IBM Cloud Docs
Why do Schematics workspaces create using the API/UI/CLI fails?

Why do Schematics workspaces create using the API/UI/CLI fails?

The Schematics create workspace fails when you attempt to create using the API by using following CURL command.

curl --request POST --url -H "Authorization: Bearer scfQ" -d '{"name":"test_api","type": ["terraform_v1.4"],"location": "eu-de","description": "via api","resource_group": "5e1f06f5b2b24a319f6cd5be86f531dd","tags": [],"template_repo": {"url": ""},"template_data": [{"folder": ".","type": "terraform_v1.4","variablestore": []}]}'

When Schematics runs the CURL command, an error state Schematics cannot find the complete information in the payload. And the workspace create is marked with Bad request message.

"requestid": "3b57ed5d-8610-4a86-9864-8d8197b80336",
"timestamp": "2021-09-22T14:49:04.565693526Z",
"messageid": "M1008",
"message": "Bad request. Check that the information you entered in the payload is complete and formatted correctly in JSON.",
"statuscode": 400

Verify your CURL or the payload contains that the location and the url are pointing to the same region where you want to create or update the workspace.

For Example

  • For creating workspace in US region: Use location as us-east or us-south and url as or By default points to endpoint.
  • For workspace in the EU region: Use location as eu-de or eu-gb and url as and endpoint.