My deployment failed, how do I proceed?
Your deployment failed.
You attempted to deploy an instance of a landing zone deployable architecture, but it failed.
Several infrastructure layers and components are included in the deployment, and an issue in one of those pieces is causing the failure. For example, maintenance in a particular data center or errors in the VPC or network services can cause deployment failures.
If the deployment process does not finish successfully, look at the IBM Cloud Schematics logs. These logs typically provide the information about the component that causes the issue.
If you can't deploy successfully, follow these steps:
Make sure that you comply with the prerequisites in the planning topic.
Check the values of the inputs.
For example, from the Configurations tab in your project, click the name of your deployable architecture > Edit.
Rerun the Schematics apply action again in IBM Cloud Schematics by clicking Apply plan or by running the
ibmcloud schematics apply
In the IBM Cloud console, go to Schematics > Workspaces and select your instance of the deployable architecture.
Click Apply plan.
This action resumes the job where it left off. In some cases, when the error was with provisioning a service, this second apply command is successful.
If the issue persists after the second apply, open a case in the IBM Cloud support center.