IBM Cloud Docs
Migrating SAP S/4HANA to IBM Power Virtual Server

Migrating SAP S/4HANA to IBM Power Virtual Server

Steps before you migrate an SAP S/4HANA database

The following sections cover several important advisories to prepare for the SAP HANA database migration. Read and implement the relevant SAP notes.

Before you attempt any data migration or replication action, check the source database for any existing issues.

If issues exist, it might be one of the following issues.

  • Interrupted or failed garbage collection.
  • Source databases still contain entries, tables, or data from actions such as client deletion, which leads to a false positive on the true size of the database.
  • Reported inconsistencies during the database check.
  • Extreme load or unload actions that lead to orphaned entries.
  • Hardware issues that occurred during a delta merge from memory to disk.
  • Excessive page memory dumps were detected, which can indicate page corruptions.
  • Alerts that are displayed during an SAP HANA Mini Check.

Incorrectly performing any data migration or replication action can result in data loss and application inconsistencies. Make sure that you read and understand the associated SAP Notes and correction notes before you perform any related task. IBM Cloud® is not liable for any data loss or application integrity.

The following sections contain SAP-advised pre-steps to help make sure that the source database is in a consistent state. Before any migration or backup or recovery operation begins that the consistency (such as Row store, Column Store, Pages) and trace files that are on the source database are closely examined for any existing issues. These recommended steps must be completed before you start the migration.

Checking and confirming database health

Check the health of your database to reduce the risk of the transferring existing issues to your target system. Health checks prevent pre-existing issues (such as consistency or block corruption) from migrating onto the target SAP HANA system. SAP HANA System Replication can't help you in this scenario, so it is important to perform these necessary checks. Use the following SAP Notes to assist you.

Checking the database trace files

The database trace is written to service specific files on operating system level. The trace directory is located here:


The following alias in the environment of the <sid>adm user helps you to quickly switch to the trace directory on the OS level:


The database trace files use the following naming convention:


In the context of dynamic tiering, a file with the following convention can exist (SAP Note 2871785):

esserver_console_<host>.<port>.<counter>.trc Example:

indexserver_saphana01.30003.024.trc You can access these files either directly, at the operating system level, or in one of the following ways:

  • SAP HANA Studio -> Administration -> Diagnosis Files
  • DBACOCKPIT -> Diagnostics -> Diagnosis Files

More checking information

The SQL statements that are in the following SAP notes indicate whether a database reorganization is required and the amount of space that is saved after the reorg action takes place.

This check serves two purposes.

  1. Highlights whether the reorg action is required on the SAP HANA database.
  2. If a reorg action is required, it provides an estimated size after space saving actions are completed.

Reorganizing database row store

If your database is heavily fragmented, a row store reorganization is required.

Starting from SAP HANA 2.0 SPS04, online row store reorganization automatically triggers for large row store (allocated size >= 3.2 GB) if the utilization ratio is less than the defined threshold.

By default, the threshold is 60% and the utilization ratio is checked in the background once an hour.

If your database is version is less than SAP HANA 2.0 SPS04, then follow the instructions that are in

Make sure that you pay attention to the instructions that are in these SAP Notes and follow each step that relates to your existing SAP HANA version.

SQL mini checks

Use this SQL statement to show the current size of the SAP HANA database.

SUM(ALLOCATED_SIZE)/1048576, 10, 2) "Allocated Size in MB",TO_DECIMAL( SUM(FREE_SIZE)/1048576, 10, 2) "Free Size in MB" FROM

For more useful SQL statements, you can use the following SAP Note. This SAP Note includes some useful SQL statements that you can run from the command line by using the hdbsql executable file. Or, you can use the SQL Console that is built into SAP HANA Studio.

Commands from impose an increased risk of instabilities such as crashes or terminations. If you run these commands, run them with care. Perhaps running them first on a DEV or POC system first.

The following SQL statement helps you identify critical technical issues. When you download the SQL Collection compressed files, search for SQL: "HANA_Configuration_MiniChecks".

SQL: "HANA_Configuration_MiniChecks" performs several mini checks and returns C = 'X'if it finds a potentially critical situation. You can use the following SAP Note to interpret the results.

Scheduling an SAP HANA sizing report on the source system

If you plan to migrate an existing SAP system from an on-premise site to your IBM Cloud® environment, you need fristto run an SAP Sizing report. The current version for the SAP HANA memory sizing report is Advanced correction version 17.

If you want to run the SAP HANA Sizing report, see the following SAP Note.

