IBM Cloud Docs
Creating custom control libraries

Creating custom control libraries

With IBM Cloud® Security and Compliance Center, you can create a custom control library that is specific to your organization's needs. You define the controls and specifications before you map previously created assessments.

The diagram shows the layout of a control library. The information is conveyed in the surrounding text.
Figure 1. Understanding control libraries

A control library is a grouping of controls that are added to Security and Compliance Center. The service offers several predefined libraries that are designed to help meet compliance for a specific use case. Each control has several specifications and assessments that are mapped to it. A specification is a defined requirement that is specific to a component. When met by an organization, the specification helps to ensure that they are compliant with the control. An assessment, or several, are mapped to each specification with a detailed evaluation that is done to check whether the specification is compliant. For more information, see Key Concepts.

Before you begin

Before you get started, be sure that you have the required level of access to create and manage libraries. To manage libraries, you need the Editor platform role or higher.

Creating a library

You can create a custom library by using the Security and Compliance Center UI.

  1. In the IBM Cloud console, click the Menu icon Menu icon > Security and Compliance to access the Security and Compliance Center.

  2. In the navigation, click Controls > Control libraries.

  3. Click Create. A side panel opens.

  4. Provide a name, description, and version for your library.

  5. Click Create. Your library opens in a new page but is empty.

  6. To start adding controls, click Create.

    1. Provide the details for your control by including a Name, Description, and Category.
    2. Click Add to start adding existing specifications to your control.
    3. Provide a Description for your specification.
    4. Select a Component.
    5. Select the existing assessments that can help to evaluate your specification, then click Create.

    If you don't see an assessment that is specific to your use case, you can create a rule. When the rule is created, it shows in the assessment section.

    1. When you are finished adding specifications to your control, click Create.
    2. Repeat these steps until you add all your controls.

Creating a library with the API

You can create a custom library by using the Security and Compliance Center API.

curl -X POST 
	--location --header "Authorization: Bearer {iam_token}" 
	--header "Accept: application/json" 
	--header "Content-Type: application/json" 
	--data '{ 
				"id": "60351ac6-2dba-495e-9c98-057601069723", 
				"account_id": "cg3335893hh1428692d6747cf300yeb5", 
				"control_library_name": "IBM Cloud for Financial Services", 
				"control_library_description": "IBM Cloud for Financial Services", 
				"control_library_type": "predefined", 
				"version_group_label": "33fc7b80-0fa5-4f16-bbba-1f293f660f0d", 
				"control_library_version": "1.1.0", 
				"controls": [ { "control_name": "SC-7", 
				"control_id": "1fa45e17-9322-4e6c-bbd6-1c51db08e790", 
				"control_description": "Boundary Protection", 
				"control_category": "System and Communications Protection", 
				"control_parent": "", "control_requirement": false, 
				"control_tags": [ 
				"control_specifications_count": 0, 
				"control_specifications": [
						"control_specification_id": "5c7d6f88-a92f-4734-9b49-bd22b0900184", 
						"responsibility": "user", 
						"component_id": "iam-identity", 
						"component_name": "IAM Identity Service", 
						"environment": "ibm-cloud", 
						"control_specification_description": "IBM cloud", 
						"assessments_count": 0 
				"control_docs": { 
					"control_docs_id": "sc-7", 
					"control_docs_type": "ibm-cloud" 
(securityAndComplianceCenterApi *SecurityAndComplianceCenterApiV3) CreateCustomControlLibrary(createCustomControlLibraryOptions *CreateCustomControlLibraryOptions) (result *ControlLibrary, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ParameterInfo parameterInfoModel = new ParameterInfo.Builder()
  .parameterDisplayName("Sign out due to inactivity in seconds")
Implementation implementationModel = new Implementation.Builder()
  .assessmentDescription("Check that there is an Activity Tracker event route defined to collect global events generated by IBM Cloud services")
ControlSpecifications controlSpecificationsModel = new ControlSpecifications.Builder()
  .componentName("IAM Identity Service")
  .controlSpecificationDescription("IBM cloud")
ControlDocs controlDocsModel = new ControlDocs.Builder()
ControlsInControlLib controlsInControlLibModel = new ControlsInControlLib.Builder()
  .controlDescription("Boundary Protection")
  .controlCategory("System and Communications Protection")
CreateCustomControlLibraryOptions createCustomControlLibraryOptions = new CreateCustomControlLibraryOptions.Builder()
  .controlLibraryName("IBM Cloud for Financial Services")
  .controlLibraryDescription("IBM Cloud for Financial Services")

Response<ControlLibrary> response = securityAndComplianceCenterApiService.createCustomControlLibrary(createCustomControlLibraryOptions).execute();
ControlLibrary controlLibrary = response.getResult();

// Request models needed by this operation.

// ParameterInfo
const parameterInfoModel = {
  parameter_name: 'session_invalidation_in_seconds',
  parameter_display_name: 'Sign out due to inactivity in seconds',
  parameter_type: 'numeric',

// Implementation
const implementationModel = {
  assessment_id: 'rule-a637949b-7e51-46c4-afd4-b96619001bf1',
  assessment_method: 'ibm-cloud-rule',
  assessment_type: 'automated',
  assessment_description: 'Check that there is an Activity Tracker event route defined to collect global events generated by IBM Cloud services',
  parameters: [parameterInfoModel],

// ControlSpecifications
const controlSpecificationsModel = {
  control_specification_id: '5c7d6f88-a92f-4734-9b49-bd22b0900184',
  component_id: 'iam-identity',
  environment: 'ibm-cloud',
  control_specification_description: 'IBM cloud',
  assessments: [implementationModel],

// ControlDocs
const controlDocsModel = {
  control_docs_id: 'sc-7',
  control_docs_type: 'ibm-cloud',

// ControlsInControlLib
const controlsInControlLibModel = {
  control_name: 'SC-7',
  control_id: '1fa45e17-9322-4e6c-bbd6-1c51db08e790',
  control_description: 'Boundary Protection',
  control_category: 'System and Communications Protection',
  control_parent: 'testString',
  control_tags: ['1fa45e17-9322-4e6c-bbd6-1c51db08e790'],
  control_specifications: [controlSpecificationsModel],
  control_docs: controlDocsModel,
  control_requirement: true,

const params = {
  controlLibraryName: 'IBM Cloud for Financial Services',
  controlLibraryDescription: 'IBM Cloud for Financial Services',
  controlLibraryType: 'custom',
  controls: [controlsInControlLibModel],
  versionGroupLabel: '33fc7b80-0fa5-4f16-bbba-1f293f660f0d',
  controlLibraryVersion: '1.0.0',

let res;
try {
  res = await securityAndComplianceCenterApiService.createCustomControlLibrary(params);
  console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
} catch (err) {
        control_library_name: str,
        control_library_description: str,
        control_library_type: str,
        controls: List['ControlsInControlLib'],
        version_group_label: str = None,
        control_library_version: str = None,
        latest: bool = None,
        controls_count: int = None,
        x_correlation_id: str = None,
        x_request_id: str = None,
    ) -> DetailedResponse

A successful response returns a boolean that confirms that success is true. For more information about the required and optional request parameters, check out the API docs.

Creating a library with the CLI

You can create a custom library by using the Security and Compliance Center CLI. See the CLI reference for more information.

ibmcloud security-compliance control-library create
--control-library-name='IBM Cloud for Financial Services'
--control-library-description='IBM Cloud for Financial Services'
    "control_name": "SC-7",
    "control_id": "1fa45e17-9322-4e6c-bbd6-1c51db08e790",
    "control_description": "Boundary Protection",
    "control_category": "System and Communications Protection",
    "control_parent": "exampleString",
    "control_tags": [
    "control_specifications": [
        "control_specification_id": "5c7d6f88-a92f-4734-9b49-bd22b0900184",
        "responsibility": "user",
        "component_id": "iam-identity",
        "component_name": "exampleString",
        "environment": "ibm-cloud",
        "control_specification_description": "IBM cloud",
        "assessments_count": 38,
        "assessments": [
            "assessment_id": "rule-a637949b-7e51-46c4-afd4-b96619001bf1",
            "assessment_method": "ibm-cloud-rule",
            "assessment_type": "automated",
            "assessment_description": "Check that there is an Activity Tracker event route defined to collect global events generated by IBM Cloud services",
            "parameter_count": 38,
            "parameters": [
                "parameter_name": "session_invalidation_in_seconds",
                "parameter_display_name": "Sign out due to inactivity in seconds",
                "parameter_type": "numeric",
                "parameter_value": "public"
    "control_docs": {
      "control_docs_id": "sc-7",
      "control_docs_type": "ibm-cloud"
    "control_requirement": true,
    "status": "enabled"

Creating a library with Terraform

You can create a custom library by using Terraform.

resource "ibm_scc_control_library" "scc_control_library_instance" {
  control_library_description = "My control library's description."
  control_library_name = "control_library_new"
  control_library_type = "predefined"
  controls {
		control_name = "control_name"
		control_id = "1fa45e17-9322-4e6c-bbd6-1c51db08e790"
		control_description = "My control's description."
		control_category = "control_category"
		control_parent = "control_parent"
		control_tags = [ "control_tags" ]
		control_specifications {
			control_specification_id = "f3517159-889e-4781-819a-89d89b747c85"
			responsibility = "user"
			component_id = "f3517159-889e-4781-819a-89d89b747c85"
			component_name = "componenet_name"
			environment = "environment"
			control_specification_description = "My control specification's description."
			assessments_count = 1
			assessments {
				assessment_id = "assessment_id"
				assessment_method = "assessment_method"
				assessment_type = "assessment_type"
				assessment_description = "My assessment's descriptions."
				parameter_count = 1
				parameters {
					parameter_name = "parameter_name"
					parameter_display_name = "parameter_display_name"
					parameter_type = "string"
		control_docs {
			control_docs_id = "control_docs_id"
			control_docs_type = "control_docs_type"
		control_requirement = true
		status = "enabled"
  version_group_label = "e0923045-f00d-44de-b49b-6f1f0e8033cc"

For more information, check out the Terraform reference.

Next steps

After your library is added to the service, you can use it to create a profile. From your library details, click Actions > Create profile to start evaluating your resources.