IBM Cloud Docs
Configuring Prometheus server metric forwarding

Configuring Prometheus server metric forwarding

The Prometheus metrics exporters, sap_host_exporter and hanadb_exporter, are configured to collect metrics from SAP HANA and the SAP system instances. Each Prometheus exporter collects metrics from the SAP system and exposes the metrics to a local HTTP port. Use a different HTTP port for each process and use a port number greater than 9600.

A Prometheus server, available from the package golang-github-prometheus-prometheus, is configured to forward the collected metrics from the local HTTP port to the monitoring ingestion endpoints.

All these services are installed as systemd services to keep them running permanently.

The Prometheus server is used to forward the metrics to the IBM Cloud® monitoring. You can configure all exporter processes of hanadb_exporter and sap_host_exporter in one prometheus.yml file.

The Prometheus server in agent mode performs the following functions.

  • Collects metrics from HTTPS endpoints.
  • Forwards the metrics to a remote endpoint.

Use the following steps to configure metric forwarding for the Prometheus server.

  1. Create a Prometheus configuration file as described in Configuring Prometheus remote write.

    All metrics from all exporter processes are collected by defining targets.

    The template for this configuration includes the following placeholders:

    • <ibmcloud_monitoring_instance_url> determines the IBM Cloud® instance rewrite destination.
    • <ibmcloud_monitoring_authorization_credentials> is the authentication token for the IBM Cloud® monitoring instance.
    • <sap_monitoring_nr> is the SAP system number where the exposed metrics are collected.
  2. As the Prometheus user, run the following command to create the configuration file with the file name /etc/prometheus/<sap_monitoring_nr>.yml

      scrape_interval: 15s
      evaluation_interval: 20s
      - url: "<ibmcloud_monitoring_instance_url>"
          credentials: "<ibmcloud_monitoring_authorization_credentials>"
          - target_label: instance
            replacement: 'SAP-<sap_monitoring_nr>-<sap_monitoring_solution_name>'
      - job_name: "hanadb_exporter"
          - targets: ['localhost:5<sap_monitoring_nr>02']
          - target_label: domain
            replacement: 'SAP'
      - job_name: "sap_host_exporter"
          - targets: ['localhost:5<sap_monitoring_nr>03','localhost:5<sap_monitoring_nr>04','localhost:5<sap_monitoring_nr>05']
          # 05 – n: as many as existing SAP Application server
          - target_label: domain
            replacement: 'SAP'

    Do not change the syntax of the Prometheus configuration file name: /etc/prometheus/<sap_monitoring_nr>.yml.

  3. Use the following commands to enforce Prometheus user permissions in all Prometheus configuration files.

    sudo chown -R prometheus:prometheus /etc/prometheus
    sudo chmod 0740 /etc/prometheus
    sudo chmod 0640 /etc/prometheus/*

    Test the Prometheus daemon manually.

    sudo -H -u prometheus /usr/bin/prometheus \
    --config.file=/etc/prometheus/${sap_monitoring_nr}.yml \
    --storage.agent.path=/opt/prometheus/${sap_monitoring_nr} \
    --enable-feature=agent --web.listen-address=localhost:5${sap_monitoring_nr}01

As the root user, set the systemd service parameters to run the Prometheus server in agent mode by using the following steps.

  1. Create and copy the following content to the /etc/systemd/system/prometheus@.service file.

    ExecStart=/usr/bin/prometheus --config.file=/etc/prometheus/%i.yml \
    --storage.agent.path=/opt/prometheus/%i --enable-feature=agent \
    ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
  2. Use the following commands to activate the configuration and start and enable the Prometheus agent.

    systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl start prometheus@${sap_monitoring_nr}
    sudo systemctl enable prometheus@${sap_monitoring_nr}

    Check the status of the service:

    systemctl status prometheus@${sap_monitoring_nr}
  3. Restart the daemon after each update of the configuration in the file /etc/prometheus/<sap_monitoring_nr>.yml.

    chown a+r /etc/prometheus/*
    systemctl reload prometheus@${sap_monitoring_nr}

It takes some time for the metrics to appear in your dashboard.

Next steps

To visualize the metrics that are collected by the Prometheus server, see Launch the monitoring web UI and work with dashboards.