It is advised that you use the most recent Advanced Correction of the SAP Sizing report. When you run the report, make sure that you include the forecast for SAP HANA database growth. The generated report states the anticipated required CPU, memory, and storage recommendations for your Power Virtual Server instance target. Go to IBM Cloud® and select the most recent certified profile that is available for IBM Power Virtual Servers.

Extra sizing SAP Notes

Using the EarlyWatch Alert reports as an early indicator

If your on-premises landscape has an SAP Solution Manager set up, you can generate the EarlyWatch Alert report for your source system.

The report outlines specific issues that your on-premises source system might have. You must address SQL performance indicators, Urgent performance KPI indicators immediately. Issues that are classified as Red or Severe problems detected must be handled as soon as possible.

Check the EarlyWatch Alert report for existing issues with the source SAP HANA database and act upon each finding in the Service Summary or Alert Overview sections, based on its severity.

More related SAP Notes for EarlyWatch Alert reports

Source database credentials

When you add an SAP HANA system to the SAP HANA System Replication setup, remember that the replication process from source primary to the target secondary server overwrites the MDC User Tables SAP${sid}.USR02. So, it is important to know (by checking the SAP HANA Studio) what the current user with SYS privileges that was used to register the MDC in SAP HANA Studio on the source. As a Best Practice, make sure that you know the login credentials for the database user and the password for the source system. If, for example, you forget the passwords and proceed with the SAP HANA System Replication from the source to the target you can test the secondary target by swapping the primary and secondary servers. If you do not know the login credentials for the database user and the password on the source system then you can't register the system in either SAP HANA Studio or an SAP HANA Cockpit setup.

Creating the Target SAP HANA System on IBM Power Virtual Server

Planning the IBM Power Virtual Server deployment

A Power Server workspace in your IBM Cloud account is a prerequisite for the following steps. Read details in Hybrid Cloud Network Considerations for SAP on IBM Power Virtual Server.

A hybrid cloud network connection needs to be in place, as described in Hybrid Cloud Network Considerations for SAP on IBM Power Virtual Server.

The Planning for a deployable SAP HANA infrastructure is described in Planning your deployment.

The sizing aspect of the target system is vital to your planning. Follow the recommendations mentioned in the SAP HANA Sizing report on the source system. Also, consider the findings of the EarlyWatch Alert report (EWA report). Both factors provide a realistic approach on the recommended size of your target system, see Sizing process for SAP Systems.

Comparing the required CPU, cores and storage for your target system

Check that the certified profiles in IBM Cloud® are close to or match the recommendations that are mentioned in the source system sizing report and also consider the EWA report summary.

Select the correct IBM Power Systems Virtual Server Certified Profile from the following two links:

Target server must have equal or greater storage capacity than the source system and be sized correctly

Remember to take SAP HANA database growth into consideration and the need to follow the IBM System Storage Architecture and Configuration Guidelines for SAP HANA TDI.

The following document outlines the required storage configuration for the target server in IBM Cloud:

Consider the extra space that you need to create a file system mount point to store software executable files and the initial SAP HANA system backup. Depending on your planned IBM Power Virtual Server infrastructure, you can create the file system as an NFS mount to export to other systems in the architecture.

Creating the software repository file system and transfer the installation packages

As used in previous demo systems, the mount point swrepo is created with at least 200 GB of free space. Download the SAP HANA Software from SAP Marketplace - the version that matches your SAP HANA version from the source system.

  • Software Downloads main page

    • Access Software Downloads in SAP for Me
    • Enter your SAP "S" user ID and password to proceed.
  • Software Center Catalog view

    • Support Packages & Upgrades
    • By Alphabetical Index (A-Z)
    • "H"
    • Make sure that the Selection box shows LINUX ON POWER LE 64BIT
    • Select the IMDB_SERVER20 that is installed on the Source System, and download to your laptop or PC
    • Go back to the SAP HANA PLATFORM EDITION 2.0 page
    • Make sure that the Selection box shows LINUX ON POWER LE 64BIT
    • Select the release that you installed on the source system (or one version higher if your version is not on the list)
    • Navigate back to * Software Center Catalog view
    • Support Packages & Upgrades
    • On the right side, is a search box, search for SAPCAR
    • On the Displayed results list, select SAPCAR 7.53 Maintenance Software Component
    • Select the file SAPCAR_1200-70007726.EXE and make sure that the Selection box shows LINUX ON POWER LE 64BIT
    • Download to your laptop or PC or Jump Host

Create a directory /swrepo on the target system.

sudo mkdir /swrepo

Make sure that your user owns this directory, so the user can work and extract files.

sudo chown $USER: /swrepo

Transfer the installation files and sapcar utility downloads to the target SAP HANA server /swrepo mount point. The SAPCAR utility needs executable permissions to unpack the .SAR archive files.

chmod -R 755 /swrepo/SAPCAR_1200-70007726.EXE

You can set an alias SAPCAR for this utility in the .bash_profile. This setting enables the SAPCAR command from any directory.

