Known issues with landing zone deployable architectures
Invalid index error in v6.6.0
In version 6.6.0 of all landing zones deployable architectures, the following error may be seen for advanced users who have set override = true
or passing a value for override_json_string
│ Error: Invalid index
│ on line 22, in output "management_rg_id":
│ 22: value = module.vpc_landing_zone.resource_group_data[module.vpc_landing_zone.management_rg_name]
│ ├────────────────
│ │ module.vpc_landing_zone.management_rg_name is "example-management-rg"
│ │ module.vpc_landing_zone.resource_group_data is object with 3 attributes
│ The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.
│ Error: Invalid index
│ on line 32, in output "workload_rg_id":
│ 32: value = module.vpc_landing_zone.resource_group_data[module.vpc_landing_zone.workload_rg_name]
│ ├────────────────
│ │ module.vpc_landing_zone.resource_group_data is object with 3 attributes
│ │ module.vpc_landing_zone.workload_rg_name is "example-workload-rg"
│ The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.
│ Error: Invalid index
│ on module/ line 22, in output "management_rg_id":
│ 22: value = module.landing_zone.resource_group_data[module.landing_zone.management_rg_name]
│ ├────────────────
│ │ module.landing_zone.management_rg_name is "example-management-rg"
│ │ module.landing_zone.resource_group_data is object with 3 attributes
│ The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.
│ Error: Invalid index
│ on module/ line 32, in output "workload_rg_id":
│ 32: value = module.landing_zone.resource_group_data[module.landing_zone.workload_rg_name]
│ ├────────────────
│ │ module.landing_zone.resource_group_data is object with 3 attributes
│ │ module.landing_zone.workload_rg_name is "example-workload-rg"
│ The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.
│ Error: Invalid index
│ on ../../ line 290, in output "management_rg_id":
│ 290: value = local.resource_groups_info["${var.prefix}-management-rg"]
│ ├────────────────
│ │ local.resource_groups_info is object with 3 attributes
│ │ var.prefix is "example"
│ The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.
│ Error: Invalid index
│ on ../../ line 300, in output "workload_rg_id":
│ 300: value = local.resource_groups_info["${var.prefix}-workload-rg"]
│ ├────────────────
│ │ local.resource_groups_info is object with 3 attributes
│ │ var.prefix is "example"
│ The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.
Upgrade to version 6.7.0 or later.
QuickStart variations fail projects validation
With the QuickStart variations of the landing zones (both VSI on VPC and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on VPC), the configuration fails validation during the the Code Risk Analyzer scan. QuickStart variations are designed to deploy quickly for demonstration and development and don't claim any controls for the scan.
Service ID API keys and Red Hat OpenShift
Service ID API keys are not supported for the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on VPC landing zone deployable architecture. Use an IBM Cloud API key. For more information, see Ensuring that the API key or infrastructure credentials owner has the correct permissions in the Red Hat OpenShift Cloud docs.
Authentication with trusted profiles not supported in some landing zones
When you deploy a deployable architecture with IBM Cloud projects, you select an authentication method to deploy your configuration.
Currently, the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on VPC landing zone supports authenticating only with an API key and not a service ID API key (see previous known issue). Trusted profile is not supported as an authentication method for this landing zone.
Supported Security and Compliance Center rules
The deployable architectures support a set of security controls, and those controls are listed with the deployable architecture in the IBM Cloud catalog.
If you use Security and Compliance Center or the Code Risk Analyzer plug-in for IBM Cloud to scan your deployed resources against another security profile, you might see failures in the results.
Unsupported attribute error after interrupted apply or destroy
If a Terraform apply
or destroy
operation is interrupted, you might see an "Unsupported attribute" error at the next Terraform operation. Typically, this error occurs when a destroy
is cancelled or has an unexpected error.
Error: Unsupported attribute
on .terraform/modules/landing_zone/dynamic_values/config_modules/vsi/ line 20, in module "vsi_subnets":
20: subnet_zone_list = var.vpc_modules[each.value.vpc_name].subnet_zone_list
│ each.value.vpc_name is "management"
│ var.vpc_modules is object with 3 attributes
This object does not have an attribute named "subnet_zone_list".
The error occurs because the interrupted operation leaves key resources in a partial deployment state and other resources are configured to use these missing components.
To complete the destroy
operation that is stuck in this state, try to decouple the resources that depend on the missing components. To decouple the resources, use the override
feature, for example by setting the override_json_string
input variable.
- VSI on VPC landing zone deployable architectures that are missing their VPC components:
='{"vsi": []}'
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on VPC landing zone deployable architectures:
='{"clusters": []}'