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in Satellite
Default value Google Cloud project ID project_id Secret Google Cloud project ID. You can find your Project ID from the Google Cloud dashboard. true N/A Google Cloud private key ID private_key_id Secret Google Cloud private key ID. You can find this in the JSON service account key file. Cloud Platform credentials Retrieve the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) credentials that Satellite can use to create Satellite resources in your GCP cloud on your behalf. Create a service account and service account key with at least the required GCP permissions. As part of creating the service account, a JSON key file is downloaded to your local machine. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) hosts Learn how attach Google Cloud Platform (GCP) virtual instances to your IBM Cloud Satellite location. To attach Red Hat CoreOS (RHCOS) hosts, your location must be enabled for Red Hat CoreOS. For more information, see Is my location enabled for Red Hat CoreOS?. Note that you can still attach Red Hat Enterprise Linux hosts to a location that is enabled for Red Hat CoreOS. in with Google credentials is not available for IBMids that are federated with a corporate identity provider through SAML. You can log in with your Google from the IBM Cloud login page by clicking Continue with Google and entering your Google credentials. To sign-up with your Google credentials, complete the following steps: Go to the IBM Cloud login page, and click Create an IBM Cloud account. Cloud Storage Google Cloud Storage is a service for storing objects in Google Cloud. An object is an immutable piece of data consisting of a file of any format. If you select Google Cloud Storage from the Storage section, configure the following details: Register bucket Field Description Display name Enter the name to be displayed. custom search extension setup You can access Google search through an extension to your assistant that uses the Google Programmable Search Engine. It is a configurable search that you can customize based on your use case. To set up the extension for Google search: Get Search Engine ID and API key Create a Google Programmable Search Engine. Then, get its Search Engine ID and an API key. Google You can configure the App ID service to use Google as an identity provider. Getting a client ID and secret Google documentation link Create a project in the Google Cloud Platform, configure the project to serve web clients, and obtain a client ID and secret. Create a project. Open credentials page of the Google APIs console. the best experience, use Google Chrome or Chromium, Safari, Microsoft Edge, or Firefox. Use the following sections to check and change storage settings for your browser. Google Chrome and Chromium Chrome and Chromium treat cookies and local storage as the same thing. To check and adjust these settings, see Turning cookies on or off in Google Chrome. Safari Safari treats cookies and local storage as the same thing. policy: Default Facebook and Google settings Effective: August 2019 Client, hereinafter referred to as "Developer", performs development and testing of applications by using the default configuration of IBM Cloud® App ID ("App ID" or "Service") for Facebook or Google. the Satellite location, customers can bring their own on-premises hardware or purchase from IBM® or IBM partners or use their AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud infrastructure. Satellite locations are made up of compute sources, called hosts, from separate zones of your infrastructure environment.