IBM Cloud Docs
SAP NetWeaver deployment to IBM Power Virtual Server using AIX

SAP NetWeaver deployment to IBM Power Virtual Server using AIX

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A Quick Study, someone who is able to learn new things quickly.

These Quick Study Tutorials provide a single sample configuration, with less detailed instructions, as an introduction for customers who prefer hands-on tasks to increase their pace of learning.

The following information provides an introduction for customers who are new to IBM Power Infrastructure environment.

Getting started with the jump server

If you are using IBM Cloud® Direct Link, you access your Power Virtual Server instances from Linux® or Windows servers that are located in IBM Cloud® or on-premises networks. These systems are known as access system jump servers.

You can also use these jump servers as a software installation repository. The jump server has private and public IP addresses for accessing SAP Software Center or third-party vendor websites to download fixes or updates that can be stored on the jump server.

If you are using the Windows platform, you can install useful tools like WinSCP to transfer the software from the jump server to your AIX or Linux Power Virtual Server. The following table lists tools for jump servers on Windows:

Table 1. Tools for jump servers on Windows
Tool Purpose Link
WinSCP Upload and download third-party files WinSCP Download and Install
PuTTY SSH client Download PuTTY: latest release
VNC Viewer Virtual session connections Download VNC Viewer
WinRAR File decompression and compression WinRAR Demo Edition
Java 8 Prerequisite for SAP GUI for Windows Java SE Runtime Environment 8 Downloads
SAP GUI SAP GUI for Windows SAP GUI 7.6 Core Download
Google Chrome Internet browser Download Chrome

If you are using Windows as a jump server, you can use Windows PowerShell which includes a built-in SSH server.

For jump servers on Linux, the list of tools is nearly identical. For file uploads and downloads, you can use FileZilla, native SFTP, or SCP functionality.

Download SAP's SAPCAR utility, so when you download SAP Installation Media that is often bundled into .SAR files, you can extract the files immediately on the target AIX or Linux Power Virtual Server:

  1. Go to the SAP Software Center.
  2. In Downloads, search for SAPCAR.
  3. Select SAPCAR 7.21.
  4. For the operating system, select AIX 64BIT or LINUX ON POWER LE 64BIT.
  5. Click the latest entry in the list and download to your jump server.
  6. Transfer SAPCAR to your AIX or Linux Power Virtual Server.

Adding routes on your instance for the jump server

After you configure IBM Cloud® Direct Link and your jump server is provisioned with a private and public IP address, update the network route on your virtual server instance so it can connect to your jump server. The following example shows how to connect a jump server on Windows to the AIX virtual server instance.

AIX instance

  1. Go to the Resource list to find your jump server.

  2. In the devices list, click your jump server to display the Devices Overview.

  3. In the Network Details, note the private interface information. Click the information icon ("i") next to the private IP address to display the Gateway and Subnet Mask information. This information is required when you add the route to your AIX virtual server instance.

  4. Log on to your AIX virtual server instance and add the route.

    For example, given the following information:

    Private IP address:


    Default Gateway:

    You can run the following command:

    route add -net

    Note that the route is added temporarily; it disappears when you reboot.

    To add the route permanently across reboots, run the following command:

    chdev -l inet0  -a route=net,-hopcount,0,-netmask,,-if,en0,,,,-static,,
  5. Run netstat -rn and check that the entry appears in the list. Ping the jump server network, log on to the jump server, and use Windows Powershell to connect to the AIX instance from the jump server.


To update the persistent route in Linux, add details to the /etc/sysconfig/network/ifroute-XX file, where XX is the network adapter. In the file, add details in the following format:

[Destination Address]  [Default Gateway]  [Subnet Mask]  [Network Adapter]

For example:

cat  /etc/sysconfig/network/ifroute-eth0

10.123.456.0  10.123.456.1 eth0

SSH tunneling

This section describes SSH tunneling for specific SAP methods such as SAP GUI and Software Provisioning Manager (formerly known as SAPINST).

SSH connection

For a stable SSH connection, use the ServerAliveInterval and ServerAliveCountMax SSH options when you connect to Power Virtual Server by using a public network interface.

ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ServerAliveCountMax=600 <user>@<Public IP Address>

SSH tunneling for SAP GUI

Establish an SSH tunnel from your client machine to the cloud server. For example, if your client machine is running on a Windows operating system, run the following command:

ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ServerAliveCountMax=600 -4 -L 3200:localhost:3200 -N -f -l root <Public IP Address> -p 22

In this command, 3200 is the port number that is used to connect to an application server with instance number 00. You might have to change it to connect to a different application server, for example, 3202 for instance number 02.

SSH tunneling for SAP Software Provisioning Manager

Establish an SSH tunnel from your client machine to the cloud server. For example, if your client machine is running on a Windows operating system, run the following command:

ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ServerAliveCountMax=600 -4 -L 4237:localhost:4237 -N -f -l root -p 22

4237 is the default port that is used by Software Provisioning Manager. You might have to change it if the Software Provisioning Manager execution suggests a different port.

Generic Command
ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ServerAliveCountMax=600 -4 -L $localport:localhost:$remoteport -N -f -l root $host -p 22

For more information about SSH port forwarding and SAP ports, see SSH Port Forwarding with PuTTY.

SSH configuration issues such as missing host keys

For SSH tunnelling, missing SSH host keys must be generated. For more information, see Setting up an SSH client.

Configuring the NTP client

A newly provisioned Power Virtual Server might not show the correct time when you run the date command. The initial time setting on the server often differs by 10 - 15 minutes from the correct time. This time difference can cause problems when you install and run your SAP system on the server, or when you connect the SAP system to your on-premises landscape.

You can keep the time current by configuring an NTP daemon that receives the correct time from an NTP time server. To set up NTP on AIX, see How to configure NTP in your Environment and common issues.

To enable the AIX virtual server to synchronize with the NTP server, add the network IP address of your company’s NTP server or a public NTP server to the NTP configuration file /etc/ntpd.conf.

Be sure to configure NTP to use the SLEWING option -x as recommended in the following SAP Notes:

After you complete the configuration, check that the NTP daemon runs with the -x argument as follows:

root@ibmdemnw01:/home/root> ps -ef | grep -i xntpd
    root 32309530        1   0 00:13:24      -  0:00 /usr/sbin/xntpd -x

Using the NIM service handler

If you plan to run a NIM Service Handler (NIMSH) on your AIX virtual server to connect to a NIM server, make sure that you avoid the following port conflict.

The NIM client daemon (NIMSH) uses reserved ports 3901 and 3902 (see Using the NIM service handler for client communication). If you install an SAP Central Services Instance with instance number 01 or 02 on the same virtual server, a conflict is generated. By default, the SAP Central Services Instance installation configures port number 39XX for SAP Message Server internal communication, where XX is the two-digit SAP instance number.

An SAP installation places the port number into the SAP profile file DEFAULT.PFL. For example, the following entry in DEFAULT.PFL is for an SAP Central Services instance number 01:

rdisp/msserv_internal = 3901

To avoid port conflicts, do one of the following actions:

  • Use instance number 00 for your SAP Central Services instance or another instance number that is not 01 or 02.
  • Change the value of the rdisp/msserv_internal profile parameter to a port value that does not conflict with the reserved ports of NIMSH or any other program on your server.

You can check the status of the NIM components on the AIX server as follows:

# lssrc -a |grep -i nim

 nimsh            nimclient                     inoperative

 nimhttp                                        inoperative

Adding storage for the rootvg during AIX server provisioning

Configure additional space in the rootvg for third-party vendor prerequisite checks. After provisioning the AIX server, the rootvg has approximately 8 GB of free space. To prevent issues with prerequisite checks when you install database software, add another disk with a partition size of 30 GB.

  1. During virtual server instance provisioning, create a new storage volume that is 30 GB.

  2. After the AIX server is provisioned, run the lspv command for an overview of hdisks. The output shows one disk that belongs to the rootvg and another disk that does not have a physical volume identifier and a volume group assigned:

    # lspv
    hdisk0          none                                None
    hdisk1          00f6db0af58e9775                    rootvg          active
  3. To extend the rootvg volume group, run the following command:

    extendvg rootvg <new hdisk>

Extending /tmp

SAP installations as well as Db2 and Oracle Database software installations use PREINSTALLER checks to make sure that your system is database-ready. One of the checks is the amount of free space in /tmp. For example, at least 5 GB of available space is expected for Oracle installations. For Db2, the free space check expects 512 MB.

