IBM Cloud Docs
Why do my unassigned hosts have an Unresponsive status?

Why do my unassigned hosts have an Unresponsive status?

When you view the hosts in your location or run the ibmcloud sat host ls command, your unassigned show an Unresponsive status similar to the following example.

Name                        ID                     State        Status         Zone         Cluster                           Worker ID                                                 Worker IP
t-ca594kp10egvr0u1usv0-40   23cfa4f4349fd0104008   unassigned   Unresponsive   *            -                                 -                                                         -   
t-ca594kp10egvr0u1usv0-41   67f0bf6701a17c5a0c98   unassigned   Unresponsive   *            -                                 -                                                         -  

The host attach script for your location expires one year from the creation date. To make sure that hosts in your location don't have authentication issues, make sure to download a new copy of the host attach script at least once per year and update any unassigned hosts.

To resolve this issue, remove the unassigned hosts from your location, download a new copy of the host attach script for your location, then reattach the hosts. Repeat the following steps for all unresponsive and unassigned hosts in your location.

  1. Remove the unresponsive hosts from your location.

    ibmcloud sat host rm --host HOST --location LOCATION
  2. Download a new copy of the host attach script for your location.

    ibmcloud sat host attach --location LOCATION [--host-label "LABEL"]  [--operating-system (RHEL|RHCOS)] [-q] [--reset-key]
  3. Reattach the hosts by running the attach script that you downloaded in the previous step. For more information, see Attaching hosts to your location.

When your host attach script expires, you cannot use it to attach hosts. For more information, see Why is my host attach failing with error message A0029 Access denied to specified controller?