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₹ EUR € CNY ¥ Currencies (zh-tw) Traditional Chinese currencies Currency code Example of recognized values (case insensitive) USD $,usd,美金 GBP £ INR ₹ EUR €,歐元 CNY ¥,人民幣 TWD nt$,twd,台幣₹ EUR € CNY ¥ Currencies (zh-tw) Traditional Chinese currencies Currency code Example of recognized values (case insensitive) USD $,usd,美金 GBP £ INR ₹ EUR €,歐元 CNY ¥,人民幣 TWD nt$,twd,台幣 example, a Japanese-style birth date without redaction is 平成 30年 2月. With redaction, the date becomes 平成 XX年 X月. Korean Korean redaction has the following differences: The smart formatting feature is not supported. The service still performs numeric redaction for Korean, but it performs no other smart formatting.