To extend /tmp:

  1. Check the space available in the rootvg. Run the following command:

    lsvg rootvg | grep "FREE PPs"

    If more storage is required, you should have sufficient space to extend /tmp because you already added an extra disk.

  2. Run the following command:

    chfs -a size=5G /tmp

    The size of the logical volume on which /tmp resides (typically hd3) and the file system capacity is increased to 5 GB.

You can run the same command with +5G /tmp to append the size of the file system and add 5 GB to the existing size.

You can enter a higher value to extend the file system further, for example, if you need more capacity, or if there are issues with free space in either “/” or /tmp during the PREINSTALLER check.

Extending or adding paging space

Prechecks can include a paging space check, which analyzes your system and determines whether your server has sufficient paging space for the database or application installation.

Some databases require at least 32 GB. Instead of increasing the size of the current paging space hd6, create a second paging volume when you define additional storage for the database or application volume groups.

After you create volume groups for applications and databases, you can create the new paging space to reside on the volumes within the volume groups.

The lsps -s command shows the total amount of paging space on your system, for example:

root@ibmdemnw01:/swrepo/AIX> lsps -s
Total Paging Space   Percent Used
      25760MB	             0%

The lsps -a command shows the distribution of the paging space that is defined on your system, for example:

root@ibmdemnw01:/swrepo/AIX> lsps -a
Page Space  Physical Volume   Volume Group   Size %Used 	Active	Auto	Type Ch
hd6         hdisk4            rootvg	       160MB   20   yes     yes     lv
paginglv	  hdisk2            fr02swreposvg 25600MB	  0   yes     yes     lv
root@ibmdemnw01:/swrepo/AIX> I

This example shows that a paging space was defined in the volume group fr02swreposvg on hdisk2 called paginglv in addition to the standard paging space hd6 in the rootvg.

If your new AIX server instance doesn't have sufficient paging space when you begin the implementation phase of your database or application, it can lead to multiple errors, for example, PGSPACE_KILL where the VMM starts to prune system processes. Be sure to follow third-party software recommendations for their products.

AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications

When you download SAP packages from the SAP Marketplace, sometimes the files are packed into multispanning archives. Tools are required to decompress the files and rebuild the packages.

For more information, see SAP Note 886535 - Downloading multispanning archives (RAR archive) and SAP Note 960755 - Unpacking ZIP archives in Unix.

The required tools, unrar and unzip, can be downloaded from the AIX Toolbox For Linux Applications. Download the tools and use RPM to install them on your AIX system. You might need to install additional filesets as a prerequisite. These files might already be in the limited AIX repository that is supplied when the AIX server is provisioned.

Additional installation files can be found on the /usr/sys/inst.images mountpoint.

The vnc package is another useful tool in the AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications. After you install the vnc package into your AIX server, you will be able to start a VNC server on your AIX server. Then you can use a VNC viewer such as TightVNC on the jump server or another desktop to connect to your AIX server to start an SAP installation by using Software Provisioning Manager (formerly known as SAPINST) with the web front end. For more information, see Software Provisioning Manager and Installing by using a jump server.

Required filesets for Oracle, IBM Db2, and SAP MaxDB

Oracle 12 on AIX IBM Power Systems

Oracle 12 is supported on AIX 7.1 and 7.2. For a list of required operating system filesets and APARs, see the system requirements.

Run the following command to check whether the filesets are available:

lslpp -l |egrep -w 'bos.adt.base|bos.perf.libperfstat|bos.adt.lib| bos.adt.libm|bos.perf.perfstat|bos.perf.proctools|xlC.aix61.rte|xlC.rte'

Oracle 19 on AIX IBM Power Systems

Oracle 19 is supported on AIX 7.1 and 7.2.

For a list of operating system filesets and APARs, see the system requirements.


Before you install IBM Db2, make sure that the system requirements are met.

For the software requirements for Db2 and SAP, see Installation of SAP Systems Based on the Application Server ABAP and DB2.