To add a line to your bash profile, use the following command.

echo "alias SAPCAR='/swrepo/SAPCAR_1200-70007726.EXE'" >>$HOME/.bash_profile

Use the source command to enable the new defined alias.

source $HOME/.bash_profile

Check whether it works by running SAPCAR -v to get the version list:


Unpacking the files

Use the following examples to unpack the files.


The sapcar file extraction output looks like the following example.

SAPCAR: 98 file(s) extracted


SAPCAR: 355 file(s) extracted

During extraction directories /swrepo/SAP_HANA_DATABASE and /swrepo/SAP_HANA_CLIENT are created and contain the files that are required for the installation.

Making sure that the target server OS and patch level match the source server

Check the operating system version and patch level on the target system. For productive systems, the same level makes sure that the installation performs similar and migrating runs with ease. For nonproductive systems, for example, a proof of concept system (POC) in IBM Power Virtual Server, a higher operating system version is a valid option.

Target server - Both RHEL and SLES

To determine the operating system version and patch level, run the following command.

cat /etc/os-release

Alternatively on Red Hat Linux systems you can use a second file.

cat /etc/redhat-release

On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (for SAP Applications) the release and patch level can be listed with the following command.

lsb_release -a

Making sure that the file system and mount points match the source system

The source and target systems must have the identical mapping for storage, LVM, and file systems. Only on target is the larger storage capacity that is needed or the Migration. File system structure requirements are also highlighted in the beginning of this section with the TDI requirements. Also, consider that the mount point and file ownership UID and GUID match the source system. Also, mount points need the same <SID> defined on both systems. When you install SAP HANA on the target system, the same <SID> and <instance number> from the source system are used.

export SID=<SID>                           # SAP HANA System ID (uppercase)
export sid=<sid>                           # SAP HANA System ID (lowercase)
export INSTNO=<INSTNO>                     # SAP HANA Instance Number

export SiteOnPrem=<PrimarySiteName>        # HANA System Replication Site Name 1 - Migration from On-Prem - Source
export SiteOnCloud=<secondarySiteName>     # HANA System Replication Site Name 2 - Migration to On-Cloud - Target

export NODE1=<Hostname 1>                  # Hostname of On-Prem Server
export NODE2=<Hostname 2>                  # Hostname of IBM Power Virtual Server Instance

Entries in /etc/hosts for all systems involved in the migration project

The /etc/hosts file needs to contain entries for the Source System and any dependent SAP Netweaver or S/4 FES Application Server. You can use a DNS server for your network resource resolution, but it helps if you include the IP addresses, short name, FQDN, and description to help identify servers in the landscape in the /etc/hosts file, especially if issues occur with network resolution or the DNS services.

Preparing and tuning the OS for SAP HANA

Use the following SAP Notes to begin the preparation phase of the target system for the installation of SAP HANA.

Make sure that you completed the tasks that are mentioned in the Recommended OS Settings for RHEL 8 as these tasks are important tuning and performance settings that need to be applied. If ignored, it can impact the installation of SAP products and the performance thereafter.

Pre-SAP HANA checks by using the hcmt tool

The SAP HANA hardware and cloud measurement tools hcmt help measure and analyze your hardware or cloud systems before you deploy SAP HANA or apply for SAP HANA certification. The tools consist of the following components:

  • SAP HANA hardware and cloud measurement tool
  • SAP HANA hardware and cloud measurement analysis

Use the following SAP Note to check and verify the OS and configuration before you install SAP HANA.

If you have a port issue when you run hcmt, open a second Terminal session. Navigate to the setup directory of hcmt, now start a session that keeps the required port open.

