IBM Cloud Docs
Common permissions in other cloud providers

Common permissions in other cloud providers

To create and manage the underlying infrastructure in other cloud providers, you must have the appropriate permissions. Review some commonly required permissions. For more information, consult your cloud provider's documentation.

AWS permissions

When you use an IBM Cloud® Schematics template to create your Satellite location, you must be assigned a role that can create virtual instances and networks in AWS. For example, you can be assigned the AmazonEC2FullAccess built-in role in AWS. For more information about other built-in roles, see the AWS documentation.

Azure permissions

When you use an IBM Cloud® Schematics template to create your Satellite location, you must be assigned a role that can create virtual instances and networks in Microsoft Azure. For example, you can be assigned the Contributor built-in role in Azure. For more information about other built-in roles, see the Azure documentation.

Google Cloud Platform permissions

When you use an IBM Cloud® Schematics template to create your Satellite location, you must be assigned a role that can create virtual instances and networks in Google Cloud Platform. For example, you can be assigned the Cloud Build Editor role in a specific project in GCP IAM. For more information about role permissions in GCP, see the GCP documentation.

VMware permissions

When you use an IBM Cloud® Schematics template to create your Satellite location, you must be assigned a role that can create virtual instances and networks in VMware. For example, you can be assigned the Administrator role for the VMware vSphere vCenter servers. For more information about role permissions in VMWare, see the [VMware documentation]{: external}.