For dependencies and download details for Db2, see System requirements for IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.

The following additional filesets must be installed for Db2 installations:

  • bos.adt.* - Base Application Development
  • bos.perf.* - Performance and diagnostics tools
  • - Performance monitoring tools

You can run the following command to check whether the filesets are available:

lslpp -l |egrep -w 'bos.adt.base|bos.perf.libperfstat|bos.adt.lib| bos.adt.libm|bos.perf.perfstat|bos.perf.proctools'


Before you install SAP MaxDB, make sure that the required AIX filesets are installed. Run the following command:

lslpp -l | egrep -w 'bos.mp64|bos.rte.libc*|xlC.aix61.rte|xlC.sup.aix50.rte'
  • bos.mp64 - Base Operating System 64-bit
  • bos.rte.libc - libc Library
  • xlC.aix61.rte - IBM XL C++ Runtime for AIX 6.1
  • xlC.sup.aix50.rte - XL C/C++ Runtime for AIX 5.2
  • bos.mp64 - Base Operating System 64-bit
  • bos.rte.libc - libc Library

For more information about the required AIX filesets, see SAP Note 720261 - System prerequisite AIX - liveCache/MaxDB 7.4-7.9.

I/O usage is intensive during the Software Provisioning Manager installation phase. If there isn't enough paging space to complete the Software Provisioning Manager MaxDB tasks, the stability of the system can be impacted. Before you install third-party tools, make sure that sufficient paging space is provisioned according to the third-party software manufacturer's space recommendations.

Storage and the AIX Logical Volume Manager

Follow these recommendations on creating storage and the AIX Logical Volume Manager (LVM) for the database and application layer.

Storage and volume affinity

When you create storage by using the IBM Cloud® console, specify volume affinity to prevent issues with new volume discovery on existing virtual server instances. Keep the following points in mind:

  • You can't mix Tier 1 and Tier 3 storage.
  • After you provision storage with volume affinity, you can't go back and change it. Carefully plan your storage layer and make sure that your configuration is correct.
  • After you provision new volume, you can toggle bootable and sharing switches. Sharing is especially useful for an Oracle RAC implementation.

For more information about volume affinity, see Adding network block storage.

Logical volumes and mount points

Be sure to follow the recommendations of third-party software vendors about the configuration of logical volumes and mount points for the file systems. For more information, see the following links:

Installation of SAP Systems Based on the Application Server ABAP of SAP NetWeaver with IBM DB2

SAP Note 2172935 - Installation - SAP Systems based on SAP NetWeaver : Oracle Database

Directory and Filesystem Structure for MaxDB

More recommendations

  • Create separate volume groups for database and applications. For example, for an Oracle installation, create the oraclevg. For SAP products, create the appsvg or sapvg, depending on the products that you choose to install.
  • Allocate sufficient storage to each of the volume groups and follow a standard naming convention when you create logical volumes. Add your preferred SID to the logical volume name.

Creating separate storage for an installation repository

SAP Software Provisioning Manager requires additional files that will be used for the installation of SAP products such as exported images, SAP kernel files, and database clients. The disk space requirements depend on the SAP product and database that you plan to install.

Calculate the sum of SAP packages on the SAP Marketplace that are required for your installation. Before you install SAP products by using Software Provisioning Manager, provide the required storage. Create a dedicated volume group and logical volume and mount it on /swrepo/SAP.

Installing the system

Before you install the system by using Software Provisioning Manager (SWPM), follow these preliminary steps:

  1. Create a user in the smitty user menu called swpmuser so you can avoid running the installation as the root user. If you didn't create a separate rootgrp, keep the primary group as system. Also include this user in the system and root groups so it is basically an administrative user. You will use this user when you start the Software Provisioning Manager tool as a Remote Access Tool user.

  2. Create the following directory structure under your software repository mount point /swrepo/SAP for Software Provisioning Manager and other required software as recommended here: Creating separate storage for an installation repository.

