your compliance data in your own Cloud Object Storage bucket

  • Terminology: With the introduction of our new architecture, terminology has been re-evaluated and updated to ensure a more cohesive experience of the product.

As previously announced, the Configuration Governance component has been removed as part of this release. This means that any rules that previously existed in your account have been removed and are no longer being enforced.

10 October 2022

Updates coming soon!

A new and improved experience for Security and Compliance Center is on its way! We've been working in the background for the past several months to incorporate all the feedback that we've received and we're almost ready to share it with you. To ensure the best experience possible, there are a few changes to the current functionality that you'll need to be aware of. When our new experience is released, you can expect to see:

A more seamless integration for IBM Cloud resources! Not only will you no longer be required to configure and deploy a collector to scan resources that run on IBM Cloud, but your experience in the UI will now be more consistent throughout the product.

The removal of Configuration Governance. Although rules will continue to exist in the new experience, we are temporarily removing the Configuration Governance component of the service which is currently used for enforcement. While there is no timeline in place for this functionality to return, we will keep you updated.

21 September 2022

Now available: New version of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile
Version 0.6.0 of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile is now available with new goals and controls. For more information, see the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile change log.

1 September 2022

New properties available for Virtual Private Cloud
IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud now has additional properties available as part of the Configuration Governance component. You can create guardrails for virtual servers such as restricting the use of floating IPs and service metadata.
Removed: Credential passphrase
As of today, 1 September 2022, the ability to use a passphrase to manage the security of your credentials is deprecated in favor of Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) functionality. If you did not disable your passphrase and return to IBM-managed, you must recreate all of your credentials to continue to scan your resources. For help enabling BYOK or to learn more about how your credentials are protected, see Storing and encrypting data in Security and Compliance Center.

11 August 2022

Now available: New version of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile
Version 0.5.0 of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile is now available with new goals and controls. For more information, see the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile change log.

9 August 2022

New available: Longer default storage
The data that is generated during a scan is now stored for 180 days. This is an increase from 30 days. For more information about how your data is stored, see Storing and encrypting data in Security and Compliance Center.

3 August 2022

Change to permission requirements for integrations

As of today, Security and Compliance Integrations permissions for viewing, creating, updating, and deleting integrations in Security and Compliance Center are no longer supported. To work with integrations use the following action to role mappings:

  • compliance.posture-management.integrations-read: View an integration in Security and Compliance Center.
  • compliance.posture-management.integrations-create: Create an integration in Security and Compliance Center.
  • compliance.posture-management.integrations-update: Update an integration in Security and Compliance Center.
  • compliance.posture-management.integrations-delete: Delete an integration in Security and Compliance Center.

For more information about required permissions, view Managing IAM access for Security and Compliance Center.

2 August 2022

Deprecated: Credential passphrase
As of today, the ability to create a passphrase to manage the security of your credentials is deprecated in favor of the Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) functionality. If you are currently using a passphrase to protect your credentials, you must disable the passphrase by returning to IBM-managed encryption before 1 September 2022. Then, you can enable BYOK on the Settings page of the Security and Compliance Center UI. For more information about how your credentials are protected, see Storing and encrypting data in Security and Compliance Center.

25 July 2022

Now available: Profile updates
Goal updates are now available IBM Cloud Security Best Practices Profiles. For more information see the IBM Cloud Security Best Practices change log.

12 July 2022

Now available: New region - WDC
Security and Compliance Center is now configured to use the Washington DC region as a back up should a disaster scenario occur.

23 June 2022

Now available: New version of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services
Version 0.4.0 of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile is now available with new goals and controls. For more information, see the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile change log.

1 June 2022

As of 1 June 2022, the Security Insights component of Security and Compliance Center is deprecated and support was removed. A replacement has not yet been found. Please note, this discontinuation does not affect the other features in Security and Compliance Center. If you have comments, questions, or concerns, please reach out to Jessica Doherty by email at

27 May 2022

Profiles are constantly expanding and are not an exhaustive list of all the controls that might be required for every organization. Users can validate the available goals and determine where a need to supplement their workloads with other security and compliance measures exists.

