IBM Cloud Docs
Why isn't my API key working?

Why isn't my API key working?

My API key is not working.

If your SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_IAM_APIKEY environment variable is set to a local path that contains your API key, verify if the following requirements are met:

  • The file must contain only a single line with your API key. Comment lines and additional lines are not supported.
  • The value of the SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_IAM_KEY is the file path that is mounted inside your container.

A common mistake is specifying the local host path to the API key file. However, this needs to be set to the mounted file path inside the container, which is specified via the -v option on the docker run command. For example, suppose you have a file called ~/env-files/api-key that contains your API key on your local file system. The SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_API_KEY environment variable needs be set to the path that is mounted to the Docker container specified on the -v option to make this file available to the container. For example, if you are using the following docker run command:

docker run -d --env-file ~/agent/env-files/env.txt -v ~/agent/env-files:/agent-env-files

The local file system path ~/agent/env-files is mounted to the container path /agent-env-files. Therefore, the SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_IAM_APIKEY environment variable value must be set to /agent-env-files/api-key instead of ~/agent/env-files/api-key. For example, SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_IAM_APIKEY=/agent-env-files/api-key.