To run hcmt in server-client mode, you need to start two sessions:

  1. hcmt server mode on - a jump host to collect test result from remote servers
  2. hcmt client on the target systems that are intended to run SAP HANA, run hcmt performance test by using the full execution plan.
Hcmt server session

The hcmt server collects data that is measured on hcmt client systems. A typical system to run the hcmt server is a jump host or similar system. Navigate to the directory where hcmt is installed, and run the following command

sudo ./hcmt -v -S

The following example is the expected output.

hcmt- (2022-04-25 15:12:20)

Server started, listening on port 50000 ...
Hcmt client session

On the target system that you want to be the SAP HANA server, run the hcmt command as a client by using the full execution plan.

sudo ./hcmt -v -p /swrepo/HCMT/setup/config/full_executionplan.json

System output:

hcmt- (2022-04-25 15:12:20)
Loading executionplan
LogVolume (/hana/log):
DataVolume (/hana/data):
Hosts: <`Leave Blank!!!!`>  Leave this field blank, otherwise it will affect the test.
Start execution of plan
Executing Test C9C9F832-854F-492D-8E7EFB4609AC435C
Note: CPU Micro Benchmark

If you receive an error 'Port 50000 is already used', SAP HANA is probably installed already. Stop the SAP HANA system and then run the hcmt command again.

Plan Variant: CPU Performance

This command generates a file in the setup directory. Upload this file to the HCMT SAP website and review the results to make sure that the HANA is set up and configured correctly.

If you experience issues, you can still use the old check tool.

Installing SAP HANA on the target system

Remember the following variables:

export SID=<SID>                           # SAP HANA System ID (uppercase)
export sid=<sid>                           # SAP HANA System ID (lowercase)
export INSTNO=<INSTNO>                     # SAP HANA Instance Number

For this example, the installation is up to the point where you need to enter "Y" to continue. Navigate back to the HANA_DATABASE directory.

Run the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager command.

sudo ./hdblcm

The following example is the expected output.

SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA Database

This will scan the directories for the required software.

Scanning software locations...
Detected components:
    SAP HANA Database ( in /swrepo/HANA/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/server
    SAP HANA Database Client ( in /swrepo/HANA/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client

Do you want to specify additional components location? (y/n) [n]: `n`

Choose n for no additional components location and continue.

Choose an action

Index | Action                    | Description
1     | install                   | Install new system
2     | extract_components        | Extract components
3     | print_detected_components | Print detected components
4     | Exit (do nothing)         |

Enter selected action index [4]: `1`

Enter 1 and press <enter> key to install a new system.

Output continues with the following example.

SAP HANA Database version '' will be installed.

Select additional components for installation:

Index | Components | Description
1     | all        | All components
2     | server     | No additional components
3     | client     | Install SAP HANA Database Client version

Enter comma-separated list of the selected indices [3]: `1`

Enter 1 and press <enter> to install all components. Accept a series of defaults on the next line in the output.

Enter Installation Path [`/hana/shared`]:
Enter Local Host Name [`Yourhostname`]:
Do you want to add hosts to the system? (y/n) [`n`]:

Enter `n' for no additional systems. Check the source SAP HANA database system parameters:

  • source SAP HANA SID
  • source SAP HANA Instance Number

Continue with the same values for the target system:

Enter SAP HANA System ID: `<Needs to match the source system>`
Enter Instance Number [00]: `<Needs to match the source system>`
Enter Local Host Worker Group [default]:

Index | System Usage | Description
1     | production   | System is used in a production environment
2     | test         | System is used for testing, not production
3     | development  | System is used for development, not production
4     | custom       | System usage is neither production, test nor development

Select System Usage / Enter Index [4]: 2

Enter a number that represents the planned function. In the example, 2 indicates a system for testing.

Accept more default values:

Do you want to enable data and log volume encryption? [n]:
Enter Location of Data Volumes [/hana/data/<SID>]:
Enter Location of Log Volumes [/hana/log/<SID>]:
Restrict maximum memory allocation? [n]:
Apply System Size Dependent Resource Limits? (SAP Note 3014176) [y]:

Determine these passwords as set on the source system:

  • sapadm password
  • <sid>adm password
  • System Database User SYSTEM password

Set the same passwords on the target system:

Enter SAP Host Agent User (sapadm) Password: <Use the same password used on the source system>
Confirm SAP Host Agent User (sapadm) Password: <Use the same password used on the source system>
Enter System Administrator (<sid>adm) Password:  <Use the same password used on the source system>
Confirm System Administrator (<sid>adm) Password: <Use the same password used on the source system>
Enter System Administrator Home Directory [/usr/sap/<SID>/home]:
Enter System Administrator Login Shell [/bin/sh]:
Enter System Administrator User ID [1001]: <check that the user ID number matches the source system>
Enter ID of User Group (sapsys) [79]:  <Check that the GUID number matches the source system>
Enter System Database User (SYSTEM) Password: <Use the same password used on the source system>
Confirm System Database User (SYSTEM) Password: <Use the same password used on the source system>

Restart system after machine reboot? [n]:
Summary before execution

At the summary, you can check to make sure that the selections that you made for the installation are correct. Then, select "Y" to begin. After about 20 minutes, you see the following message.