Table 2. Software repository directory structure
Directory Purpose
/swrepo/SAP/SWPM/ Location to unpack the Software Provisioning Manager SAR file
/swrepo/SAP/SWPM/tmp Temporary storage and cache for Software Provisioning Manager installation
/swrepo/SAP/kernel Location for the SAP kernel files
/swrepo/SAP/export Location for the export files needed
/swrepo/SAP/DB Location for the database product and client software
/swrepo/SAP/others Location for miscellaneous software such as saphostagent
/swrepo/SAP/prereqcheck Location for the prerequisite check output

Installing by using a client machine

Follow these steps to install the system by using a client machine.

  1. Set up SSH tunneling on the client machine. For more information, see SSH tunneling.

  2. Set a variable on the server for TMPDIR on the AIX server:

    export TMPDIR=/swrepo/SAP/SWPM/tmp

    Otherwise, Software Provisioning Manager uses the system-wide /tmp directory for sapinstdir logging and quickly runs out of space.

  3. Unpack the Software Provisioning Manager SAR file on the server.

  4. Unpack the installation into the respective folders.

  5. Run the Prerequisites Check to make sure that all requirements are met for the installation.

    1. Go to the /swrepo/SAP/prereqcheck directory.
    2. Run the Software Provisioning Manager sapinst executable as follows:
  6. Open a browser on your client machine and go to this URL:

    https://<Public IP address of your AIX server>:443/sapinst/docs/index.html
  7. In login box, enter the swpmuser and the password that you defined.

  8. Open the Prerequisites Checker. For example, for Db2: On the Welcome page, select SAP NetWeaver 7.5 > IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows > Preparations > Prerequisites Check.

  9. On the Prerequisite Checker Options page, select the first three options.

  10. Click Next to proceed through the wizard until the Prerequisites Checker Results are displayed.

If you see a swap size MEDIUM result, check that you have sufficient swap space on your system.

After you complete the prerequisites check, you can proceed with the SAP NetWeaver installation for the application server, central services, and database installation.

Installing by using a jump server

Follow these steps to install the system by using the jump server and tools that are installed on your AIX virtual server.

On the AIX server

  1. Set a password. The VNC executable can be started multiple times and open multiple channels. Set a password to prevent other people from working on your channel.
    1. Go to the /home/root/.vnc directory.
    2. Run the vncpasswd command.
    3. Set the password for your connection.
  2. In the root directory, run the vncserver command to start a vncserver session.

On your laptop or jump server

Opening a terminal

  1. Connect the VNC Viewer software to the AIX server. In the VNC Viewer window, enter the address that was displayed when you started the vncserver on AIX. To use a hostname, make sure to update the /etc/hosts file so that the hostname resolves to IP.

    Your new server must be resolvable in the Windows or operating system of your laptop (for direct connections) and in your jump server. If an encryption warning is displayed, click Continue. When prompted, enter your password and click OK.

  2. Open a terminal. Enter xterm or aixterm on the command line.

Setting variables

When you run SAPINST, set variables to ensure that there are enough resources to start the executable and that it exports the correct details about you and your system.

  1. Echo the $DISPLAY variable. The output should show the same details as the connection.

  2. Run the xhost + command to disable access control.

  3. Run the xauth command to list the currently assigned keys that are needed to connect.

    Make a copy of the entries. If you need to switch to an SAP ACCOUNT for any reason, you can add the keys, access the session, and export the $DISPLAY again.

  4. Set the following variables for the installation session that are needed for SAPINST:

    export SAPINST_REMOTE_ACCESS_USER=<Your User ID here, root or swpmuser>
    export SAPINST_USE_HOSTNAME=<Hostname or Virtual Address>
    export LIBPATH=/sapmnt/<SID>/exe
    export CPIC_MAX_CONV=500
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java8_64
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
    export TMP=/swrepo/SAP/SWPM/tmp
    export TEMP=/swrepo/SAP/SWPM/tmp
    export TMPDIR=/swrepo/SAP/SWPM/tmp
    umask 022
    ulimit -n 32000
    ulimit -d unlimited
    ulimit -s unlimited
    ulimit -f unlimited
    ulimit -m unlimited
    • The $LIBPATH variable should point to your /sapmnt/<SID>/exe directory, which should already be on your system.
    • JAVA_HOME should point to the /usr/javaX_64 version installed on your server.
    • The exports for the TEMP;, TEMPDIR, and TMP directories ensure that SAPINST doesn't use the /tmp directory on AIX for the installation.
    • Make sure that the temp exports are set to a dedicated filesystem where you have unpacked SAPINST.
    • The umask and ulimit settings are recommended.

