IBM Cloud Docs
Apply simple masking on clear data

Apply simple masking on clear data

This section describes a simple RBAC policy to apply basic data masking for all users. Follow the steps below to apply masking on the data using Data Security Broker Manager.

Step 1: RBAC configuration:

Configure RBAC for all connections to Shield, by setting the Mode as Required. Also, set the User Determination as Session, to reference the DB session user ID for User Group membership. However, when configuring a global RBAC policy, the User Determination is not relevant.

Step 2: User group - All-Users:

You can create a Global user group called "All-Users". Select the Global checkbox and do not specify any Allowed Subnets. ( is automatically filled when this text box is left blank.) This User Group applies to all possible connections to Shield.

Step 3: RBAC policy - Default Masking:

You can create two Masking policies which are nearly identical. The only difference is that one policy applies for VARCHAR columns, and the other applies for INT columns. The parameters are as follows:

The first policy, "Default Varchar Masking", has one Rule to use MASK_VARCHAR for the All-Users user group. The second policy, "Default Int Masking", has one Rule to use MASK_INT for the All-Users user group.

Because both rules contain the global All-Users group, the default permission is irrelevant in this case.

Step 4: Application of Masking policies on data columns:

Finally, select a number of columns to mask. For each column, remove the DEFAULT_CTR_DET selection and add one or the other RBAC policy based on the Data Type.

On the Confirmation page, review the data protection schema. Because there is no Encryption defined, and no data transformation taking place, the option for Deploy & Migrate is unavailable.

Deploy the policy. If you connect to the Shield proxy, you can see that the Data Masking has been applied to the selected columns.