Registering SAP HANA Database Components on Local Host...
- Deploying SAP Host Agent configurations...
Creating Component List...
SAP HANA Database System installed
Log file written to xxxxxx

Checking that SAP HANA is running and determining the version

Run the following HDB proc command to verify that all services started on the primary and secondary SAP HANA system.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- HDB proc

SAP HANA version needs to be equal or greater than the primary server

To verify the SAP HANA database version, use the following command on both nodes.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- HDB version

Initial backup of the MDC/SYSTEMDB SAP HANA database


Add both the SYSTEMDB entry and the MDC to the HANA Studio Application. Or, If you have an SAP HANA Cockpit in your landscape, you can add the target system to your HANA Cockpit instead. After both systems are added, complete an initial system backup. On the SYSTEMDB entry, -> right click and select.

  • Backup & Recovery
  • Backup Up System Database
  • Backup Type Complete Data Backup
  • Destination File
  • Backup Destination /swrepo/backup/data/SYSTEMDB make sure that this directory structure exists and is writable with user ${sid}adm.
  • Review Backup Setup and then select Finish

Make sure that the SYSTEMDB@${SID} backup completes successfully.

Backup MDC

Backup & Recovery

  • Backup Up Tenant Database
  • Specify the Tenant Database ${sid}. Next
  • Backup Type Complete Data Backup.
  • Destination File.
  • Backup Destination /swrepo/backup/data/DB_${sid} make sure that this directory structure exists and is writable with user ${sid}adm.
  • Review Backup Setup and then select Finish.

Make sure that the backup of DB_${sid} completes without errors.

Check backup status

On the SYSTEMDB entry, -> right click and select the following actions.

  • Backup & Recovery
  • Select Open Backup Console
  • Select the tab Backup Catalog
  • In the Database Field select ${sid}for the MDC
  • In the Database Field select <SYSTEMDB>for the SYSTEMDB

Optional check of the trace log files

The database trace is written to service specific files on operating system level. The trace directory is in the following location:


The following alias in the environment of the ${sid}adm user allows to you quickly switch to the trace directory on the OS level:


The database trace files use the following naming convention:


In the context of dynamic tiering, a file with the following convention can exist (SAP Note 2871785):


  • Example:

indexserver_saphana01.30003.024.trc You can access these files either directly on the operating system level or in one of the following ways:

  • SAP HANA Studio -> Administration -> Diagnosis Files
  • DBACOCKPIT -> Diagnostics -> Diagnosis Files

Migrating SAP S/4HANA by using SAP HANA System Replication

Pre-checks before you configure SAP HANA System Replication

Before you configure SAP HANA System Replication, a few prerequisites must be checked. The described Steps are valid for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (RHEL) and SUSE Enterprise Linux (SLES).

Check the SAP HANA database user on the source system

Check with your SAP basis administration team or SAP HANA administrators, which SAP HANA database user is used to access the system. Typically this user the SYSTEM user, or the SAP schema owner user if your SAP basis administration team implemented the SAP security advisories.

SAP HANA landscape pre-steps for activating SAP HANA System Replication

Set the environment variables on the primary and secondary SAP HANA systems

To simplify the setup, prepare the following environment variables for ${sid}adm on both nodes. These environment variables are used in subsequent commands in the remainder of the examples.

On both nodes, run the following commands. Remember that the variables must be the same on both systems, source and target.

export SID=<SID>                                 # SAP HANA System ID (uppercase)
export sid=<sid>                                 # SAP HANA System ID (lowercase)
export INSTNO=<INSTNO>                           # SAP HANA Instance Number
export DIR_INSTANCE=/usr/sap/${SID}/HDB${INSTNO} # "${sid}adm" home directory

export SiteOnPrem=<PrimarySiteName>        # HANA System Replication Site Name 1 - Migration from On-Prem - Source
export SiteOnCloud=<secondarySiteName>     # HANA System Replication Site Name 2 - Migration to On-Cloud - Target

export NODE1=<Hostname 1>                  # Hostname of On-Prem Server
export NODE2=<Hostname 2>                  # Hostname of IBM Power Virtual Server Instance

Make sure that SAP HANA is running on both systems

As the operating system user ${sid}adm, the command HDB proc can be used to verify that all services are started.

