IBM Cloud Docs
Install Data Security Broker Manager

Install Data Security Broker Manager


Access the IBM Cloud catalog to install the Data Security Broker Manager. You need to install Data Security Broker Manager first and then proceed with Data Security Broker Shield installation.

Ensure that the Data Security Broker Manager must not be exposed to the public network. Only authorized personnel must have access to the Data Security Broker Manager.


  • User must be able to access the IBM Cloud Kubernetes cluster (IKS) or Red Hat® OpenShift® Kubernetes (ROKS) cluster.


  1. Log into the IBM Cloud Account ( with a valid username and password.

  2. Click Catalog and enter Data Security Broker in the Catalog search text box. The Data Security Broker components appear in the Catalog.

  3. To sort the catalog products using the type, click Software in the Type option, which is present in the left-hand navigation.

  4. The Data Security Broker software comprises of two components, which is displayed in the Catalog list as Data Security Broker Manager and Data Security Broker Shield.

  5. You must install the Data Security Broker Manager first and then get the Shield Sync ID from the application in the Data Security Broker Manager to install the Data Security Broker Shield.

Install Data Security Broker Manager

Complete the following steps to install the Data Security Broker Manager from the IBM Cloud catalog:

  1. Click Data Security Broker Manager catalog item.

  2. The Data Security Broker Manager catalog item opens in a seperate window. In the Select your deployment target drop down, select IBM Cloud® Kubernetes Service (IKS) or Red Hat Openshift (ROKS) to install the Data Security Broker Manager in the IKS or ROKS cluster.

  3. The delivery method is selected as HELM chart by default under the Select a delivery method drop down.

  4. Select the version of the software to install, in the Select Version drop-down.

  5. From the list of available clusters, select the cluster on which you wish to perform the installation.

  6. Select an existing namespace to deploy the Data Security Broker Manager or click Add namespace to add a new namespace. Specify the name for the namespace and click Add to create a new namespace within the selected cluster.

  7. You must run the preinstallation script by clicking on the Run Script button after you select the cluster and the namespace. If you do not run the preinstallation script, you cannot proceed with the installation of the Data Security Broker Manager.

  8. Configure your workspace by specifying the following details:

    a. Specify the Name for the workspace. The workspace name must be unique and using the name of the workspace, you can manage, update or uninstall Data Security Broker Manager from the IBM Schematicss Workspace.

    b. Select the Resource group, Location, and specify the Tags required for configuring the workspace.

  9. Set the input variables, as mentioned below:

    a. Specify the password, which is used to encrypt the MangoDB password in the secrets.credstorePass parameter. b. Specify the password, which is used to unlock the initial registration page for Data Security Broker Manager in the secrets.initPass parameter.

    It is recommended to save the passwords for later use.

  10. Click Install in the Summary pane on the right to complete the installation process.

  11. You will be navigated to the Schematics Workspace to track the installation progress. Once the installation is successful, a message Workspace creation successfull is displayed.

    If you get an error message saying, Workspace creation failed, refer to the Logs available in the Terraform output.

Next Steps

After installing Data Security Broker Manager, you can start configuring the After installing Data Security Broker Manager by following the steps mentioned in the Configure Data Security Broker Manager section.