Plan Qiskit Runtime for an organization
In an organization where individuals might work on several projects, Qiskit Runtime governance can seem complex. However, access management can be used to easily enable user collaboration and to restrict visibility of users and projects when necessary. Managing access becomes more relevant with Qiskit Runtime resources that are not free: that is, Qiskit Runtime service instances that use the Standard plan (which organizations are charged for).
IBM Cloud provides various ways to implement these mechanisms described in this tutorial. There are several ways to achieve these objectives. Additionally, most of the steps in this tutorial are generic to IBM Cloud and not specific to Qiskit Runtime, except the custom role details.
Involved Personas
The are several main personas that are mentioned in this tutorial:
- User: Someone who gets access to Qiskit Runtime resources (service instances) and can potentially collaborate with other users on these resources. Users' access is controlled by an administrator and they cannot create or delete service instances.
- Cloud administrator: An IBM Cloud account owner who owns Qiskit Runtime resources and manages which users can access these resources. As the resource owner, the administrator is charged for any paid resource use.
- IDP administrator: An administrator who defines identities and their attributes in an identity provider (IDP).
This tutorial uses the following terms:
Resource: A generic IBM Cloud term that refers to an object that can be managed through the Cloud user interface, CLI, or API. For this tutorial, a resource is a Qiskit Runtime service instance.
Service instance: A service instance is used to access Cloud functions. Specifically, quantum computing on real devices or simulators. It is defined through the catalog. You can define several service instances based on the same or different plans, which offer access to different quantum computing backends. See Qiskit Runtime plans for more details.
Project: A grouping unit that enables users to work on the same resources. This tutorial uses two projects;
. See Hierarchical project structures for more information.This project is not related to the "project" concept in IBM Quantum Platform.
Plan your setup
Before you set up Qiskit Runtime for your organization, you need to make these decisions:
How are user identities defined? You can set up IBM Cloud users, users from another IDP, or both.
- If you are using a different IDP, does the Cloud administrator or the IDP administrator assign users to project resources?
- If the IDP administrator assigns users to projects, you need a string to be used as a key, such as
(which this tutorial uses) for project comparisons.
What are the projects and which service instances will belong to each? You must plan your project names carefully.
- Do not make project names substrings of another. For example, if you use
for project names, then later you set up a project match forml
, it triggers on both values, accidentally granting more access than expected. Instead, use unique names such asml
. Alternatively, use prefix or suffix values to avoid such unintended substring matches. - Using naming conventions, along with prefix or suffix values can help you easily allow access to several projects.
- Quantum experiments (jobs) belong to service instances, and users that have access to an instance can see its jobs.
- Service instances can be based on different plans, allowing access to different backends like real devices or simulators. See Choose a QPU or simulator for details.
- Do not make project names substrings of another. For example, if you use
Which users need to access which projects?
Should users be able to delete jobs? Keeping jobs in service instances gives more traceability for billing costs. This information combines well with the audit trail of Activity Tracker, which tracks which user submitted the job.
Will you use access groups that directly reference Qiskit Runtime service instances or organize services into resource groups?
- Access groups are a convenient and common way of controlling user access for IBM Cloud resources. They are a simple but powerful means to consistently assign user access. We create an access group for each project and map users to access groups. Each access group uses a custom role that allows users to access specific Qiskit Runtime service instances or resource groups.
- Resource groups are used only when you need to maintain a clear separation of service instances. If more service instances are created in a resource group, all users that have access to the resource group see them automatically without updating access groups. If you choose to use resource groups, you will create access groups and then assign them to resource groups.
A service instance can belong to only one resource group, and after instances are assigned into resource groups, they cannot be changed. This also means that the resource group assignment can happen only at service instance creation. Therefore, resource groups might not provide enough flexibility if assignments of service instances to resource groups might need to change.
Next steps
- See Configure Qiskit Runtime for an organization for the steps to set up Qiskit Runtime.
- See Additional considerations for more information.