IBM Cloud Docs
Monitoring Schematics services by using IBM Cloud Monitoring

Monitoring Schematics services by using IBM Cloud Monitoring

IBM Cloud® Monitoring is a Third party cloud native, and container intelligence management system that you can include as part of your IBM Cloud Schematics. Use it to gain operational visibility into the performance and health check of your applications, services, and platforms. It offers administrators, developers full stack telemetry with advanced features to monitor and troubleshoot, define alerts, and design custom dashboards.

You need to create Sysdig monitor in us-south region to view the Schematics metrics that relates to workspaces, actions, or an environment that you create in US region. And create Sysdig monitor in eu-de region to view the Schematics metrics that relates to workspaces, actions, or an environment that you create in EU region.

Launching Monitoring UI from the IBM Cloud

You can monitor your services instance in the IBM Cloud console.

Complete these steps to view your services instances:

  1. Log in to your IBM Cloud account by using your credentials.

  2. From the IBM Cloud page, select Navigation menu > Observability > Monitoring.

  3. Click your instance to view the workspace and action that you created.

    For more information about how to create a service instance? see Create service instance.

  4. Click the Open dashboard link, and expand IBM to view the IBM Schematics Summary Counts and IBM Schematics Summary Charts dashboard list.

    • Use the IBM Schematics Summary Counts dashboard to monitor the counts of your workspace state, action, and its success and failure status.
    • Use the IBM Schematics Summary Charts dashboard to monitor the charts of your workspace by state, by type and outcome, and the vulnerability count.

Creating service instance

You can create your services instance in the IBM Cloud console.

Complete these steps to create your services instance:

  1. Log in to your IBM Cloud account by using your credentials.

  2. Select Navigation menu > Observability > Monitoring.

  3. Click Create by using your plan.

  4. Select a region, for example, Dallas.

  5. Create an IBM Cloud Monitoring instance by using the Lite plan.

  6. Select the instance and accept the license.

  7. Click create.

  8. Select the created Sysdig instance from the Monitoring page.

  9. Click Configure platform metrics, select the region and instance that you created to view the Platform metrics in the Region column.

  10. Click View Sysdig icon to view your workspace and action that you created.

    You can monitor the status of your workspaces state and action through the IBM Cloud dashboards. For more information about monitoring the status, see Monitoring workspace. To create a custom dashboard, see Creating custom dashboard.

Creating custom dashboard

You can create your custom dashboard in the IBM Cloud console.

Complete these steps to create your custom dashboard:

  1. Log in to your IBM Cloud account by using your credentials.

  2. From the IBM Cloud page, select Navigation menu > Observability > Monitoring.

  3. Click Create Custom Dashboard to view the create dashboard from template.

  4. Name your dashboard, and click Create and Open.

  5. Click Add Dashboard icon, the New Dashboard page opens.

  6. Now, you can use your custom dashboard to edit the metrics that you want to monitor, the counts of your workspace state, action, and its success and failure status.

  7. Click Save.

    For more information about deleting a dashboard, see Deleting a dashboard.

IBM Cloud Schematics metrics details

Schematics supports three metrics that you can use to configure in your dashboard for monitoring. The tables provide the details about the metrics.

Metrics details
Metric name Enterprise Lite Standard
ibm_schematics_workspace_actions_count Yes No Yes
ibm_schematics_workspace_count Yes No Yes
ibm_schematics_workspace_vulnerability_count Yes No Yes


The number of workspaces state and actions count is stated in the table.

Workspace state and action count
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_schematics_workspace_count
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60 seconds
Unit none
Labels ibm_schematics_workspace_status such as Active, Draft, Inactive, and Template Error are derived.

For the Schematics instance, following five different time series counts or charts are derived from ibm_schematics_workspace_count metric.

Workspace time series count
Status Query
Number of workspaces created Sum(ibm_schematics_workspace_count{})
Number of active workspaces ibm_schematics_workspace_count{ibm_schematics_workspace_status = ”Active”}
Number of workspaces in draft state ibm_schematics_workspace_count{ibm_schematics_workspace_status = ”Draft”}
Number of inactive workspaces ibm_schematics_workspace_count{ibm_schematics_workspace_status = ”Inactive”}
Number of workspaces deleted ibm_schematics_workspace_count{ibm_schematics_workspace_status = ”Template Error”}


The number of workspace actions count are stated in the table.

Workspace actions count
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_schematics_workspace_actions_count
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60 seconds
Unit none
Labels [ibm_schematics_workspace_action are apply, destroy, and plan ibm_schematics_workspace_action_status such as failure or success are supported.]

For the Schematics instance, following six different time series counts or charts are derived from ibm_schematics_workspace_actions_count metric.

Schematics time series counts
Status Query
Number of workspace actions Sum(ibm_schematics_workspace_actions_count {})
Number of successful workspace actions ibm_schematics_workspace_actions_count{ibm_schematics_workspace_action_status="success"}
Number of failure workspace actions ibm_schematics_workspace_actions_count{ibm_schematics_workspace_action_status="failure"}
Number of plan actions ibm_schematics_workspace_count{ibm_schematics_workspace_action = "Plan"}
Number of successful plan actions ibm_schematics_workspace_count{ibm_schematics_workspace_action = ”Plan”, ibm_schematics_workspace_action_status="success"}
Number of failure plan actions ibm_schematics_workspace_count{ibm_schematics_workspace_action = ”Plan”, ibm_schematics_workspace_action_status="failure"}

You can create similar queries to fetch apply, destroy, and plan actions.


Average vulnerability count of the workspaces is stated in the table.

Vulnerability count
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_schematics_workspace_vulnerability_count
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60 minutes
Unit none
Labels [ibm_schematics_vulnerability_count, such as average]

For the Schematics instance, following time series counts and charts are derived from ibm_schematics_workspace_vulnerability_count metric.

Vulnerability count of Schematics workspace
Status Query
Number of workspaces currently managed avg(avg(ibm_schematics_vulnerability_count))