Now available: IBM Cloud Security Best Practices Controls profile
Released today, the IBM Cloud Security Best Practices profile is a collection of goals that can help an organization to ensure that they are adhering to best practices as defined by IBM Cloud security.
Now available: The IBM Cloud Control Library profile
As part of this release the IBM Cloud Best Practices Controls 1.0 profile was renamed to the IBM Cloud Control Library. The IBM Cloud Control Library is a profile that contains all the available controls and goals that are available for IBM Cloud. The library cannot be used to scan your resources directly, but you are able to create a custom profile from the library.
Now available: New version of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile
Version 0.3.0 of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile is now available with new goals and controls. For more information, see the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile change log.

13 May 2022

New pricing plans available
The Posture Management component of the Security and Compliance Center is now a paid component. For more information about how pricing works and the available plans, see How does Security and Compliance Center calculate pricing?

For the most up-to-date pricing information, you can create a cost estimate by clicking Add to estimate from either the provisioning or plan page.

5 May 2022

In addition to bug fixes and general updates, version 0.2.0 of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile is updated with the following changes as of 4 May 2022.

Table. Summary of IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile changes for 4 May 2022
Goal ID Associated controls Update
3000906 SC-8-0, SC-8(1), SC-13, and SC-23 Updated goal and fact collection logic.
3000601 CM-8(3)(a), RA-5(a), SI-2(2), and SI-2(a) Updated goal logic to consider whether the status is either unscanned or incomplete.
3000601 CM-8(3)(a), RA-5(a), SI-2(2), and SI-2(a) Updated messaging.
3000407 SC-8-0, SC-8(1), SC-13, and SC-23 Updated goal and fact collection logic.
3000462 CM-2, CM-7(a), CM-8(3)(a), and SA-3(a) Updated goal and fact collection logic.
3000029* AC-3, AC-5(b), AC-6-0, and AC-2(i) Goal is removed.

*This goal is also removed from version 0.1.4.

5 April 2022

New version of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile
Version 0.1.4 and Version 0.2.0 of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile are now available with new goals and controls. For more information, see the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile change log.

23 March 2022

New goals
You might notice that your compliance score changed even though you didn't update any of your configurations. New goals were added to the Security and Compliance Center profiles that your resources are automatically scanned for. For detailed descriptions of the new goals, you can review the IBM Best Practices Controls 1.0 profile. All the goals with ID's in the following ranges are new.
  • Goal ID's: 3000046 - 3000048 and 3000473 - 3000474.

10 March 2022

Create rule flow updates
When you create a rule by using the console, the flow now includes the attachment of a scope. To try out the new flow, see the Security and Compliance Center UI.
Quick start: Posture Management
The Security and Compliance Center UI was updated to include more information in the overview page and a new Quick Start wizard for the Posture Management component of the service. To try it out, see the Security and Compliance Center UI.

1 March 2022

Create scope flow updates
The create scope flow is now updated in the GUI to include the scheduling of scans as part of the creation of a scope. To try out the new flow, see the Security and Compliance Center UI.

17 February 2022

New service available in Configuration Governance
VPN for Virtual Private Cloud is now available as part of the Configuration Governance component. You can create guardrails for VPN for VPC such as enforcing specific IPsec and IKE policies for authentication and encryption.

27 January 2022

Add parameters during credential mapping
When resources such as an instance of Kubernetes Service clusters are scanned, additional parameters must be provided in order for the collector to access all their configuration data. If so, additional fields are displayed in the Security and Compliance Center UI when you are mapping credentials.
Now available: New version of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile
Version 0.1.3 of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile is now available with new goals and controls. For more information, see the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile change log.

21 January 2022

New service available in Configuration Governance
IBM Cloud App ID is now available as part of the Configuration Governance component. You can create guardrails for App ID such as enforcing whether monitoring of runtime activity that is made by application users is tracked.

11 January 2022

New service available in Configuration Governance
IBM Cloud Code Engine is now available as part of the Configuration Governance component. You can create guardrails for Code Engine such as ensuring that projects can be created only within specific regions.

