IBM Cloud Docs
Adding user data to your VSI on VPC landing zone deployable architecture

Adding user data to your VSI on VPC landing zone deployable architecture

You can specify optional user data that automatically performs common configuration tasks or runs scripts on your VSI on VPC landing zone deployable architecture. For more information, see docs.

To set user data for the VSIs, you need to pass a map to the optional user_data input variable.


When using the user_data variable in your configuration, it's essential to provide the content in the correct format for it to be properly recongnized by the terraform.

The user_data variable should contain data formatted as follows:

  management = {
    user_data = <<-EOT
# vim: syntax=yaml
- content: |
    # This is management
  path: /etc/sysconfig/management
  workload = {
    user_data = <<-EOT
# vim: syntax=yaml
- content: |
    # This is workload
  path: /etc/sysconfig/workload
  • Keys to the map should be the same as the vpc names.
  • Value for the user_data parameter in the object should follow YAML formatting.
  • Use <<-EOT and EOT to enclose your user_data content to ensure it's passed as multi-line string.