Testing SAPINST and installing

  1. In the SAPINST directory, run the following command:

    ./sapinst SAPINST_SLP_MODE=true
  2. When prompted to confirm, enter y.

  3. In your browser, go to the following URL:

    https:// :4237/sapinst/docs/index.html

    For example:


  4. When prompted, log in with the Software Provisioning Manager user or root user.

  5. Select your preferred product and proceed to install.

Port forwarding

If you're using a Windows operating system and the VNC port isn't working or it's closed, you need to tunnel to make the port for VNC 5901 usable. If you're using a recent version of Windows PowerShell, an SSH server is included so you can use SSH commands on the command line. For more information, see SSH tunneling.

Common problems and solutions

Here are some common issues that occur with Software Provisioning Manager:

Information resources for SAP NetWeaver

The following links will assist you in the installation and configuration of your Power Virtual Server instances and databases with SAP products. Links with numbers in the title point to the SAP Support Portal.

Cloud-related resources - IBM Power Virtual Servers

Table 3. Cloud-related resources - IBM Power Virtual Servers
Link Description
2855850 - SAP Applications on IBM Power Virtual Servers Supported SAP applications on IBM Power Virtual Servers
1380654 - SAP support in IaaS environments IaaS environments
2923984 - SAP on IBM Power Virtual Servers: Support prerequisites Support prerequisites
2947579 - SAP HANA on IBM Power Virtual Servers SAP HANA and virtual server instances
2923962 - Check SAP HANA NUMA Layout on IBM Power Systems Virtual Servers Checking the NUMA layout
2932766 - SAP on IBM Power Virtual Servers: Key Monitoring Metrics Key Monitoring Metrics

Operating systems - AIX

Table 4. Operating systems - AIX
Link Description
1780629 - AIX: Minimal OS Requirements for SAP Kernel Minimum operating system requirements for AIX
2267287 - Using SAP systems with AIX 7.2 SAP Systems on AIX 7.2
1541935 - Using SAP systems with AIX 7.1 SAP Systems on AIX 7.1
1972803 - SAP on AIX: Recommendations Guidance on how to optimally configure AIX for SAP
2630086 - Avoid signal 33, out of memory on AIX Signals paging and memory situations - recommended
AIX Service Strategy and Best Practices The AIX journey and strategy
IBM Knowledge Center AIX A central link for AIX information
Troubleshooting AIX 7.2 Useful problem solving
IBM Fix Central Fix Central for your AIX filesets and operating system upgrade source
Services and Support Best Practices POWER9 Download the PDF and see the command reference
Fix Level Recommendation Tool - FLRT Cross-compatibility and fix recommendations tool
IBM AIX Developer AIX developer website
IBM AIX Enhancements and Modernization The latest updated IBM Redbook for AIX

Operating systems - Linux

Table 5. Operating systems - Linux
Link Description
2378874 - Install SAP Solutions on Linux on IBM Power Systems (little endian) Installing SAP Solutions on IBM Power Systems
2369910 - SAP Software on Linux: General information General information for SAP software on Linux
765424 - Linux: Released IBM Hardware - POWER based servers Power-based servers
1002461 - Support of IBM Dynamic LPAR and Micropartitioning LPAR and micro partitioning
1122387 - Linux: SAP Support in virtualized environments SAP Support in virtualized environments
1400911 - Linux: SAP NetWeaver on Red Hat KVM - Kernel-based Virtual Machine Red Hat KVM - Kernel-based virtual machine
2526952 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Solutions RHEL for SAP Solutions *** Central Note for RHEL
1631106 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Applications RHEL for SAP applications
2002167 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x: Installation and Upgrade RHEL 7x installation and upgrading
936887 - End of maintenance for Linux distributions Maintenance calendar and product maturity
2679703 - Linux on IBM Power Systems -- SAP monitoring recommendations SAP monitoring recommendations
2578899 - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15: Installation Note SLES 15 installation note
1275776 - Linux: Preparing SLES for SAP environments Preparing SLES for SAP environments
SUSE Best Practices Library A useful collection of SUSE documentation
187864 - Linux: Locale Support on Linux Locale support for Linux
SAP on IBM Power Systems running Linux News about SAP on IBM Power Systems running Linux
Technical Resource for SAP Business Applications on Red Hat A useful collection of links for SAP and Redhat
SUSE Enterprise Server for IBM POWER IBM and SUSE