Run the following command on both systems, primary and secondary SAP HANA server.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- HDB proc

SAP HANA version must be equal or greater than the primary server

Run the following command on each node to determine the SAP HANA server version.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- HDB version

The target system version must be equal or larger compared with the source system version. The only exception for the version is for an Active/Active read enabled configuration, here the HDB version must be identical on source and target system.

  • Therefore, make sure that the system configuration is identical on both the source and target servers. Then, compare the settings in the ini-files on both systems.

  • For a scale-out configuration, make sure that the number of worker nodes (scale-out) and roles are identical on both the source and target servers.

  • The same ${sid} and instance numbers must be used on both systems.

  • Back up PKI SSFS .key and the .dat files from the primary and secondary systems.

  • Copy existing PKI keys from the primary to the secondary system.

To make sure that you can recover to the original installed state, if needed, back up the existing keys on both primary and secondary systems.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- cp -p /usr/sap/${SID}/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data/SSFS_${SID}.DAT /usr/sap/${SID}/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data/SSFS_${SID}.DAT_<hostname>

After the backup of the existing PKI SSFS .key and .dat files is done, you now need to copy the PKI SSFS .key and .dat files from primary system to the target system.

The SAP HANA 2.0 data and log transmission channels for the replication process require authentication by using the system PKI SSFS storage certificate files.

The system PKI SSFS storage certificate files are stored in /usr/sap/${SID}/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/ in subdirectories data and key.

On NODE2, run the following commands to copy files SSFS_${SID}.DAT and SSFS_${SID}.KEY from NODE1.

As ${sid}adm user, run the following two commands on NODE2.

scp ${NODE1}:/usr/sap/${SID}/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data/SSFS_${SID}.DAT /usr/sap/${SID}/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data/SSFS_${SID}.DAT
scp ${NODE1}:/usr/sap/${SID}/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/key/SSFS_${SID}.KEY /usr/sap/${SID}/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/key/SSFS_${SID}.KEY

The copied PKI SSFS storage certificates on NODE2 become active during the start of the SAP HANA system.

Check that the configuration parameter log_mode is set to normal

Make sure that the configuration parameter log_mode is set to normal in the persistence section of the global.ini on both the primary and secondary SAP HANA Servers.

Run the following command on both systems to verify the log_mode setting.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- grep -i 'log_mode' /usr/sap/${SID}/HDB${INSTNO}/exe/config/global.ini

The following output is expected.


Register the primary server first

On the primary SAP HANA system, run the following command to register this node as the primary for SAP HANA System Replication.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- hdbnsutil -sr_enable --name=${SiteOnPrem}

The following output is expected.

nameserver is active, proceeding ...
successfully enabled system as system replication source site

Check whether the primary system is registered

Verify that the primary system is successfully registered by using the following command.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- hdbnsutil -sr_state

The following output is expected.

System Replication State

online: true

mode: primary
operation mode: primary
site id: 1
site name: SiteOnPrem

is source system: true
is secondary/consumer system: false
has secondaries/consumers attached: false
is a takeover active: false
is primary suspended: false

Host Mappings:

Site Mappings:
SiteCloud (primary/)

Tier of SiteCloud: 1

Replication mode of SiteCloud: primary

Operation mode of SiteOnPrem :

Hint based routing site:

Make sure that SAP HANA is not active on the secondary site

The secondary site must not be an active SAP HANA server. Stop SAP HANA database services by using the following command.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- HDB stop

The following output is expected.

hdbdaemon will wait maximal 300 seconds for NewDB services finishing.
Stopping instance using: /usr/sap/${SID}/SYS/exe/hdb/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 10 -function Stop 400

10.08.2023 10:32:07
Waiting for stopped instance using: /usr/sap/${SID}/SYS/exe/hdb/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 10 -function WaitforStopped 600 2

10.08.2023 10:32:51
hdbdaemon is stopped.

Register the secondary system

Now register the secondary system.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- hdbnsutil -sr_register \
    --name=<secondarySiteName> \
    --remoteHost=<primary_host> \
    --remoteInstance=<primary_systemnr> \
    --replicationMode=[sync|syncmem|async] \

For example, if you use

  • SiteOnCloud as the secondary site name
  • syncmem as replication mode and
  • logreplay as operation mode

The last command looks like the following example.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- hdbnsutil -sr_register \
    --name=${SiteOnCloud} \
    --remoteHost=${NODE1} \
    --remoteInstance=${INSTNO} \
    --replicationMode=syncmem \

The following output is expected.