13 December 2021

Event Notifications integration

You can now integrate with IBM Cloud Event Notifications so that you can view and manage all your Security and Compliance Center alerts in a single location. With a fast alert time, you're able to immediately start an investigation into any reported issue and fix the vulnerability before it becomes a problem in your application.

To connect the Security and Compliance Center with the Event Notifications service, see Enabling event notifications. For more information, check out the announcement blog.

Deprecation of the alerts capability

As of 13 December 2021, alerts are deprecated in favor of Event Notifications. The ability to create alerts within the Security and Compliance Center is no longer supported. You can continue to view, enable, disable, or delete your existing alerts until 15 March 2021. After this date, any existing alerts will be deleted, and the feature will be removed from the UI.

To enable the new notifications capability, you can go to the Global settings > Event Notifications section of the Security and Compliance Center UI. For more information, see Enabling event notifications.

9 December 2021

Customer-managed collectors can now be installed on a cluster
You can now install your customer-managed collector on to an IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service or OpenShift cluster.
New service available in Configuration Governance
IBM Cloud Container Registry is now available as part of the Configuration Governance component. You can create guardrails for Container Registry such as restricting an account so that it can push and pull images only over private connections.

22 November 2021

New goals
You might notice that your compliance score changed even though you didn't update any of your configurations. New goals were added to the Security and Compliance Center profiles that your resources are automatically scanned for. For detailed descriptions of the new goals, you can review the IBM Best Practices Controls 1.0 profile. All the goals with ID's in the following ranges are new.
  • Goal ID's: 3000542 - 3000544 and 3000321.

1 November 2021

Scan your OpenShift clusters
The ability to scan your OpenShift clusters is now available through the OpenShift Compliance Operator(OSCO) integration

27 October 2021

Deprecation of the bookmarks capability
The ability to create bookmarks or direct connections within the Security and Compliance Center will be deprecated on 30 November 2021, when the feature will be removed from the UI. Be sure to save any bookmarked URLs that you need to before the deprecation date.

16 September 2021

New version of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile
Version 0.1.2 of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile is now available with new goals and controls. For more information, see the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile change log.

2 September 2021

New goals
You might notice that your compliance score changed even though you didn't update any of your configurations. New goals were added to the Security and Compliance Center profiles that your resources are automatically scanned for. For detailed descriptions of the new goals, you can review the IBM Best Practices Controls 1.0 profile. All the goals with ID's in the following ranges are new.
  • Goal ID's: 3000526 - 3000533

18 August 2021

New goals
You might notice that your compliance score changed even though you didn't update any of your configurations. New goals were added to the Security and Compliance Center profiles that your resources are automatically scanned for. For detailed descriptions of the new goals, you can review the IBM Best Practices Controls 1.0 profile. All the goals with ID's in the following ranges are new.
  • Goal ID's: 3000510 - 3000525 and 3000640.

22 July 2021

New Posture Management API endpoints
With this release, 9 new API endpoints for the Posture Management API are available. To get started, see the Posture Management API documentation.
Consolidated SDK package
To make it easier to programmatically access the API from your code, Security and Compliance Center SDK packages are now available. The SDKs implement best practices for using the API and reduces the amount of code that you need to write. For more information, see the documentation for the following APIs:
  • Admin
  • Configuration Governance
  • Posture Management
New goals
You might notice that your compliance score changed even though you didn't update any of your configurations. New goals were added to the Security and Compliance Center profiles that your resources are automatically scanned for. For detailed descriptions of the new goals, you can review the IBM Best Practices Controls 1.0 profile. All the goals with ID's in the following ranges are new.
  • Goal ID's: 3000509

24 June 2021

New version of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile
Version 0.1.1 of the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile is now available with new goals and controls. For more information, see the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile change log.

22 June 2021

Tanium integration
Now, you can configure Tanium Comply to forward your compliance data. With Tanium Comply, you can evaluate your organizations endpoints for potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations against industry security standards, vulnerability definitions, and custom compliance checks. When you integrate Tanium with the Security and Compliance Center, you can view all your compliance data in one location in the same format.

14 June 2021

IBM-managed collector
A collector is used to gather the configuration information about your resources and then validate it against a specified standard. Previously, you were responsible for the installation and lifecycle management of the collector. Now, you can get a proof of concept up and running quickly by configuring an IBM-managed collector.
New goals
You might notice that your compliance score changed even though you didn't update any of your configurations. New goals were added to the Security and Compliance Center profiles that your resources are automatically scanned for. For detailed descriptions of the new goals, you can review the IBM Best Practices Controls 1.0 profile. All the goals with ID's in the following ranges are new.
  • Goal ID's: 3000901 - 3000907

5 April 2021

Initial Posture Management API support

As part of this release, the Posture Management component of the service provides three external APIs that you can use as part of your security and compliance automation. For more information, see the Posture Management API docs.

Proxy support for discovery and fact collection

With this release, you can configure your collector to use a proxy to access the public endpoints to enhance the security of your scans.

New goal mapping

The goal 3000045 is now mapped to CM-2 NIST 800 and were added to an additional profile.

IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile

Released today, the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile is a collection of curated goals. These goals can help organizations on the path to meeting the NIST 800-53 security controls that are required for financial institutions. By validating your resources against the IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile, you can be more confident that your IBM Cloud resources are following best practices for security and compliance.

Important: The IBM Cloud for Financial Services profile are constantly expanding and is not an exhaustive list of all the controls that might be required for every organization. Users can validate the available goals and determine where a need to supplement their workloads with other security measures exists.

23 March 2021

Manage the location in which your data is stored

Have specific regulations around where your data is stored and processed? With Security and Compliance Center, you can now choose the location in which the data that is generated by the service is managed. To set your location preferences, you can go to the Menu icon Menu icon > Security and Compliance > Data Settings.

For more information, see Storing and encrypting data in Security and Compliance Center.

15 March 2021

Customize default values for your resources

Looking for more options to help you govern IBM Cloud resources? With Security and Compliance Center, you can now create templates that define your preferred property values for target resources in your selected IBM Cloud accounts. After you create a template and attach it to a scope, your customized defaults override the default values that are provided by IBM.

To get started with templates, you can go to the Menu icon Menu icon > Security and Compliance > Govern resources > Configure > Templates, or check out the API reference to learn more about creating templates programmatically.

For more information, see What is Configuration Governance?

17 February 2021

Manage your own encryption

If you're using Security and Compliance Center to monitor your current posture, you can now manage your encryption settings in the Data settings tab of the service UI.

By default, the data that is generated by the Security and Compliance Center is encrypted at rest by IBM. To control the encryption of your data, you can enable a key management service and select your own key. For more information, see Protecting your sensitive data.

New goals

You might notice that your compliance score changed even though you didn't update any of your configurations. 51 new goals were added to the IBM profiles that your resources are automatically scanned for. For detailed descriptions of the new goals, you can review the IBM Best Practices Controls 1.0 profile. All the goals with ID's in the following ranges are new.

  • Goal ID's: 3000110 - 3000117
  • Goal ID's: 3000256 - 3000279
  • Goal ID's: 3000311 - 3000320
  • Goal ID's: 3000631 - 3000639

15 December 2020

Updated Scopes page
An improved experience is now available for viewing, creating, and deleting scopes.
Updated Inventory page
You can now delete inventories that you no longer require.
New dashboard widget
Monitor your overall security and compliance at a glance by adding a Security and Compliance Center widget to your dashboard in the IBM Cloud console. To learn more about customizing your dashboard, check out Working with scoped dashboards.

8 December 2020

Updated Goals page
An improved experience is now available for viewing and customizing goals.
Updated Profiles page
An improved experience is now available for viewing and managing profiles. For more information, see Working with profiles.

19 November 2020

Updated Settings page
An improved experience is now available for protecting the credentials that you use in the Security and Compliance Center.

1 September 2020

General availability of the Security and Compliance Center

The Security and Compliance Center is now generally available on IBM Cloud!

In this release, the Security and Compliance Center offers support for profiles that you can use to monitor your accounts for compliance and config rules for governing the use of resources across your accounts. For more information, check out the announcement blog.