Databases - Db2

Table 6. Databases - Db2
Link Description
Installation of SAP Systems Based on the Application Server ABAP and IBM DB2 Downloadable as a PDF File
System requirements for IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows System requirements DB2
IBM POWER9 and SMT performance for IBM Db2 IBM POWER9 and Db2
Currently supported DB2 software levels and Fixpacks Db2 software levels + Fixes
Currently supported database features DB2 Db2 feature support
Required File systems for DB2 and SAP Netweaver Filesystem overview and mountpoints

Databases - Oracle

Table 7. Databases - Oracle
Link Description
2172935 - Installation - SAP Systems based on SAP NetWeaver : Oracle Database Also includes the Filesystems that should exist and mountpoints
2799900 - Central Technical Note for Oracle Database 19c Oracle 19c
2660020 - Central Technical Note for Oracle Database 18c Oracle 18c
1496927 - Protection of SAP instances through Oracle Clusterware Also, pre-reqs for Oracle 18c
527843 - Oracle RAC support in the SAP environment Oracle RAC support
2470660 - Central Technical Note for Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2) Oracle 12.2c
Oracle Community on SAP Oracle Community link
Managing the Stability and Performance of current Oracle Database versions running AIX on Power Systems including POWER9 Oracle stability and performance
Operating System Checklist for Oracle Database on IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit) Oracle, AIX and POWER systems
2540847 - SAP Guides for Oracle Database Upgrade Oracle guide collection
2086029 - Corrections for SAP Database Upgrade Guides for Oracle Corrections to the above SAP Note as reference
Oracle Database 11g and 12c on IBM Power Systems S924, S922 and S914 with POWER9 processors Further details on POWER9 and Oracle
Supported AIX versions with Oracle Fully supported setups with AIX and Oracle
Server Configuration Checklist with Oracle Installations and AIX Useful for setting up Oracle on AIX
Checking Asynchronous Input Output Processes Useful for Oracle tuning on AIX OS
Configuring Shell Limits and System Configuration Parameters for IBM AIX Explanation on User Limits and System configuration
Central Landing page for Oracle Versions and Products Useful to bookmark
Oracle Client Installation Oracle Client Installation
Oracle 18c Installation and Upgrade repository Useful hints and guidance for 18c

Databases - MaxDB

Table 8. Databases - MaxDB
Link Description
2365014 - Installation of SAP Systems Based on SAP NetWeaver: SAP MaxDB MaxDB installation guide
1706928 - Inst. SAP Sys. Based on NW 7.1 and higher: SAP Max DB, UNIX SAP installation note with MaxDB
1020175 - FAQ: SAP MaxDB installation, upgrade or applying a patch MaxDB FAQ
SAP and MaxDB Community Wiki MaxDB Community Wiki
Installing MaxDB with SL Tools Software Logistics Tools landing page
SAP MaxDB Community page MaxDB Community page
Problems during installation, upgrade or migration of MaxDB Another Wiki page (very useful)
The Complete SAP MaxDB Documentation Collection of Guides for MaxDB
820824 - FAQ: SAP MaxDB/liveCache technology MaxDB and LiveCache
767598 - Available SAP MaxDB documentation Available MaxDB documentation
819641 - FAQ: SAP MaxDB performance MaxDB performance
720261 - System prerequisite AIX - liveCache/MaxDB 7.4-7.9 Important SAP Note
725489 - SAP MaxDB performance analysis tools Performance tracking

Applications - SAP

Table 9. Applications - SAP
Link Description
SAP Guide Finder Recommended for all installations
1704753 - Inst.Systems Based on NetWeaver on UNIX - Using Software Provisioning Manager 1.0 Software Provisioning Manager information for version 1.0
Installation Guides - Application Server Systems - Software Provisioning Manager 1.0 Additional content
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