Thu 10 Aug 10:36:13 CEST 2023
adding site ...
collecting information ...
updating local ini files ...

Troubleshoot hdbnsutil errors with SELinux enabled

If security-enhanced Linux (SELinux) is enabled, the output of hdbnsutil is not as expected. You can see one of the following two symptoms.

  • Command is not recognized error message
  • Usage information displayed

SELinux, when set to enforcing, prevents the command hdbnsutil from restarting the saphostagent in the ${sid}adm user context. You can either add proper SELinux security policies or as SAP recommends. Then, disable SELinux.

Check the current SELinux status with the following command.


The following output is an example.

SELinux status:                 enforcing

If sestatus command returns with enforcing, then commands even when run with root privileges can be blocked, depending on security policy.

To disable SELinux temporarily, run the following command.

sudo setenforce 0

SELinux is now temporarily disabled until the next restart.

Now check with sestatus again, the status shows disabled.

Check whether the saphostagent process is running with the following command.

sudo ps -ef | grep -i host

If output is empty and no process is displayed, manually restart the saphostagent.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec -restart /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/host_profile

Check the state on both sides of the SAP HANA System Replication

Check the primary system state

Verify the system replication state on the primary node. Run the following command on the primary server:

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- hdbnsutil -sr_state

The following output is expected.

System Replication State

online: true

mode: primary
operation mode: primary
site id: 1
site name: SiteOnPrem_hostname

is source system: true
is secondary/consumer system: false
has secondaries/consumers attached: true
is a takeover active: false
is primary suspended: false

Host Mappings:

<SiteOnCloud_hostname> -> [SiteOnPrem_hostname] <SiteOnPrem_hostname_hostname>
<SiteOnCloud_hostname> -> [SiteOnCloud] <SiteOnPrem_hostname_hostname>

Site Mappings:
SiteOnPrem_hostname (primary/primary)
    |---SiteOnCloud (syncmem/logreplay)

Tier of SiteCloud: 1
Tier of SiteOnPrem_hostname: 2

Replication mode of SiteOnPrem_hostname: primary
Replication mode of SiteOnCloud: syncmem

Operation mode of SiteOnPrem_hostname: primary
Operation mode of SiteOnCloud logreplay

Mapping: SiteOnPrem_hostname -> SiteOnCloud

Hint based routing site:

Check the secondary system state

Now check the system replication state on the second node. Run the same command on the second server.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- hdbnsutil -sr_state

The following output is expected.

System Replication State

online: false

mode: syncmem
operation mode: unknown
site id: 2
site name: SiteOnCloud

is source system: unknown
is secondary/consumer system: true
has secondaries/consumers attached: unknown
is a takeover active: false
is primary suspended: false
is timetravel enabled: false
replay mode: auto
active primary site: 1

primary masters: <SiteOnPrem_hostname_hostname>

Restart the secondary server

So far both SAP HANA servers are configured as replication partners. Now restart the secondary SAP HANA server to complete the replication setup.

Run the following command on the secondary server.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- HDB start

The following output is expected.


Starting instance using: /usr/sap/${SID}/SYS/exe/hdb/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 10 -function StartWait 2700 2

10.08.2023 10:38:47

10.08.2023 10:40:17

Check HDB info or HDB proc on the secondary side to confirm that SAP HANA is running again. When successful, run the sr_state command on the primary system.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- hdbnsutil -sr_state

The following output is expected.

System Replication State

online: true

mode: primary
operation mode: primary
site id: 1
site name: SitePrem

is source system: true
is secondary/consumer system: false
has secondaries/consumers attached: true
is a takeover active: false
is primary suspended: false

Host Mappings:

<SiteOnCloud_hostname> -> [SiteOnPrem] <SiteOnPrem>
<SiteOnCloud_hostname> -> [SiteOnCloud] <SiteOnPrem>

Site Mappings:
SiteOnPrem (primary/primary)
    |---SiteOnCloud (syncmem/logreplay)

Tier of SiteOnprem : 1
Tier of SiteOnCloud: 2

Replication mode of SiteOnPrem: primary
Replication mode of SiteOnCloud: syncmem

Operation mode of SiteOnPrem: primary
Operation mode of SiteOnCloud: logreplay

Mapping: SiteOnprem_hostname -> SiteOnCloud

Hint based routing site:

Check replication status

After the secondary system is configured and SAP HANA is started on the secondary server, the replication process automatically starts synchronizing data with a full replica. You can verify the initial replication on the primary server and watch the current completion status of the full replication action.

