IBM Cloud Docs
Data privacy and governance

Data privacy and governance

IBM Cloud® Schematics provides powerful tools to automate your cloud infrastructure provisioning and management process, the configuration and operation of your cloud resources, and the deployment of your app workloads. IBM Cloud Schematics allows clients to locate data in multiple supported IBM Cloud® regions. By providing clients with data mobility to serve the local needs of clients, IBM®, and Schematics take data privacy and governance seriously.

IBM Cloud data privacy processing processes and procedures are documented within the IBM Cloud DPA. This Data Processing Addendum (DPA) and its applicable DPA Exhibits apply to the processing of personal data by IBM Cloud on behalf of Client (Client Personal Data). The processing of personal data is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). It is also subject to any other data protection laws that are identified at Data Protection Laws. To provide services according to the agreement between Client and IBM Cloud. The IBM Cloud DPA can be found at Data Processing Addendum.

In addition to the DPA, the cloud services contain DPA exhibits that detail the types of data. It is processed by this service and the relevant processing locations (including hosting locations) where client PI is processed. The relevant DPA exhibit for Schematics can be found on the IBM Cloud Terms site.

IBM Cloud relies on Standard Contractual Clauses (as the primary data transfer mechanism) in the client contracts. IBM Cloud also relies on numerous supplementary measures to help clients ensure an adequate level of protection when they transfer personal data outside of the EU/EEA. For more information, see EU Standard Contractual Clauses that are signed by all IBM Cloud Data Importers, if applicable.

For IBM Cloud's position on trust and transparency, in relation to client data, see Trust principles.

If more questions that are associated with IBM Cloud's data privacy policies arise, email