Run the Python script with the following command.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- python ${DIR_INSTANCE}/exe/python_support/

The following output is expected.

|Database |Host     |Port  |Service Name |Volume ID |Site ID |Site Name |Secondary |Secondary |Secondary |Secondary  |Secondary     |Replication |Replication |Replication    |Secondary    |
|         |         |      |             |          |        |          |Host      |Port      |Site ID   |Site Name  |Active Status |Mode        |Status      |Status Details |Fully Synced |
|-------- |-------- |----- |------------ |--------- |------- |--------- |----------|--------- |--------- |---------- |------------- |----------- |----------- |-------------- |-------------|
|SYSTEMDB |<NODE1>  |31001 |nameserver   |        1 |      1 |SiteOnPrem|  <NODE2> |    31001 |        2 |SiteOnCloud|YES           |SYNCMEM     |ACTIVE      |               |         True|
|S4H      |<NODE1>  |31007 |xsengine     |        2 |      1 |SiteOnPrem|  <NODE2> |    31007 |        2 |SiteOnCloud|YES           |SYNCMEM     |ACTIVE      |               |         True|
|S4H      |<NODE1>  |31040 |docstore     |        5 |      1 |SiteOnPrem|  <NODE2> |    31040 |        2 |SiteOnCloud|YES           |SYNCMEM     |ACTIVE      |               |         True|
|S4H      |<NODE1>  |31003 |indexserver  |        3 |      1 |SiteOnPrem|  <NODE2> |    31003 |        2 |SiteOnCloud|YES           |SYNCMEM     |ACTIVE      |               |         True|
|S4H      |<NODE1>  |31011 |dpserver     |        4 |      1 |SiteOnPrem|  <NODE2> |    31011 |        2 |SiteOnCloud|YES           |SYNCMEM     |ACTIVE      |               |         True|

status system replication site "1": ACTIVE
overall system replication status: ACTIVE

Local System Replication State

site id: 1
site name: SiteOnPrem_hostname

Four methods to check the system replication status

Option 1.

The first option uses the Python script for a server point of view. This script displays a status line per SAP HANA server system.

Run the following command.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- python ${DIR_INSTANCE}/exe/python_support/

Make sure that each server that is listed in the output shows OK in the host status column.

Option 2.

The second alternative option uses the Python script for a database view of the SAP HANA system replication. This script displays one status line for each database and an overall status after the database table.

Run the Python script with the following command.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- python ${DIR_INSTANCE}/exe/python_support/

Make sure that each database listed shows an ACTIVE in replication status column. The expected script output contains the following line:

overall system replication status: ACTIVE
Option 3. hdbcons

Check the detailed status of the system replication with the hdbconscommand and run as ${sid}adm user. This third option is a technical per server and per service view.

Run the SAP HANA DB Management Client Console hdbcons with the following command.

sudo -i -u ${sid}adm -- hdbcons -e hdbindexserver "replication info"
Option 4. Sql script

The fourth alternative uses an SQL statement that can be run, for example, in SAP HANA studio or cockpit. This option is a hosts-per-site-view of SAP HANA system replication.

Check by running the following SQL statement.


Check especially columns REPLICATION_STATUS and REPLICATION_STATUS_DETAILS in the SQL output.

Post replication completion

Before you disable the replication setup, check the trace logs for any inconsistencies or anomalies after the replication action is performed. After the replication completes, the database contains all active services on the primary system only. But you can still examine the trace logs for any inconsistencies or issues.

Checking the database trace files

The database trace is written to service specific files on operating system level. The trace directory is located here: /usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<inst>/<host>/trace/DB_<SID>/

The following alias in the ${sid}adm user environment allows the ${sid}adm user to quickly change to the trace directory on the operating system level:


The database trace files have the following naming convention: <service>_<host>.<port>.<counter>.trc

In the context of dynamic tiering also a file with the following convention can exist (SAP Note 2871785): esserver_console_<host>.<port>.<counter>.trc

Example: indexserver_saphana01.30003.024.trc

You can access database trace files in three ways:

  • Directly on the operating system level
  • SAP HANA Studio -> Administration -> Diagnosis Files
  • DBACOCKPIT -> Diagnostics -> Diagnosis Files

SAP HANA System Replication resources

For more information, see the following links: