IBM Cloud Docs
IBM Power Virtual Server CLI version 1.4.1 for IBM data center

IBM Power Virtual Server CLI version 1.4.1 for IBM data center

IBM Power Virtual Server in IBM data center

The following list of commands are available with command-line interface (CLI) for IBM Power Virtual Server in IBM data center.

ibmcloud pi

Alias: pi

Description: Manage IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server service.

Usage: pi

Available Commands:

  • available-hosts: List of hosts available for reservation.
  • cloud-connection: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Cloud Connections.
  • datacenter: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Datacenters.
  • disaster-recovery: List disaster recovery locations for the current region or all regions.
  • host: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Host.
  • host-group: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Host Group.
  • ike-policy: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Internet Key Exchange policies.
  • image: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Images.
  • instance: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instances.
  • ipsec-policy: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Internet Protocol Security policies.
  • job: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Jobs.
  • network-interface: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Network Interfaces.
  • placement-group: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Placement Groups.
  • shared-processor-pool: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Shared Processor Pools.
  • snapshot: [DEPRECATED] IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Snapshots.
  • ssh-key: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server SSH-Keys.
  • storage-pools: List all storage pools for the targeted region.
  • storage-tiers: List all storage tiers for the targeted region.
  • subnet: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Subnets.
  • system-pools: List of available system pools within a particular data center.
  • virtual-serial-number: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Virtual Serial Number.
  • volume: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Volumes.
  • volume-group: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Volume Groups.
  • vpn: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Virtual Private Networking.
  • workspace: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Workspaces.

ibmcloud pi available-hosts

Alias: available-hosts, ahost

Description: List of hosts available for reservation.

Usage: available-hosts

ibmcloud pi cloud-connection

Alias: cloud-connection, cc

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Cloud Connections.

Usage: cloud-connection

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a cloud connection.
  • delete: Delete a cloud connection.
  • get: View details of a cloud connection.
  • list: List all cloud connections.
  • subnet: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Virtual Cloud Connection Subnets.
  • update: Update a cloud connection.
  • vpcs: List all virtual private clouds.

ibmcloud pi cloud-connection create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a cloud connection.


    ([--classic=True|False [--subnets "SUBNET_ID1..SUBNET_IDn" --gre-tunnel "CIDR DEST-IP"]] | [--subnets "SUBNET_ID1..SUBNET_IDn"])
    [--global-routing=True|False] [--metered=True|False] [--vpc=True|False --vpcIDs "VPC-ID"]
  pi cloud-connection create CONNECTION_NAME --speed SPEED --transit-enabled=True|False
    [--subnets "SUBNET_ID1..SUBNET_IDn"] [--global-routing=True|False] [--metered=True|False]

  CONNECTION_NAME: The unique name of the cloud connection.

Available Flags:

  -c, --classic             Enable "Classic" cloud connection endpoint.
  -g, --global-routing      Global routing flag.
  -t, --gre-tunnel string   Space separated "cidr" and "destinationIPAddress". Use with "--classic" option. GRE tunnel cannot be configured with speeds above 5000.
  -m, --metered             Metered cloud connection flag.
  -s, --speed int           Speed of the cloud connection (speed in megabits per second). Allowed values are 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000.
  -n, --subnets strings     Comma separated subnet identifiers.
  -r, --transit-enabled     Enable transit gateway.
  -v, --vpc                 Enable "VPC" cloud connection endpoint.
  -p, --vpcIDs strings      VPC ID (i.e. crn:v1:..) to add to cloud connection. Use with "--vpc" option.


    ibmcloud pi cloud-connection create test-cloud-connection --speed 100 --classic
    ibmcloud pi cloud-connection test-cloud-connection --speed 500 --classic --gre-tunel "" --subnets test-subnet

ibmcloud pi cloud-connection delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a cloud connection.



  CONNECTION_ID: The unique identifier of the cloud connection.

ibmcloud pi cloud-connection get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a cloud connection.



  CONNECTION_ID: The unique identifier of the cloud connection.

ibmcloud pi cloud-connection list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all cloud connections.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi cloud-connection subnet

Alias: subnet, snet

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Virtual Cloud Connection Subnets.

Usage: subnet

Available Commands:

  • attach: Attach a subnet to a cloud connection.
  • detach: Detach a subnet from a cloud connection.

ibmcloud pi cloud-connection subnet attach

Alias: attach, att

Description: Attach a subnet to a cloud connection.



  CONNECTION_ID: The unique identifier of the cloud connection.

Available Flags:

  -s, --subnet string   Subnet ID to attach to the cloud connection.

ibmcloud pi cloud-connection subnet detach

Alias: detach, det

Description: Detach a subnet from a cloud connection.


detach CONNECTION_ID --subnet ID

  CONNECTION_ID: The unique identifier of the cloud connection.

Available Flags:

  -s, --subnet string   Subnet ID to detach from the cloud connection.

ibmcloud pi cloud-connection update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a cloud connection.


update CONNECTION_ID [--classic=True|False [--gre-tunnel "CIDR DEST-IP"]] [--global-routing=True|False]
    [--metered=True|False] [--name NAME] [--speed SPEED] [--vpc=True|False [<--vpcIDs "VPC-ID">]]

  CONNECTION_ID: The unique identifier of the cloud connection.

Available Flags:

  -c, --classic             Enable "Classic" cloud connection endpoint.
  -g, --global-routing      Global routing flag.
  -t, --gre-tunnel string   Space separated "cidr" and "destinationIPAddress". Use with "--classic" option. GRE tunnel cannot be configured with speeds above 5000.
  -m, --metered             Metered cloud connection flag.
  -n, --name string         Name of the cloud connection.
  -s, --speed int           New speed value for the cloud connection. Allowed values are 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000. Speeds currently at 10000 cannot be downgraded lower and speeds cannot be increased to 10000.
  -v, --vpc                 Enable "VPC" cloud connection endpoint.
  -p, --vpcIDs strings      VPC ID (i.e. crn:v1:..) to add to cloud connection. Use with "--vpc" option.


    ibmcloud pi cloud-connection update test-cloud-connection --classic --global-routing --gre-tunnel "" --metered --name new-test-cloud-connection --speed 1000 --vpc --vpcIDS test-vpc

ibmcloud pi cloud-connection vpcs

Alias: vpcs

Description: List all virtual private clouds.

Usage: vpcs

ibmcloud pi datacenter

Alias: datacenter, dat

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Datacenters.

Usage: datacenter

Available Commands:

  • get: View details of a datacenter.
  • list: List all datacenter details.

ibmcloud pi datacenter get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a datacenter.



  DATACENTER: The name of the datacenter.

ibmcloud pi datacenter list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all datacenter details.

Usage: list [--long=True|False]

Available Flags:

  -l, --long   Retrieve additional details for datacenters.

ibmcloud pi disaster-recovery

Alias: disaster-recovery, drl

Description: List disaster recovery locations for the current region or all regions.

Usage: disaster-recovery [--all-regions=True|False]

Available Flags:

  -a, --all-regions   List disaster recovery locations for all regions.

ibmcloud pi host

Alias: host, hs

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Host.

Usage: host

Available Commands:

  • get: View details of a host.
  • list: List all hosts.
  • release: Release a host from a host group.
  • reserve: Reserve a host.
  • update: Update a host.

ibmcloud pi host get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a host.



  HOST_ID: The unique identifier of the host.

ibmcloud pi host list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all hosts.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi host release

Alias: release, rel

Description: Release a host from a host group.


release HOST_ID

  HOST_ID: The unique identifier of the host.

ibmcloud pi host reserve

Alias: reserve, res

Description: Reserve a host.

Usage: reserve "DISPLAYNAME1 SYSTYPE1"[,"DISPLAYNAMEn SYSTYPEn"] --host-group HOST_GROUP_ID [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]]

Available Flags:

  -g, --host-group string   Host group to remove host from.
  -u, --user-tags strings   Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the host.


    ibmcloud pi host reserve "testHost s922" --host-group 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --user-tags "project:customer-poc,env:dev,dataresidency:germany"

ibmcloud pi host update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a host.


update HOST_ID --display-name NEW_NAME

  HOST_ID: The unique identifier of the host.

Available Flags:

  -n, --display-name string   New name of the host.

ibmcloud pi host-group

Alias: host-group, hg

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Host Group.

Usage: host-group

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a host group.
  • get: View details of a host group.
  • list: List all host groups.
  • update: Update a host group.

ibmcloud pi host-group create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a host group.



  HOST_GROUP_NAME: The desired name of the host group.

Available Flags:

      --hosts stringArray     List of hosts to be included in the host group. Hosts must include a display name and system type.
  -s, --secondaries strings   List of secondaries to be included in the host group. Secondaries must include a workspace ID and optionally a name for the host group.


    ibmcloud pi host-group create test-host-group --hosts "/v1/hosts/421 s922 project:customer-poc,env:dev,dataresidency:germany" --hosts "/v1/hosts/422 s922 project:customer-poc,env:test,dataresidency:france"

ibmcloud pi host-group get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a host group.



  HOST_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier of the host group.

ibmcloud pi host-group list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all host groups.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi host-group update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a host group.


update HOST_GROUP_ID ([--add-workspaces "WORKSPACE_ID1 [HOST_GROUP_NAME1]"[,"WORKSPACE_IDn [HOST_GROUP_NAMEn]] | [--remove-workspace WORKSPACE_ID])

  HOST_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier of the host group.

Available Flags:

  -a, --add-workspaces strings    List of workspace IDs to share the host group with. Input must be a workspace ID and optionally a name for the host group separated by a space. Multiple workspace additions are separated by commas.
  -r, --remove-workspace string   A workspace ID to stop sharing the host group with.

ibmcloud pi ike-policy

Alias: ike-policy, ike

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Internet Key Exchange policies.

Usage: ike-policy

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a VPN IKE policy.
  • delete: Delete a VPN IKE policy.
  • get: View details of a VPN IKE policy.
  • list: List all VPN IKE policies.
  • update: Update a VPN IKE policy.

ibmcloud pi ike-policy create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a VPN IKE policy.


create IKE_POLICY_NAME --version VERSION --authentication AUTHENTICATION --encryption ENCRYPTION --dh-group DH_GROUP --preshared-key KEY --key-lifetime SECONDS

  IKE_POLICY_NAME: A unique name of the VPN IKE policy. The maximum name length is 47 characters.

Available Flags:

  -a, --authentication string   Authentication algorithm of the IKE policy. Valid values are 'sha-256', 'sha-384', 'sha1', 'none'.
  -d, --dh-group int            DH group number of the IKE policy. Valid values are '2', '14', '19', '20', '24', '5', '1'.
  -e, --encryption string       Encryption algorithm of the IKE policy. Valid values are 'aes-256-cbc', 'aes-192-cbc', 'aes-128-cbc', 'aes-256-gcm', 'aes-128-gcm', '3des-cbc'. When using 'aes-128-gcm' or 'aes-256-gcm' authentication should be set to 'none'.
  -k, --key-lifetime int        Key lifetime of the IKE policy in seconds. Valid range is 180 to 86400 seconds.
  -p, --preshared-key string    Preshared key used in this VPN connection. The key length must be even.
  -v, --version int             Version number of the IKE policy. Valid values are '2', '1'.


    ibmcloud pi ike-policy create test-ike-policy --authentication sha-256 --encryption aes-256-cbc --dh-group 2 --key-lifetime 190 --preshared-key sample-key --version 2

ibmcloud pi ike-policy delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a VPN IKE policy.



  IKE_POLICY_ID: The unique identifier of the VPN IKE policy.

ibmcloud pi ike-policy get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a VPN IKE policy.



  IKE_POLICY_ID: The unique identifier of the VPN IKE policy.

ibmcloud pi ike-policy list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all VPN IKE policies.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi ike-policy update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a VPN IKE policy.


update IKE_POLICY_ID [--name NEW_NAME] [--version VERSION] [--authentication AUTHENTICATION] [--encryption ENCRYPTION] [--dh-group DH_GROUP] [--preshared-key KEY] [--key-lifetime SECONDS]

  IKE_POLICY_ID: The unique identifier of the VPN IKE policy.

Available Flags:

  -a, --authentication string   Authentication algorithm of the IKE policy. Valid values are 'sha-256', 'sha-384', 'sha1', 'none'.
  -d, --dh-group int            DH group number of the IKE policy. Valid values are '2', '14', '19', '20', '24', '5', '1'.
  -e, --encryption string       Encryption algorithm of the IKE policy. Valid values are 'aes-256-cbc', 'aes-192-cbc', 'aes-128-cbc', 'aes-256-gcm', 'aes-128-gcm', '3des-cbc'. When using 'aes-128-gcm' or 'aes-256-gcm' authentication should be set to 'none'.
  -k, --key-lifetime int        Key lifetime of the IKE policy in seconds. Valid range is 180 to 86400 seconds.
  -n, --name string             New unique name of the IKE Policy. The maximum name length is 47 characters.
  -p, --preshared-key string    Preshared key used in this VPN connection. The key length must be even.
  -v, --version int             Version number of the IKE policy. Valid values are '2', '1'.

ibmcloud pi image

Alias: image, img

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Images.

Usage: image

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a copy of an available stock image into this account; stock image names cannot be changed.
  • delete: Delete an image.
  • export: Export an image to IBM Cloud Object Storage.
  • export-show: View details of the last image export job.
  • get: View details of an image.
  • import: Import an image to IBM Cloud Object Storage.
  • import-show: View details of the last image import job.
  • list: List all images in a workspace.
  • list-catalog: List images available in the regional image catalog.

ibmcloud pi image create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a copy of an available stock image into this account; stock image names cannot be changed.


create IMAGE_ID [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]]

  IMAGE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the image.

Available Flags:

  -u, --user-tags strings   Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the created image.


    ibmcloud pi image create 7100-05-05 --user-tags "project:customer-poc,env:dev,dataresidency:germany"

ibmcloud pi image delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete an image.


delete IMAGE_ID

  IMAGE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the image.

ibmcloud pi image export

Alias: export, ex

Description: Export an image to IBM Cloud Object Storage.


export IMAGE_ID --access-key KEY --bucket BUCKET_NAME --region REGION_NAME --secret-key KEY

  IMAGE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the image.

Available Flags:

  -a, --access-key string   Cloud Object Storage HMAC access key.
  -b, --bucket string       Cloud Object Storage bucket name.
  -r, --region string       Cloud Object Storage region au-syd, br-sao, ca-tor, che01, eu-de, eu-es, eu-gb, jp-osa, jp-tok, us-east, us-south.
  -s, --secret-key string   Cloud Object Storage HMAC secret key.


    ibmcloud pi image export 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --bucket "bucket/stock-images" --region us-east --access-key access-key-sample --secret-key secret-key-sample

ibmcloud pi image export-show

Alias: export-show, exs

Description: View details of the last image export job.


export-show IMAGE_ID

  IMAGE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the image.

ibmcloud pi image get

Alias: get

Description: View details of an image.



  IMAGE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the image.

ibmcloud pi image import

Alias: import, im

Description: Import an image to IBM Cloud Object Storage.


import IMAGE_NAME [--bucket-access private] [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER] [--os-type OSTYPE] [--import-details "LICENSE,PRODUCT,VENDOR"] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]] --access-key KEY --secret-key KEY --image-file-name IMAGE_FILE_NAME --bucket BUCKET_NAME --region REGION_NAME
  pi image import IMAGE_NAME [--bucket-access private] [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER] --storage-pool POOL [--os-type OSTYPE] [--import-details "LICENSE,PRODUCT,VENDOR"] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]] --access-key KEY --secret-key KEY --image-file-name IMAGE_FILE_NAME --bucket BUCKET_NAME --region REGION_NAME
  pi image import IMAGE_NAME [--bucket-access private] [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER] --affinity-policy affinity (--affinity-instance INSTANCE | --affinity-volume VOLUME) [--os-type OSTYPE] [--import-details "LICENSE,PRODUCT,VENDOR"] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]] --access-key KEY --secret-key KEY --image-file-name IMAGE_FILE_NAME --bucket BUCKET_NAME --region REGION_NAME
  pi image import IMAGE_NAME [--bucket-access private] [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER] --affinity-policy anti-affinity (--anti-affinity-instances "INSTANCE1 [INSTANCEn]" | --anti-affinity-volumes "VOLUME1 [VOLUMEn]") [--os-type OSTYPE] [--import-details "LICENSE,PRODUCT,VENDOR"] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]] --access-key KEY --secret-key KEY --image-file-name IMAGE_FILE_NAME --bucket BUCKET_NAME --region REGION_NAME
  pi image import IMAGE_NAME --bucket-access public [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER] [--os-type OSTYPE] [--import-details "LICENSE,PRODUCT,VENDOR"] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]] --image-file-name IMAGE_FILE_NAME --bucket BUCKET_NAME --region REGION_NAME
  pi image import IMAGE_NAME --bucket-access public [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER] --storage-pool POOL [--os-type OSTYPE] [--import-details "LICENSE,PRODUCT,VENDOR"] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]] --image-file-name IMAGE_FILE_NAME --bucket BUCKET_NAME --region REGION_NAME
  pi image import IMAGE_NAME --bucket-access public [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER] --affinity-policy affinity (--affinity-instance INSTANCE | --affinity-volume VOLUME) [--os-type OSTYPE] [--import-details "LICENSE,PRODUCT,VENDOR"] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]] --image-file-name IMAGE_FILE_NAME --bucket BUCKET_NAME --region REGION_NAME
  pi image import IMAGE_NAME --bucket-access public [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER] --affinity-policy anti-affinity (--anti-affinity-instances "INSTANCE1 [INSTANCEn]" | --anti-affinity-volumes "VOLUME1 [VOLUMEn]") [--os-type OSTYPE] [--import-details "LICENSE,PRODUCT,VENDOR"] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]] --image-file-name IMAGE_FILE_NAME --bucket BUCKET_NAME --region REGION_NAME

  IMAGE_NAME: The desired name of the image.

Available Flags:

  -k, --access-key string                 Cloud Object Storage HMAC access key.
  -i, --affinity-instance string          PVM instance identifier or name to base volume affinity policy against;
                                          required if "--affinity-policy affinity" is specified and --affinity-volume is not provided.
  -a, --affinity-policy string            Affinity policy for data volume being created. Valid values are "affinity" and "anti-affinity".
                                          If --storage-pool is provided then this cannot be specified.
  -v, --affinity-volume string            Volume identifier or name to base volume affinity policy against;
                                          required if "--affinity-policy affinity" is specified and --affinity-instance is not provided.
  -j, --anti-affinity-instances strings   Comma separated list of instance identifiers or names to base volume anti-affinity policy against;
                                          required if "--affinity-policy anti-affinity" is specified and --anti-affinity-volumes is not provided.
  -w, --anti-affinity-volumes strings     Comma separated list of volume identifiers or names to base volume anti-affinity policy against;
                                          required if "--affinity-policy anti-affinity" is specified  and --anti-affinity-instances is not provided.
  -b, --bucket string                     Cloud Object Storage bucket name.
  -u, --bucket-access string              Indicates the bucket access type (private or public). Private access requires access and secret keys.
                                          Public access requires the --job option. Default is private. (default "private")
  -n, --image-file-name string            The image file name.
  -d, --import-details strings            Import details for SAP image. Must include a license, product and vendor.
                                          Valid license values: byol.
                                          Valid product values: Hana, Netweaver.
                                          Valid vendor values: SAP.
  -o, --os-type string                    Operating system contained in the image (rhel, sles, aix, ibmi). Required when importing a raw image.
  -r, --region string                     Cloud Object Storage region au-syd, br-sao, ca-tor, che01, eu-de, eu-es, eu-gb, jp-osa, jp-tok, us-east, us-south.
  -s, --secret-key string                 Cloud Object Storage HMAC secret key.
  -p, --storage-pool string               Storage pool where the image will be imported to (use "ibmcloud pi storage-pools" to see available storage pools).
                                          If --storage-pool is provided then --affinity-policy cannot be specified.
  -t, --storage-tier string               Tier of the disk storage (use "ibmcloud pi storage-tiers" to see available tiers in the targeted region).
                                          Default to tier3 if not provided.
      --user-tags strings                 Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the imported image.


    ibmcloud pi image import import-image-name --bucket-access public --image-file-name imageFileName.ova --bucket test-bucket --region us-east
    ibmcloud pi image import import-image-name --bucket-access private --storage-tier tier1 --image-file-name imageFileName.ova --bucket test-bucket --region us-east --access-key access-key-sample --secret-key secret-key-sample

ibmcloud pi image import-show

Alias: import-show, ims

Description: View details of the last image import job.

Usage: import-show

ibmcloud pi image list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all images in a workspace.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi image list-catalog

Alias: list-catalog, lc

Description: List images available in the regional image catalog.

Usage: list-catalog [--sap=True|False]

Available Flags:

  -s, --sap   Include SAP images.


    ibmcloud pi image list-catalog --sap

ibmcloud pi instance

Alias: instance, ins

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instances.

Usage: instance

Available Commands:

  • action: Perform an operation in a PVM server instance.
  • capture: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instance Capture.
  • console: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instance Console.
  • create: Create a server instance.
  • delete: Delete a server instance.
  • get: View details of a server instance.
  • list: List all server instances.
  • operation: Perform an operation on an IBMi server instance.
  • sap: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instance SAP.
  • snapshot: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instance Snapshots.
  • subnet: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instance Subnets.
  • update: Update a server instance.
  • virtual-serial-number: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instance Virtual Serial Number.
  • volume: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instance Volumes.

ibmcloud pi instance action

Alias: action, act

Description: Perform an operation in a PVM server instance.


action INSTANCE_ID --operation OPERATION

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -o, --operation string   Operation to be done in a PVM server instance. Valid values are "hard-reboot", "immediate-shutdown", "reset-state", "soft-reboot", "start", and "stop".


    ibmcloud pi instance action 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --operation immediate-shutdown

ibmcloud pi instance capture

Alias: capture, cap

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instance Capture.

Usage: capture

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a capture of a server instance.
  • show: View the job details of the last server instance capture.

ibmcloud pi instance capture create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a capture of a server instance.


create INSTANCE_ID --destination DEST --name NAME [--access-key KEY] [--image-path PATH] [--region REGION] [--secret-key KEY] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]] [--volumes VOLUME1[,VOLUMEn]]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -a, --access-key string    Cloud Object Storage HMAC access key. Required if destination is cloud-storage.
  -d, --destination string   Destination for the deployable image (image-catalog, cloud-storage, both).
  -i, --image-path string    Cloud Object Storage image path. Required if destination is cloud-storage. E.g. bucket-name[/optional/folder].
  -n, --name string          Name of the deployable image created for the captured instance.
  -r, --region string        Cloud Object Storage regions au-syd, br-sao, ca-tor, che01, eu-de, eu-es, eu-gb, jp-osa, jp-tok, us-east, us-south. Required if destination is cloud-storage.
  -s, --secret-key string    Cloud Object Storage HMAC secret key. Required if destination is cloud-storage.
  -u, --user-tags strings    Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the instance capture.
  -v, --volumes strings      Comma separated list of volume identifiers or names to include in the captured instance.


    ibmcloud pi instance capture create 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --destination both --name deployable-image-name --access-key access-key-sample --secret-key secret-key-sample --region us-south --image-path "imageBucket/imageLocation"

ibmcloud pi instance capture show

Alias: show, sh

Description: View the job details of the last server instance capture.



  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

ibmcloud pi instance console

Alias: console, con

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instance Console.

Usage: console

Available Commands:

  • get: Get the console of an instance.
  • list: List the available console languages for an IBMi instance.
  • update: Update the console language of an instance. This update may take some time to take affect.

ibmcloud pi instance console get

Alias: get

Description: Get the console of an instance.



  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

ibmcloud pi instance console list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List the available console languages for an IBMi instance.



  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

ibmcloud pi instance console update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update the console language of an instance. This update may take some time to take affect.


update INSTANCE_ID --code CODE

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -c, --code string   Language code to set. Use 'ibmcloud pi instance console list' to see available codes.


    ibmcloud pi instance console update 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --code e1399

ibmcloud pi instance create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a server instance.


create INSTANCE_NAME --image IMAGE --subnets "SUBNET1 [IP1]"[,"SUBNETn [IPn]"]
    [--deployment-target ("HOST_GROUP_ID,hostGroup" | "HOST_ID,host") ] [--deployment-type DEPLOYMENT_TYPE]
    [--IBMiCSS-license=True|False] [--IBMiPHA-license=True|False] [--IBMiRDS-users NUMBER-USERS]
    [--key-name NAME] [--memory MEMORY] [--pin-policy POLICY] [--placement-group GROUP_ID]
    [--processor-type PROC_TYPE] [--processors PROCESSORS] [--replicant-affinity-policy AFFINITY_POLICY]
    [--replicant-scheme SCHEME] [--replicants NUMBER] [--replication-sites SITE1[,SITEn]]
    [--shared-processor-pool SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL] [--storage-affinity STORAGE_AFFINITY_POLICY]
    [--storage-affinity-instance INSTANCE] [--storage-affinity-volume VOLUME]
    [--storage-anti-affinity-instances INSTANCE1[,INSTANCEn]]
    [--storage-anti-affinity-volumes VOLUME1[,VOLUMEn]] [--storage-connection STORAGE_CONNECTION]
    [--storage-pool STORAGE_POOL] [--storage-pool-affinity] [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER]
    [--sys-type TYPE] [--user-data USER_DATA] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]]
    [--virtual-serial-number "(SERIAL | 'auto-assign')[,DESCRIPTION]"]
    [--virtual-cores ASSIGNED_CORES] [--volumes VOLUME1[,VOLUMEn]]

  INSTANCE_NAME: The name of the instance.

Available Flags:

      --IBMiCSS-license                           IBMi CSS software license associated with the instance.
      --IBMiPHA-license                           IBMi PHA software license associated with the instance.
      --IBMiRDS-users int                         Number of IBMi RDS users software license associated with the instance, default IBMiRDSUsers=0 (no license).
  -b, --boot-volume-replication-enabled           Enables storage replication on the boot volume. False by default.
      --deployment-target string                  The deployment of the dedicated host. Deployment must include either a host group id and hostGroup,
                                                  or a host id and host.
  -d, --deployment-type string                    The custom deployment type ("EPIC" or "VMNoStorage"). If --deployment-type "VMNoStorage" is set,
                                                  then --image must be one of "AIX-EMPTY", "IBMI-EMPTY", "RHEL-EMPTY", or "SLES-EMPTY".
  -i, --image string                              Operating system image identifier or name.
  -k, --key-name string                           Name of SSH key.
  -m, --memory float                              Amount of memory (in GB) to allocate to the instance. Default is 2GB. (default 2)
      --pin-policy string                         Pin policy ("none", "soft", "hard"). Default is "none".
      --placement-group string                    The placement group ID of the group that the server will be added to.
  -r, --processor-type string                     Type of processors: "shared" or "dedicated" or "capped". Default is "dedicated". (default "dedicated")
  -p, --processors float                          Amount of processors to allocate to the instance. Default is 1 core. (default 1)
      --replicant-affinity-policy string          Affinity policy to use when multicreate is used ("affinity", "anti-affinity")
      --replicant-scheme string                   Naming scheme to use for duplicate VMs ("suffix", "prefix").
      --replicants int                            Number of duplicate instances to create in this request.
      --replication-sites strings                 Indicates the replication sites of the boot volume. See "ibmcloud pi disaster-recovery" command to get a list of replication sites.
      --shared-processor-pool string              The shared processor pool ID of the pool that the server will be in.
      --storage-affinity string                   Affinity policy for storage pool selection. Valid values are "affinity" and "anti-affinity".
                                                  If --storage-pool is provided, then this it cannot be specified.
      --storage-affinity-instance string          PVM instance identifier or name to base storage affinity policy against;
                                                  required if "--storage-affinity affinity" is specified and --storage-affinity-volume is not provided.
      --storage-affinity-volume string            Volume identifier or name to base storage affinity policy against;
                                                  required if "--storage-affinity affinity" is specified and --storage-affinity-instance is not provided.
      --storage-anti-affinity-instances strings   Comma separated list of PVM instance identifiers or names to base storage affinity policy against;
                                                  required if "--storage-affinity anti-affinity" is specified and --storage-anti-affinity-volumes is not provided.
      --storage-anti-affinity-volumes strings     Comma separated list of volume identifiers or names to base storage affinity policy against;
                                                  required if "--storage-affinity anti-affinity" is specified and --storage-anti-affinity-instances is not provided.
      --storage-connection string                 The storage connection type. Valid values are "vSCSI" and "maxVolumeSupport".
      --storage-pool string                       Storage pool for server deployment (use "ibmcloud pi storage-pools" to see available storage pools).
                                                  Only valid when you deploy one of the IBM supplied stock images.
                                                  Storage tier and pool for a custom image (an imported image or an image that is created from a PVMInstance capture)
                                                  defaults to the storage tier and pool the image was created in.
      --storage-pool-affinity                     Indicates if all volumes attached to the server must reside in the same storage pool.
                                                  If set to false, then volumes from any storage tier and pool can be attached to the PVM instance;
                                                  This impacts PVM instance snapshot, capture, and clone. For capture and clone only data volumes that are of
                                                  the same storage tier and in the same storage pool of the PVM instance's boot volume can be included.
                                                  For snapshot all data volumes to be included in the snapshot must reside in the same storage tier and pool.
                                                  Once set to false, cannot be set back to true unless all volumes attached reside in the same storage tier and pool.
  -t, --storage-tier string                       Storage tier for server deployment when deploying a stock or custom image
                                                  (use "ibmcloud pi storage-tiers" to see available storage tiers in the targeted region).
                                                  Default to tier3 if not provided.
  -n, --subnets strings                           Comma separated list of subnet identifiers or names and optional IP address to associate with the instance.
  -s, --sys-type string                           Name of System Type ('s922', 's1022', 'e980', 'e1080'). Default is "s922". (default "s922")
  -u, --user-data string                          The user data passed into the instance. Strings and file names are supported. File names must be prepended with "@".
      --user-tags strings                         Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the instance.
      --virtual-cores int                         The number of virtual cores assigned.
      --virtual-serial-number string              IBMi Virtual serial number information added with the instance.
                                                  Must include an existing virtual serial number or 'auto-assign' and optionally a description.
  -v, --volumes strings                           Comma separated list of volume identifiers or names to associate with the instance.


    ibmcloud pi instance create test-instance --image 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --subnets 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d
    ibmcloud pi instance create test-instance --image 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --subnets 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --volumes 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --storage-tier tier1 --processors 1 --processor-type dedicated --deployment-type EPIC --sys-type e980
    ibmcloud pi instance create test-instance --image 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --subnets 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --storage-tier tier1 --replicants 2 --replicant-scheme prefix --replicant-affinity-policy affinity
    ibmcloud pi instance create test-instance --image 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --subnets 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --boot-volume-replication-enabled --replication-sites dal10

ibmcloud pi instance delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a server instance.


delete INSTANCE_ID [--delete-data-volumes=True|False] [--retainVSN=True|False]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -d, --delete-data-volumes   Indicates whether all data volumes attached to the instance must be deleted.
                              Shared data volumes will be deleted if no other instances are attached.
  -r, --retainVSN             Determines if the virtual serial number will be retained after being removed from the instance. Default is false.

ibmcloud pi instance get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a server instance.



  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

ibmcloud pi instance list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all server instances.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi instance operation

Alias: operation, op

Description: Perform an operation on an IBMi server instance.


operation INSTANCE_ID --operation-type TYPE [--boot-mode MODE] [--boot-operating-mode MODE] [--job-task TASK]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -b, --boot-mode string             Name of the server boot mode; allowable values are "a", "b", "c", and "d".
  -m, --boot-operating-mode string   Name of the server operating mode; allowable values are "normal" and "manual".
  -j, --job-task string              Name of the job task to execute; allowable values are "dston", "retrydump", "consoleservice", "iopreset", "remotedstoff", "remotedston", "iopdump", and "dumprestart".
  -o, --operation-type string        Name of the operation to execute; allowable values are "job" and "boot".


    ibmcloud pi instance operation 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --operation-type boot --boot-mode c --boot-operating-mode normal

ibmcloud pi instance sap

Alias: sap

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instance SAP.

Usage: sap

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a new SAP PVM Instance. This command is for use with Linux for SAP (HANA) images.
  • list: List all SAP profiles for the targeted region.
  • profile: Get the information on a SAP profile.

ibmcloud pi instance sap create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a new SAP PVM Instance. This command is for use with Linux for SAP (HANA) images.


create SAP_INSTANCE_NAME --image IMAGE --profile-id PROFILE_ID --subnets "SUBNET1 [IP1]"[,"SUBNETn [IPn]"]
    [--boot-volume-replication-enabled=True|False] [--key-name KEY-NAME] [--pin-policy POLICY] [--placement-group PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID]
    [--replication-sites SITE1[,SITEn]] [--storage-affinity STORAGE_AFFINITY_POLICY] [--storage-affinity-instance INSTANCE]
    [--storage-affinity-volume VOLUME] [--storage-anti-affinity-instances INSTANCE1[,INSTANCEn]]
    [--storage-anti-affinity-volumes VOLUME1[,VOLUMEn]] [--storage-pool STORAGE_POOL] [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER]
    [--sys-type TYPE] [--user-data USER_DATA] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]] [--volumes VOLUME1[,VOLUMEn]]

  SAP_INSTANCE_NAME: The name of the SAP instance.

Available Flags:

  -b, --boot-volume-replication-enabled           Enables storage replication on the boot volume. False by default.
  -i, --image string                              Operating system image identifier or name.
  -k, --key-name string                           Name of SSH key.
      --pin-policy string                         Pin policy ("none", "soft", "hard"). Default is "none".
      --placement-group string                    The placement group ID of the group that the server will be added to.
  -p, --profile-id string                         The unique identifier of the SAP profile.
      --replication-sites strings                 Indicates the replication sites of the boot volume. See "ibmcloud pi disaster-recovery" command to get a list of replication sites.
      --storage-affinity string                   Affinity policy for storage pool selection. Valid values are "affinity" and "anti-affinity". If --storage-pool is provided, then this it cannot be specified.
      --storage-affinity-instance string          PVM instance identifier or name to base storage affinity policy against; required if "--storage-affinity affinity" is specified and --storage-affinity-volume is not provided.
      --storage-affinity-volume string            Volume identifier or name to base storage affinity policy against; required if "--storage-affinity affinity" is specified and --storage-affinity-instance is not provided.
      --storage-anti-affinity-instances strings   Comma separated list of PVM instance identifiers or names to base storage affinity policy against; required if "--storage-affinity anti-affinity" is specified and --storage-anti-affinity-volumes is not provided.
      --storage-anti-affinity-volumes strings     Comma separated list of volume identifiers or names to base storage affinity policy against; required if "--storage-affinity anti-affinity" is specified and --storage-anti-affinity-instances is not provided.
      --storage-pool string                       Storage pool for SAP PVM instance deployment. Only valid when you deploy one of the IBM supplied stock images.
  -t, --storage-tier string                       Storage tiers for SAP PVM instance deployment when deploying a stock or custom image (use "ibmcloud pi storage-tiers" to see available storage tiers in the targeted region). Default to tier3 if not provided.
  -n, --subnets strings                           Comma separated list of subnet identifiers or names and optional IP address to associate with the instance.
  -s, --sys-type string                           Name of system type ('e880', 'e980', 'e1080'). Default is "e980". (default "e980")
  -u, --user-data string                          The user data passed into the instance. Strings and file names are supported. File names must be prepended with "@".
      --user-tags strings                         Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the instance.
  -v, --volumes strings                           Comma separated list of volume identifiers or names to associate with the instance.


    ibmcloud pi instance sap create test-sap-instance --image 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --subnets 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --profile-id test-profile-id
    ibmcloud pi instance sap create test-sap-instance --image 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --subnets 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --profile-id test-profile-id --storage-tier tier1 --storage-affinity anti-affinity --storage-anti-affinity-volumes 6a8b77c3-db9d-29d5-be1c-a59f09dc6b55
    ibmcloud pi instance sap create test-sap-instance --image 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --subnets 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --profile-id test-profile-id --storage-tier tier3 --boot-volume-replication-enabled --replication-sites dal10

ibmcloud pi instance sap list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all SAP profiles for the targeted region.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi instance sap profile

Alias: profile, prof

Description: Get the information on a SAP profile.



  SAP_PROFILE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the SAP profile.

ibmcloud pi instance snapshot

Alias: snapshot, snap

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instance Snapshots.

Usage: snapshot

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a snapshot for an instance.
  • delete: Delete a snapshot from an instance.
  • get: Get a snapshot for an instance
  • list: List all snapshots for an instance or all snapshots in the workspace.
  • restore: Restore a snapshot for an instance.
  • update: Update a snapshot for an instance.

ibmcloud pi instance snapshot create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a snapshot for an instance.


create INSTANCE_ID --name SNAPSHOT_NAME [--description DESCRIPTION] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]] [--volumes VOLUME1[,VOLUMEn]]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -d, --description string   Snapshot description.
  -n, --name string          Name of the snapshot.
  -u, --user-tags strings    Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the snapshot.
  -v, --volumes strings      Comma separated list of volume identifiers or names to include in the snapshot.
                             If you do not specify this parameter or if the volumes list is empty,
                             all the volumes that are attached to the instance are included in the snapshot.


    ibmcloud pi instance snapshot create 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --name test-snapshot-name

ibmcloud pi instance snapshot delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a snapshot from an instance.



  SNAPSHOT_ID: The unique identifier of the snapshot.

ibmcloud pi instance snapshot get

Alias: get

Description: Get a snapshot for an instance



  SNAPSHOT_ID: The unique identifier of the snapshot.

ibmcloud pi instance snapshot list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all snapshots for an instance or all snapshots in the workspace.



  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

ibmcloud pi instance snapshot restore

Alias: restore, res

Description: Restore a snapshot for an instance.


restore INSTANCE_ID --snapshot SNAPSHOT_ID [--force] [--restore VALUE]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -f, --force             By default the VM must be shutoff during a snapshot restore, force set to true will relax the VM shutoff pre-condition.
  -r, --restore string    Action to take on a failed snapshot restore - allowable values: ["retry","rollback"].
  -s, --snapshot string   The unique identifier of the snapshot.


    ibmcloud pi instance snapshot restore 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --snapshot 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --force --restore retry

ibmcloud pi instance snapshot update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a snapshot for an instance.


update SNAPSHOT_ID [--description NEW_DESCRIPTION] [--name NEW_NAME]

  SNAPSHOT_ID: The unique identifier of the snapshot.

Available Flags:

  -d, --description string   New snapshot description.
  -n, --name string          New name of the snapshot.

ibmcloud pi instance subnet

Alias: subnet, snet

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instance Subnets.

Usage: subnet

Available Commands:

  • attach: Attach a subnet to a server instance.
  • detach: Detach a specific subnet or mac address from a server instance.
  • list: List all the attached subnets.

ibmcloud pi instance subnet attach

Alias: attach, att

Description: Attach a subnet to a server instance.


attach INSTANCE_ID --subnet "SUBNET_ID" [--ip-address "IP_ADDRESS"]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -i, --ip-address string   The requested ip address of this subnet interface (
  -n, --subnet string       The subnet ID.


    ibmcloud pi instance subnet attach 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --subnet 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --ip-address

ibmcloud pi instance subnet detach

Alias: detach, det

Description: Detach a specific subnet or mac address from a server instance.


detach INSTANCE_ID --subnet "SUBNET_ID" [--mac-address "MAC_ADDRESS"]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -m, --mac-address string   The mac address of the subnet interface to be removed. The default is all mac addresses.
  -n, --subnet string        The subnet ID.


    ibmcloud pi instance subnet detach 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --subnet 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --mac-address eb:26:8f:ba:5f:62

ibmcloud pi instance subnet list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all the attached subnets.



  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

ibmcloud pi instance update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a server instance.


update INSTANCE_ID [--IBMiCSS-license=True|False] [--IBMiPHA-license=True|False]
    [--IBMiRDS-users NUMBER-USERS] [--memory AMOUNT] [--name NEW_NAME] [--pin-policy POLICY]
    [--processor-type TYPE] [--processors NUMBER] [--profile-id SAP_PROFILE_ID] [--storage-pool-affinity=True|False]
    [--virtual-cores ASSIGNED_CORES]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

      --IBMiCSS-license                 New IBMi CSS software license associated with the instance.
      --IBMiPHA-license                 New IBMi PHA software license associated with the instance.
      --IBMiRDS-users int               New number of IBMi RDS users software license associated with the instance.
  -m, --memory float                    New amount of memory for the server instance.
  -n, --name string                     New name of the server instance.
      --pin-policy string               New pin policy for the server instance ("none", "soft", "hard").
  -r, --processor-type string           New processor type for the server instance.
  -p, --processors float                New amount of processors for the server instance.
      --profile-id string               SAP profile ID.
  -s, --storage-pool-affinity           Indicates if all volumes attached to the server must reside in the same storage pool.
                                        If set to false, then volumes from any storage tier and pool can be attached to the PVM instance;
                                        This impacts PVM instance snapshot, capture, and clone. For capture and clone only data volumes that are of
                                        the same storage tier and in the same storage pool of the PVM instance's boot volume can be included.
                                        For snapshot all data volumes to be included in the snapshot must reside in the same storage tier and pool.
                                        Once set to false, cannot be set back to true unless all volumes attached reside in the same storage tier and pool.
      --virtual-cores int               New number of virtual cores assigned.
  -v, --virtual-optical-device string   Attach or Detach a Virtual Optical Device to this instance. Valid values are "attach" and "detach".


    ibmcloud pi instance update 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --memory 2 --name new-instance-name --pin-policy hard --processors 2 --processor-type shared --storage-pool-affinity

ibmcloud pi instance virtual-serial-number

Alias: virtual-serial-number, vsn

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instance Virtual Serial Number.

Usage: virtual-serial-number

Available Commands:

  • assign: Assign a virtual serial number to a virtual server instance.
  • get: Get a virtual serial number assigned to a virtual server instance.
  • unassign: Unassign a virtual serial number from a virtual server instance.
  • update: Update a virtual serial number assigned to a virtual server instance.

ibmcloud pi instance virtual-serial-number assign

Alias: assign, asn

Description: Assign a virtual serial number to a virtual server instance.


assign INSTANCE_ID [--description DESCRIPTION] [--serial SERIAL]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -d, --description string   Description for the virtual serial number.
  -s, --serial string        Virtual serial number to attach. If no serial is specified or 'auto-assign' is set, a virtual serial number will be automatically generated. (default "auto-assign")


    ibmcloud pi instance virtual-serial-number assign 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --description "new-virtual-serial-number-description"

ibmcloud pi instance virtual-serial-number get

Alias: get

Description: Get a virtual serial number assigned to a virtual server instance.



  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

ibmcloud pi instance virtual-serial-number unassign

Alias: unassign, uasn

Description: Unassign a virtual serial number from a virtual server instance.


unassign INSTANCE_ID [--retainVSN=True|False]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -r, --retainVSN   Determines if virtual serial number will be retained after being unassigned from the instance. Default is false.


    ibmcloud pi instance virtual-serial-number unassign 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --retainVSN

ibmcloud pi instance virtual-serial-number update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a virtual serial number assigned to a virtual server instance.


update INSTANCE_ID [--description DESCRIPTION]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -d, --description string   New virtual serial number description.

ibmcloud pi instance volume

Alias: volume, vol

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Instance Volumes.

Usage: volume

Available Commands:

  • attach: Attach one or more volumes to an instance.
  • bulk-detach: Detach multiple volumes from an instance.
  • detach: Detach a volume from an instance.
  • list: List all the attached volumes.

ibmcloud pi instance volume attach

Alias: attach, att

Description: Attach one or more volumes to an instance.


attach INSTANCE_ID --volumes VOLUME1[,VOLUMEn] [--boot-volume BOOT_VOLUME]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -b, --boot-volume string   Boot volume to be attached to an instance.
  -v, --volumes strings      Comma separated list of volume identifiers or names to associate with the instance.


    ibmcloud pi instance volume attach 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --boot-volume e5d394ef-3156-21a3-8b12-de15c6d5e276 --volumes 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f,32064761-298e-469a-bc6f-d8e5f0d6067a

ibmcloud pi instance volume bulk-detach

Alias: bulk-detach, bdet

Description: Detach multiple volumes from an instance.


bulk-detach INSTANCE_ID (--detach-all=True|False | --volumes VOLUME1[,VOLUMEn]) [--detach-primary=True|False]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -a, --detach-all        Indicates if all volumes, except primary boot volume, attached to the instance should be detached. Required if --volumes is not provided.
  -p, --detach-primary    Indicates if primary boot volume attached to the instance should be detached.
  -v, --volumes strings   List of volumes to be detached from an instance. Required if --detach-all is not provided.


    ibmcloud pi instance volume bulk-detach 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --detach-all --detach-primary

ibmcloud pi instance volume detach

Alias: detach, det

Description: Detach a volume from an instance.


detach INSTANCE_ID --volume VOLUME_ID

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -v, --volume string   Volume to detach from the instance.


    ibmcloud pi instance volume detach 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --volume 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f

ibmcloud pi instance volume list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all the attached volumes.



  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

ibmcloud pi ipsec-policy

Alias: ipsec-policy, ips

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Internet Protocol Security policies.

Usage: ipsec-policy

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a VPN IPSec policy.
  • delete: Delete a VPN IPSec policy.
  • get: View details of a VPN IPSec policy.
  • list: List all IPSec policies.
  • update: Update a VPN IPSec policy.

ibmcloud pi ipsec-policy create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a VPN IPSec policy.


create IPSEC_POLICY_NAME --authentication AUTHENTICATION --dh-group DH_GROUP --encryption ENCRYPTION --key-lifetime SECONDS [--pfs=True|False]

  IPSEC_POLICY_NAME: A unique name of the VPN IPSec policy. The maximum name length is 47 characters.

Available Flags:

  -a, --authentication string   Authentication encryption type of the IPSec policy. Valid values are 'hmac-sha-256-128', 'hmac-sha1-96', 'none'.
  -d, --dh-group int            DH group number of the IPSec policy. Valid values are '2', '14', '19', '20', '24', '5', '1'.
  -e, --encryption string       Connection encryption policy of the IPSec policy. Valid values are 'aes-256-cbc', 'aes-192-cbc', 'aes-128-cbc', 'aes-256-gcm', 'aes-192-gcm', 'aes-128-gcm', '3des-cbc'. When using 'aes-128-gcm', 'aes-192-gcm' or 'aes-256-gcm' authentication should be set to 'none'.
  -k, --key-lifetime int        Key lifetime of the IPSec policy in seconds. Valid range is 180 to 86400 seconds.
  -p, --pfs                     Enable perfect forward secrecy. Disabled if not specified.


    ibmcloud pi ipsec-policy create test-ipsec-policy --authentication hmac-sha-256-128 --encryption aes-256-cbc --dh-group 2 --key-lifetime 190 --pfs

ibmcloud pi ipsec-policy delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a VPN IPSec policy.



  IPSEC_POLICY_ID: The unique identifier of the VPN IPSec policy.

ibmcloud pi ipsec-policy get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a VPN IPSec policy.



  IPSEC_POLICY_ID: The unique identifier of the VPN IPSec policy.

ibmcloud pi ipsec-policy list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all IPSec policies.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi ipsec-policy update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a VPN IPSec policy.


update IPSEC_POLICY_ID  [--name NEW_NAME] [--authentication AUTHENTICATION] [--encryption ENCRYPTION] [--dh-group DH_GROUP] [--key-lifetime SECONDS] [--pfs=True|False]]

  IPSEC_POLICY_ID: The unique identifier of the VPN IPSec policy.

Available Flags:

  -a, --authentication string   Authentication encryption type of the IPSec policy. Valid values are 'hmac-sha-256-128', 'hmac-sha1-96', 'none'.
  -d, --dh-group int            DH group number of the IPSec policy. Valid values are '2', '14', '19', '20', '24', '5', '1'.
  -e, --encryption string       Connection encryption policy of the IPSec policy. Valid values are 'aes-256-cbc', 'aes-192-cbc', 'aes-128-cbc', 'aes-256-gcm', 'aes-192-gcm', 'aes-128-gcm', '3des-cbc'. When using 'aes-128-gcm', 'aes-192-gcm' or 'aes-256-gcm' authentication should be set to 'none'.
  -k, --key-lifetime int        Key lifetime of the IPSec policy in seconds. Valid range is 180 to 86400 seconds.
  -n, --name string             New unique name of the IPSec policy. The maximum name length is 47 characters.
  -p, --pfs                     Enable perfect forward secrecy. Disabled if not specified.

ibmcloud pi job

Alias: job

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Jobs.

Usage: job

Available Commands:

  • delete: Delete a job.
  • get: View details of a job.
  • list: List up to the last 5 jobs in a workspace.

ibmcloud pi job delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a job.


delete JOB_ID

  JOB_ID: The unique identifier of the job.

ibmcloud pi job get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a job.


get JOB_ID

  JOB_ID: The unique identifier of the job.

ibmcloud pi job list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List up to the last 5 jobs in a workspace.

Usage: list [--operation-action ACTION] [--operation-id ID] [--operation-target TARGET]

Available Flags:

  -a, --operation-action string   Operation action to filter returned jobs. Valid values are vmCapture, imageExport, imageImport, storage.
  -i, --operation-id string       Operation ID to filter returned jobs.
  -t, --operation-target string   Operation target to filter returned jobs. Valid values are cloudConnection, pvmInstance, image.

ibmcloud pi network-interface

Alias: network-interface, ni

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Network Interfaces.

Usage: network-interface

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a network interface for a network.
  • delete: Delete a network interface from a network.
  • get: View details of a network interface for a network.
  • list: List all network interfaces for a network (use "ibmcloud pi subnet list" to see available networks).
  • update: Update a network interface for a network.

ibmcloud pi network-interface create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a network interface for a network.


create NETWORK_INTERFACE_NAME --network-id NETWORK_ID [--ip-address IP_ADDRESS] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]]

  NETWORK_INTERFACE_NAME: The desired name of the network interface.

Available Flags:

  -i, --ip-address string   The requested ip address of this network interface (
  -n, --network-id string   Network ID that is associated with the network interface.
  -u, --user-tags strings   Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the network interface.


    ibmcloud pi network-interface create test-network-interface --network-id 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --ip-address --user-tags "project:customer-poc,env:dev,dataresidency:germany"

ibmcloud pi network-interface delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a network interface from a network.



  NETWORK_INTERFACE_ID: The unique identifier of the network interface.

Available Flags:

  -n, --network-id string   Network ID that is associated with the network interface.

ibmcloud pi network-interface get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a network interface for a network.



  NETWORK_INTERFACE_ID: The unique identifier of the network interface.

Available Flags:

  -n, --network-id string   Network ID that is associated with the network interface.

ibmcloud pi network-interface list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all network interfaces for a network (use "ibmcloud pi subnet list" to see available networks).

Usage: list --network-id NETWORK_ID

Available Flags:

  -n, --network-id string   Network ID that is associated with the network interface.

ibmcloud pi network-interface update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a network interface for a network.


update NETWORK_INTERFACE_ID --network-id NETWORK_ID [--instance-id INSTANCE_ID] [--name NEW_NAME]

  NETWORK_INTERFACE_ID: The unique identifier of the network interface.

Available Flags:

  -i, --instance-id string   The ID of the instance that will be added to the network interface.
                             If this value is set to '', the network interface detaches from the instance.
      --name string          New name of network interface.
  -n, --network-id string    Network ID that is associated with the network interface.

ibmcloud pi placement-group

Alias: placement-group, pg

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Placement Groups.

Usage: placement-group

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a server placement group.
  • delete: Delete a server placement group.
  • get: View details of a server placement group.
  • list: List all server placement groups.
  • server-add: Add a server to a server placement group.
  • server-remove: Remove a server from a server placement group.

ibmcloud pi placement-group create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a server placement group.



  PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME: A unique name of the placement group.

Available Flags:

  -p, --policy string   Affinity policy for placement group being created. Valid values are affinity and anti-affinity.


    ibmcloud pi placement-group test-placement-group --policy anti-affinity

ibmcloud pi placement-group delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a server placement group.



  PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier of the placement group.

ibmcloud pi placement-group get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a server placement group.



  PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier of the placement group.

ibmcloud pi placement-group list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all server placement groups.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi placement-group server-add

Alias: server-add, sa

Description: Add a server to a server placement group.



  PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier of the placement group.

Available Flags:

  -s, --server string   The server instance ID of the server to add to the placement group.


    ibmcloud pi placement-group server-add 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --server 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d

ibmcloud pi placement-group server-remove

Alias: server-remove, sr

Description: Remove a server from a server placement group.


server-remove PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID --server INSTANCE_ID

  PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier of the placement group.

Available Flags:

  -s, --server string   The server instance ID of the server to add to the placement group.


    ibmcloud pi placement-group server-remove 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --server 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d

ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool

Alias: shared-processor-pool, spp

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Shared Processor Pools.

Usage: shared-processor-pool

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a shared processor pool.
  • delete: Delete a shared processor pool.
  • get: View details of a shared processor pool.
  • list: List all shared processor pools.
  • placement-group: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Placement Groups.
  • update: Update a shared processor pool.

ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a shared processor pool.


create SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_NAME --host-group HOST_GROUP --reserved-cores NUMBER_OF_CORES [--host-id HOST_ID] [--placement-group-id PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]]

  SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_NAME: A unique name of the shared processor pool. A minimum of 2 characters and a maximum of 12 are allowed. The only special character allowed is the underscore '_'.

Available Flags:

  -g, --host-group string           The host group where the host will be chosen. See "ibmcloud pi system-pools" command or
                                    "ibmcloud pi host-group list" command to get valid values.
  -i, --host-id string              The identifier of a host in a host group. This flag is only available for dedicated hosts.
  -p, --placement-group-id string   The identifier of the shared processor pool placement group the pool will be added to.
  -r, --reserved-cores int          The integer amount of reserved processor cores for the shared processor pool.
  -u, --user-tags strings           Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the placement-group.


    ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool create test-shared-processor-pool --host-group e980 --reserver-cores 2 --placement-group-id 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f

ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a shared processor pool.



  SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID: The unique identifier or name of the shared processor pool.

ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a shared processor pool.



  SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID: The unique identifier or name of the shared processor pool.

ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all shared processor pools.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool placement-group

Alias: placement-group, pg

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Placement Groups.

Usage: placement-group

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a shared processor pool placement group.
  • delete: Delete a shared processor pool placement group.
  • get: View details of a shared processor pool placement group.
  • list: List all shared processor pool placement groups.
  • member-add: Add a shared processor pool to a placement group.
  • member-remove: Remove a shared processor pool from a placement group.

ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool placement-group create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a shared processor pool placement group.



  PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME: A unique name of the placement group.

Available Flags:

  -p, --policy string   Affinity policy for placement group being created. Valid values are affinity and anti-affinity.


    ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool placement-group create spp-pg-test --policy affinity

ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool placement-group delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a shared processor pool placement group.



  PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier of the placement group.

ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool placement-group get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a shared processor pool placement group.



  PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier of the placement group.

ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool placement-group list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all shared processor pool placement groups.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool placement-group member-add

Alias: member-add, ma

Description: Add a shared processor pool to a placement group.


member-add PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID --shared-processor-pool POOL_ID

  PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier of the placement group.

Available Flags:

  -s, --shared-processor-pool string   The shared processor pool ID of the pool to add to the placement group.


    ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool placement-group member-add 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056 --shared-processor-pool 32bec9b0-560a-4baa-8cc0-7c68e41e5843

ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool placement-group member-remove

Alias: member-remove, mr

Description: Remove a shared processor pool from a placement group.


member-remove PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID --shared-processor-pool POOL_ID

  PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier of the placement group.

Available Flags:

  -s, --shared-processor-pool string   The shared processor pool ID of the pool to remove from the placement group.


    ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool placement-group member-remove 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056 --shared-processor-pool 32bec9b0-560a-4baa-8cc0-7c68e41e5843

ibmcloud pi shared-processor-pool update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a shared processor pool.



  SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID: The unique identifier or name of the shared processor pool.

Available Flags:

  -n, --name string          New name of the shared processor pool. A minimum of 2 characters and a maximum of 12 are allowed. The only special character allowed is the underscore '_'.
  -r, --reserved-cores int   The integer amount of reserved processor cores for the shared processor pool.

ibmcloud pi snapshot

Alias: snapshot, snap

Description: [DEPRECATED] IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Snapshots.

Usage: snapshot

Available Commands:

  • create: [DEPRECATED] Create a snapshot.
  • delete: [DEPRECATED] Delete a snapshot.
  • get: [DEPRECATED] View details of a snapshot.
  • list: [DEPRECATED] List all snapshots.
  • restore: [DEPRECATED] Restore a snapshot.
  • update: [DEPRECATED] Update a snapshot.

ibmcloud pi snapshot create

Alias: create, cr

Description: [DEPRECATED] Create a snapshot.


create INSTANCE_ID --name SNAPSHOT_NAME [--description DESCRIPTION] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]] [--volumes VOLUME1[,VOLUMEn]]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -d, --description string   Snapshot description.
  -n, --name string          Name of the snapshot.
  -u, --user-tags strings    Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the snapshot.
  -v, --volumes strings      Comma separated list of volume identifiers or names to include in the snapshot.
                             If you do not specify this parameter or if the volumes list is empty,
                             all the volumes that are attached to the instance are included in the snapshot.


    ibmcloud pi snapshot create 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --name test-snapshot-name

ibmcloud pi snapshot delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: [DEPRECATED] Delete a snapshot.



  SNAPSHOT_ID: The unique identifier of the snapshot.

ibmcloud pi snapshot get

Alias: get

Description: [DEPRECATED] View details of a snapshot.



  SNAPSHOT_ID: The unique identifier of the snapshot.

ibmcloud pi snapshot list

Alias: list, ls

Description: [DEPRECATED] List all snapshots.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi snapshot restore

Alias: restore, res

Description: [DEPRECATED] Restore a snapshot.


restore INSTANCE_ID --snapshot SNAPSHOT_ID [--force] [--restore VALUE]

  INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the instance.

Available Flags:

  -f, --force             By default the VM must be shutoff during a snapshot restore, force set to true will relax the VM shutoff pre-condition.
  -r, --restore string    Action to take on a failed snapshot restore - allowable values: ["retry","rollback"].
  -s, --snapshot string   The unique identifier of the snapshot.


    ibmcloud pi snapshot restore 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --snapshot 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --force --restore retry

ibmcloud pi snapshot update

Alias: update, upd

Description: [DEPRECATED] Update a snapshot.


update SNAPSHOT_ID [--description NEW_DESCRIPTION] [--name NEW_NAME]

  SNAPSHOT_ID: The unique identifier of the snapshot.

Available Flags:

  -d, --description string   New snapshot description.
  -n, --name string          New name of the snapshot.

ibmcloud pi ssh-key

Alias: ssh-key, ssh

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server SSH-Keys.

Usage: ssh-key

Available Commands:

  • create: Create an SSH-Key with an imported RSA public key.
  • delete: Delete an SSH-Key.
  • get: View details of an SSH-Key.
  • list: List all SSH-Keys.
  • update: Update an SSH-Key.

ibmcloud pi ssh-key create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create an SSH-Key with an imported RSA public key.


create KEY_NAME --key KEY

  KEY_NAME: The name of the key.

Available Flags:

  -k, --key string   SSH RSA key string within a double quotation marks. For example, "ssh-rsa AAA... "


    ibmcloud pi ssh-key create test-ssh-key --key ssh-key-sample

ibmcloud pi ssh-key delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete an SSH-Key.


delete KEY_NAME

  KEY_NAME: The name of the key.

ibmcloud pi ssh-key get

Alias: get

Description: View details of an SSH-Key.



  KEY_NAME: The name of the key.

ibmcloud pi ssh-key list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all SSH-Keys.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi ssh-key update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update an SSH-Key.


update KEY_NAME --new-name NEW_NAME --new-key NEW_KEY

  KEY_NAME: The name of the key.

Available Flags:

  -k, --new-key string    SSH RSA key string
  -n, --new-name string   SSH-Key name

ibmcloud pi storage-pools

Alias: storage-pools, spools

Description: List all storage pools for the targeted region.

Usage: storage-pools

ibmcloud pi storage-tiers

Alias: storage-tiers, stiers

Description: List all storage tiers for the targeted region.

Usage: storage-tiers

ibmcloud pi subnet

Alias: subnet, snet

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Subnets.

Usage: subnet

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a subnet.
  • delete: Delete a subnet.
  • get: View details of a subnet.
  • list: List all subnets in a workspace.
  • update: Update a subnet.

ibmcloud pi subnet create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a subnet.


create SUBNET_NAME --cidr-block CIDR --net-type private [--dns-servers "DNS1,[DNSn]]"] [--gateway GATEWAY] [--ip-range "startIP-endIP[,startIP-endIP]"] [--jumbo=True|False] [--mtu MTU] [--user-tags "USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]"]
  pi subnet create SUBNET_NAME --net-type public [--dns-servers "DNS1 DNS2"] [--jumbo=True|False] [--mtu MTU] [--user-tags "USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]"]

  SUBNET_NAME: The name of the subnet.

Available Flags:

  -c, --cidr-block string     Subnet in CIDR notation (
  -d, --dns-servers strings   Comma separated list of DNS Servers to use for this subnet.
                     by default if DNS server is not specified for private subnet types.
                     by default for public subnet types.
  -g, --gateway string        Gateway to use for this subnet.
  -i, --ip-range string       IP Addresses range(s) for this subnet, format: startIP-endIP[,startIP-endIP].
  -j, --jumbo                 [DEPRECATED] replaced by "mtu". Enable MTU Jumbo Subnet. The default value is false.
  -m, --mtu int               Maximum Transmission Unit. MTU be between 1450 and 9000.
  -n, --net-type string       Subnet type. Either "public" or "private".
  -u, --user-tags strings     Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the subnet.


    ibmcloud pi subnet create test-private-subnet --net-type private --cidr-block "" --ip-range "" --dns-servers "" --gateway ""
    ibmcloud pi subnet create test-public-subnet --net-type public --dns-servers "" --mtu 2000

ibmcloud pi subnet delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a subnet.


delete SUBNET_ID

  SUBNET_ID: The unique identifier or name of the subnet.

ibmcloud pi subnet get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a subnet.



  SUBNET_ID: The unique identifier or name of the subnet.

ibmcloud pi subnet list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all subnets in a workspace.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi subnet update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a subnet.


update SUBNET_ID [--name SUBNET_NAME] [--ip-range "startIP-endIP[,startIP-endIP]"] [--dns-servers "DNS1,[DNSn]"] [--gateway GATEWAY]

  SUBNET_ID: The unique identifier or name of the subnet.

Available Flags:

  -d, --dns-servers strings   Comma separated list of DNS Servers to use for this subnet.
  -g, --gateway string        Gateway to use for this subnet.
  -i, --ip-range string       IP Addresses range(s) for this subnet, format: startIP-endIP[,startIP-endIP].
  -n, --name string           New name of the subnet.

ibmcloud pi system-pools

Alias: system-pools, sysp

Description: List of available system pools within a particular data center.

Usage: system-pools

ibmcloud pi virtual-serial-number

Alias: virtual-serial-number, vsn

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Virtual Serial Number.

Usage: virtual-serial-number

Available Commands:

  • delete: Delete a virtual serial number.
  • get: View details of a virtual serial number.
  • list: List all virtual serial number assigned to an instance or all virtual serial numbers in the workspace.
  • update: Update a retained virtual serial number.

ibmcloud pi virtual-serial-number delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a virtual serial number.



  VIRTUAL_SERIAL_NUMBER: The virtual serial number.

ibmcloud pi virtual-serial-number get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a virtual serial number.



  VIRTUAL_SERIAL_NUMBER: The virtual serial number.

ibmcloud pi virtual-serial-number list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all virtual serial number assigned to an instance or all virtual serial numbers in the workspace.


list ([PVM_INSTANCE_ID] | [--retainVSN=True|False])

  PVM_INSTANCE_ID: The unique identifier or name of the PVM instance.

Available Flags:

  -r, --retainVSN   Lists only retained virtual serial numbers. Default is false.

ibmcloud pi virtual-serial-number update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a retained virtual serial number.



  VIRTUAL_SERIAL_NUMBER: The virtual serial number.

Available Flags:

  -d, --description string   New virtual serial number description.

ibmcloud pi volume

Alias: volume, vol

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Volumes.

Usage: volume

Available Commands:

  • action: Perform an action on a volume.
  • bulk-delete: Delete multiple volumes.
  • clone: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Volume Clone Requests. This command can be used to create clone requests whose lifecycle must be managed. It cannot be used to clone single volumes.
  • clone-async: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Volume Clones. This command asynchronously creates clone tasks whose status can be queried. It can be used to clone one or more volumes.
  • create: Create a volume.
  • delete: Delete a volume.
  • flash-copy-mapping: Get a list of flash copy mappings of a volume directly from primary storage host.
  • get: View details of a volume.
  • list: List all storage volumes in a workspace.
  • onboarding: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Volume Onboarding.
  • remote-copy-relationship: Get the remote copy relationship information of a volume.
  • snapshot: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Volume Snapshot.
  • update: Update a volume.

ibmcloud pi volume action

Alias: action, act

Description: Perform an action on a volume.


action VOLUME_ID [--replication-enabled=True|False] [--target-tier STORAGE_TIER]

  VOLUME_ID: The unique identifier or name of the volume.

Available Flags:

  -r, --replication-enabled   Enables storage replication on the volume. False by default.
  -t, --target-tier string    Change the storage tier of the volume (use "ibmcloud pi storage-tiers" to see available storage tiers in the targeted region). "Tier5k" volumes cannot exceed 200GB.


    ibmcloud pi volume action test-volume --replication-enabled

ibmcloud pi volume bulk-delete

Alias: bulk-delete, bdel

Description: Delete multiple volumes.

Usage: bulk-delete --volumes VOLUME1[,VOLUMEn]

Available Flags:

  -v, --volumes strings   List of volumes to be deleted.

ibmcloud pi volume clone

Alias: clone, cl

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Volume Clone Requests. This command can be used to create clone requests whose lifecycle must be managed. It cannot be used to clone single volumes.

Usage: clone

Available Commands:

  • cancel: Cancel a volume clone request.
  • create: Create a volume clone request using the specified volumes.
  • delete: Delete a volume clone request.
  • execute: Execute a volume clone request using the specified options.
  • get: View details of a volume clone request.
  • list: List all volume clone requests in a workspace.
  • start: Starts a volume clone request.

ibmcloud pi volume clone cancel

Alias: cancel, ca

Description: Cancel a volume clone request.


cancel VOLUME_CLONE_REQUEST_ID [--force=True|False]

  VOLUME_CLONE_REQUEST_ID: The unique identifier of a volume clone request.

Available Flags:

  -f, --force   Force the cancellation of a volume clone request. If false, cancel will only be allowed if the status is 'prepared', or 'available'. If true, cancel will be allowed when the status is NOT completed, cancelling, cancelled, or failed. Default false.


    ibmcloud pi volume clone cancel 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f

ibmcloud pi volume clone create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a volume clone request using the specified volumes.



  VOLUME_CLONE_REQUEST_NAME: The name of a volume clone request.

Available Flags:

  -n, --name string       Name to assign to volume clones request.
  -v, --volumes strings   Comma separated list of volume identifiers or names to be cloned.
                          A minimum of 2 Volume IDs are required and at least one of them must be in the in-use state.


    ibmcloud pi volume clone create --name test-volume-clone --volumes "43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f,85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d"

ibmcloud pi volume clone delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a volume clone request.



  VOLUME_CLONE_REQUEST_ID: The unique identifier of a volume clone request.


    ibmcloud pi volume clone delete 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f

ibmcloud pi volume clone execute

Alias: execute, ex

Description: Execute a volume clone request using the specified options.


execute VOLUME_CLONE_REQUEST_ID --name BASE_NAME [--replication-enabled=True|False] [--rollback-prepare=True|False] [--target-tier STORAGE_TIER] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]]

  VOLUME_CLONE_REQUEST_ID: The unique identifier of a volume clone request.

Available Flags:

  -n, --name string           Base name of the new cloned volume(s).
      --replication-enabled   Enables replication for the cloned volume. By default, the replication property of the source volume will be used to determine the replication property of the cloned target volume.
      --rollback-prepare      Determines rollback behavior. If false, execute failure rolls back clone activity but leaves prepared snapshot. If true, Execute failure rolls back clone activity and removes the prepared snapshot. Default false.
  -t, --target-tier string    Target storage tier for the cloned volumes (use "ibmcloud pi storage-tiers" to see available tiers in the targeted region). Default to the storage tier of the original volume(s) if not specified.
  -u, --user-tags strings     Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the cloned volume.


    ibmcloud pi volume clone execute 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --name test-volume-clone --rollback-prepare --target-tier tier3 --user-tags "project:customer-poc,env:dev,dataresidency:germany"

ibmcloud pi volume clone get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a volume clone request.



  VOLUME_CLONE_REQUEST_ID: The unique identifier of a volume clone request.

ibmcloud pi volume clone list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all volume clone requests in a workspace.

Usage: list [--filter FILTER]

Available Flags:

  -f, --filter string   Volume clone filter to limit list items.
                        cancel - includes status values (cancelling)
                        cancelled - includes status values (cancelled)
                        completed - includes status values (completed)
                        execute - includes status values (executing, available-rollback)
                        failed - includes status values (failed)
                        finalized - included status values (completed, failed, cancelled)
                        prepare - includes status values (preparing, prepared)
                        start - includes status values (starting, available)

ibmcloud pi volume clone start

Alias: start, st

Description: Starts a volume clone request.



  VOLUME_CLONE_REQUEST_ID: The unique identifier of a volume clone request.


    ibmcloud pi volume clone start 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f

ibmcloud pi volume clone-async

Alias: clone-async, cla

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Volume Clones. This command asynchronously creates clone tasks whose status can be queried. It can be used to clone one or more volumes.

Usage: clone-async

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a volume clone for specific volumes.
  • get: Get the status of a clone request for the specified clone task ID.

ibmcloud pi volume clone-async create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a volume clone for specific volumes.


create CLONE_NAME --volumes VOLUME1[,VOLUMEn] [--replication-enabled=True|False] [--target-tier STORAGE_TIER] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]]

  CLONE_NAME:The name of a clone.

Available Flags:

  -r, --replication-enabled   Enables replication for the cloned volume. If no value is provided, it will default to the replication status of the source volume.
  -t, --target-tier string    Target storage tier for the cloned volumes (use "ibmcloud pi storage-tiers" to see available tiers in the targeted region). Default to the storage tier of the original volume(s) if not specified.
  -u, --user-tags strings     Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the cloned volume.
  -v, --volumes strings       Comma separated list of volume identifiers or names to be cloned.


    ibmcloud pi volume clone-async create test-volume --volumes 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --target-tier tier1 --user-tags "project:customer-poc,env:dev,dataresidency:germany"

ibmcloud pi volume clone-async get

Alias: get

Description: Get the status of a clone request for the specified clone task ID.



  CLONE_TASK_ID:The unique identifier of a clone task.

ibmcloud pi volume create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a volume.


create VOLUME_NAME --size SIZE [--count COUNT] [--replication-enabled=True|False] [--replication-sites SITE1[,SITEn]] [--shareable=True|False] [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]]
  pi volume create VOLUME_NAME --size SIZE --storage-pool POOL [--count COUNT] [--replication-enabled=True|False] [--replication-sites SITE1[,SITEn]] [--shareable=True|False] [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]]
  pi volume create VOLUME_NAME --affinity-policy affinity (--affinity-volume VOLUME | --affinity-instance INSTANCE) --size SIZE [--count COUNT] [--replication-enabled=True|False] [--replication-sites SITE1[,SITEn]] [--shareable=True|False] [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]]
  pi volume create VOLUME_NAME --affinity-policy anti-affinity (--anti-affinity-volumes "VOLUME1,[VOLUMEn]" | --anti-affinity-instances "INSTANCE1,[INSTANCEn]") --size SIZE [--count COUNT] [--replication-enabled=True|False] [--replication-sites SITE1[,SITEn]] [--shareable=True|False] [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER] [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]]

  VOLUME_NAME: The name of the volume.

Available Flags:

  -i, --affinity-instance string          PVM instance identifier or name to base volume affinity policy against; required if "--affinity-policy affinity" is specified and --affinity-volume is not provided.
  -a, --affinity-policy string            Affinity policy for data volume being created. Valid values are "affinity" and "anti-affinity". If --storage-pool is provided then this cannot be specified.
  -v, --affinity-volume string            Volume identifier or name to base volume affinity policy against; required if "--affinity-policy affinity" is specified and --affinity-instance is not provided.
  -j, --anti-affinity-instances strings   Comma separated list of instance identifiers or names to base volume anti-affinity policy against; required if "--affinity-policy anti-affinity" is specified and --anti-affinity-volumes is not provided.
  -w, --anti-affinity-volumes strings     Comma separated list of volume identifiers or names to base volume anti-affinity policy against; required if "--affinity-policy anti-affinity" is specified  and --anti-affinity-instances is not provided.
  -c, --count int                         Number of volumes to create. 1 by default. (default 1)
  -r, --replication-enabled               Enables storage replication on the volume. False by default.
      --replication-sites strings         List of replication sites for volume replication. See "ibmcloud pi disaster-recovery" command to get a list of replication sites.
  -e, --shareable                         Whether the volumes can be attached to multiple VMs. False by default.
  -s, --size int                          Size of the volume (in GB). Size cannot exceed 200GB for storage tier "Tier5k".
  -p, --storage-pool string               Volume pool where the volume will be created. If --storage-pool is provided then --affinity-policy values cannot be specified.
  -t, --storage-tier string               Tier of the volume (use "ibmcloud pi storage-tiers" to see available storage tiers in the targeted region). Default to tier3 if not provided.
  -u, --user-tags strings                 Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the volume.


    ibmcloud pi volume create test-volume --size 1
    ibmcloud pi volume create test-volume --size 1 --storage-tier tier1 --affinity-policy anti-affinity --anti-affinity-volumes anti-affinity-volume
    ibmcloud pi volume create test-volume --size 1 --storage-tier tier1 --count 2
    ibmcloud pi volume create test-volume --size 1 --replication-enabled --replication-sites dal10

ibmcloud pi volume delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a volume.


delete VOLUME_ID

  VOLUME_ID: The unique identifier or name of the volume.

ibmcloud pi volume flash-copy-mapping

Alias: flash-copy-mapping, fcm

Description: Get a list of flash copy mappings of a volume directly from primary storage host.


flash-copy-mapping VOLUME_ID

  VOLUME_ID: The unique identifier or name of the volume.

ibmcloud pi volume get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a volume.



  VOLUME_ID: The unique identifier or name of the volume.

ibmcloud pi volume list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all storage volumes in a workspace.

Usage: list [--auxiliary=True|False] [--long=True|False] [--replication-enabled=True|False]

Available Flags:

  -a, --auxiliary             Filter auxiliary volumes if set to True or non-auxiliary volumes if False. True by default. (default true)
  -l, --long                  Retrieve all volume details.
  -r, --replication-enabled   Filter replication-enabled volumes if set to True or non-replication-enabled volumes if False. True by default. (default true)

ibmcloud pi volume onboarding

Alias: onboarding, on

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Volume Onboarding.

Usage: onboarding

Available Commands:

  • create: Create a volume onboarding operation.
  • get: Get the information of volume onboarding operation.
  • list: List all volume onboarding operations.

ibmcloud pi volume onboarding create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a volume onboarding operation.

Usage: create <--auxiliary-volumes "AUXVOLUMENAME1 [NAME1]"> --source-crn SOURCE_CRN [--description DESCRIPTION]

Available Flags:

  -a, --auxiliary-volumes strings   Comma separated list of identifiers of the volume(s) at storage host level. Repeat this option to add more auxiliary volumes.
  -d, --description string          Volume onboarding description.
  -s, --source-crn string           CRN of source ServiceBroker instance from where auxiliary volumes need to be onboarded.


    ibmcloud pi volume onboarding create test-volume --auxiliary-volumes "test-auxiliary-volume-name" --source-crn "crn:v1:staging:public:power-iaas:dal13:a/mockcrn::"

ibmcloud pi volume onboarding get

Alias: get

Description: Get the information of volume onboarding operation.



  VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID: The unique identifier of the onboarding operation.

ibmcloud pi volume onboarding list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all volume onboarding operations.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi volume remote-copy-relationship

Alias: remote-copy-relationship, rcr

Description: Get the remote copy relationship information of a volume.


remote-copy-relationship VOLUME_ID

  VOLUME_ID: The unique identifier or name of the volume.

ibmcloud pi volume snapshot

Alias: snapshot, snap

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Volume Snapshot.

Usage: snapshot

Available Commands:

  • get: Get a snapshot for a volume.
  • list: List all snapshots in the workspace.

ibmcloud pi volume snapshot get

Alias: get

Description: Get a snapshot for a volume.



  SNAPSHOT_ID: The unique identifier of the snapshot.

ibmcloud pi volume snapshot list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all snapshots in the workspace.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi volume update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a volume.


update VOLUME_ID [--bootable=True|False] [--name NEW_NAME] [--size NEW_SIZE] [--shareable=True|False]

  VOLUME_ID: The unique identifier or name of the volume.

Available Flags:

  -b, --bootable      New value for whether the volume can be booted.
  -n, --name string   New name of the volume.
  -t, --shareable     New value for whether the volume can be attached to multiple VMs.
  -s, --size int      New size of the volume. Size cannot exceed 200GB for storage tier "Tier5k".

ibmcloud pi volume-group

Alias: volume-group, vg

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Volume Groups.

Usage: volume-group

Available Commands:

  • action: Perform an action on a volume group.
  • create: Create a volume group.
  • delete: Delete a volume group.
  • get: View details of a volume group.
  • list: List all storage volume groups in a workspace.
  • remote-copy-relationships: Get the remote copy relationship information of a volume group.
  • storage-details: Get storage details for a volume group.
  • update: Update a volume group.

ibmcloud pi volume-group action

Alias: action, act

Description: Perform an action on a volume group.


action VOLUME_GROUP_ID --operation reset [--status STATUS]
  pi volume-group action VOLUME_GROUP_ID --operation start [--source SOURCE]
  pi volume-group action VOLUME_GROUP_ID --operation stop [--allow-read-access=True|False]

  VOLUME_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier or name of the volume group.

Available Flags:

  -a, --allow-read-access   Allow the auxiliary volume to be accessible after stopping the volume group. Default is false.
  -o, --operation string    Operation to be done in a volume group. Valid values are "start", "stop", and "reset".
      --source string       The copying volume source. Allowed values are master or auxiliary. Default is "master". (default "master")
      --status string       New status to be set for a volume group. Default is "available". (default "available")


    ibmcloud pi volume-group action test-volume-group --operation reset
    ibmcloud pi volume-group action test-volume-group --operation start --source master

ibmcloud pi volume-group create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a volume group.


create (--volume-group-name VOLUME_GROUP_NAME | --consistency-group-name CONSISTENCY_GROUP_NAME) --member-volume-ids "VOLUME_ID_1,[VOLUME_ID_N]"

  VOLUME_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier or name of the volume group.

Available Flags:

  -c, --consistency-group-name string   Storage volume group name. This is required to onboard existing volume group on the target site for DR set up.
  -m, --member-volume-ids strings       Comma separated member volume identifiers.
  -v, --volume-group-name string        Storage volume group name. This is required for the creation of new volume group.


    ibmcloud pi volume-group create --volume-group-name test-volume-group-name --member-volume-ids "43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f,85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d"

ibmcloud pi volume-group delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a volume group.



  VOLUME_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier or name of the volume group.

ibmcloud pi volume-group get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a volume group.


get VOLUME_GROUP_ID [--long=True|False]

  VOLUME_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier or name of the volume group.

Available Flags:

  -l, --long   Retrieve additional details for the volume group.

ibmcloud pi volume-group list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all storage volume groups in a workspace.

Usage: list [--long=True|False]

Available Flags:

  -l, --long   Retrieve additional details for the volume group.

ibmcloud pi volume-group remote-copy-relationships

Alias: remote-copy-relationships, rcr

Description: Get the remote copy relationship information of a volume group.


remote-copy-relationships VOLUME_GROUP_ID

  VOLUME_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier or name of the volume group.

ibmcloud pi volume-group storage-details

Alias: storage-details, sd

Description: Get storage details for a volume group.


storage-details VOLUME_GROUP_ID

  VOLUME_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier or name of the volume group.

ibmcloud pi volume-group update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a volume group.


update VOLUME_GROUP_ID [--add-member-volume-ids "VOLUME_ID_1,[VOLUME_ID_N]"] [--remove-member-volume-ids "VOLUME_ID_1,[VOLUME_ID_N]"]

  VOLUME_GROUP_ID: The unique identifier or name of the volume group.

Available Flags:

  -a, --add-member-volume-ids strings      Comma separated volume identifiers to add as members of the volume group.
  -r, --remove-member-volume-ids strings   Comma separated volume identifiers to remove as members of the volume group.

ibmcloud pi vpn

Alias: vpn

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Virtual Private Networking.

Usage: vpn

Available Commands:

  • delete: Delete a VPN connection.
  • get: View details of a VPN connection.
  • list: List all VPN connections.
  • peer-subnet: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Virtual Private Networking Peer-Subnets.
  • subnet: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Virtual Private Networking Subnets.
  • update: Update a VPN connection.

ibmcloud pi vpn delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a VPN connection.



  VPN_CONNECTION_ID: The unique identifier of the VPN connection.

ibmcloud pi vpn get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a VPN connection.



  VPN_CONNECTION_ID: The unique identifier of the VPN connection.

ibmcloud pi vpn list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all VPN connections.

Usage: list

ibmcloud pi vpn peer-subnet

Alias: peer-subnet, pnet

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Virtual Private Networking Peer-Subnets.

Usage: peer-subnet

Available Commands:

  • attach: Attach a peer subnet to a specific VPN connection.
  • detach: Detach a peer subnet from a specific VPN connection.
  • list: Get a list of peer subnets attached to a specific VPN connection.

ibmcloud pi vpn peer-subnet attach

Alias: attach, att

Description: Attach a peer subnet to a specific VPN connection.


attach VPN_CONNECTION_ID --peer-subnet-cidr CIDR

  VPN_CONNECTION_ID: The unique identifier of the VPN connection.

Available Flags:

  -p, --peer-subnet-cidr string   Peer subnet CIDR to attach to the VPN connection.


    ibmcloud pi vpn peer-subnet attach 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --peer-subnet-cidr

ibmcloud pi vpn peer-subnet detach

Alias: detach, det

Description: Detach a peer subnet from a specific VPN connection.


detach VPN_CONNECTION_ID --peer-subnet-cidr CIDR

  VPN_CONNECTION_ID: The unique identifier of the VPN connection.

Available Flags:

  -p, --peer-subnet-cidr string   Peer subnet CIDR to detach from this VPN connection.


    ibmcloud pi vpn peer-subnet detach 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --peer-subnet-cidr

ibmcloud pi vpn peer-subnet list

Alias: list, ls

Description: Get a list of peer subnets attached to a specific VPN connection.


ibmcloud pi vpn subnet

Alias: subnet, snet

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Virtual Private Networking Subnets.

Usage: subnet

Available Commands:

  • attach: Attach a subnet to a specific VPN connection.
  • detach: Detach a subnet to a specific VPN connection.
  • list: Get a list of subnets attached to a specific VPN connection.

ibmcloud pi vpn subnet attach

Alias: attach, att

Description: Attach a subnet to a specific VPN connection.


attach VPN_CONNECTION_ID --subnet ID

  VPN_CONNECTION_ID: The unique identifier of the VPN connection.

Available Flags:

  -s, --subnet string   Subnet ID to attach to the VPN connection.


    ibmcloud pi vpn subnet attach 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --subnet 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d

ibmcloud pi vpn subnet detach

Alias: detach, det

Description: Detach a subnet to a specific VPN connection.


detach VPN_CONNECTION_ID --subnet ID

  VPN_CONNECTION_ID: The unique identifier of the VPN connection.

Available Flags:

  -s, --subnet string   Subnet ID to detach from the VPN connection.


    ibmcloud pi vpn subnet detach 43064761-948f-469d-ac8e-b8e5f0d6056f --subnet 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d

ibmcloud pi vpn subnet list

Alias: list, ls

Description: Get a list of subnets attached to a specific VPN connection.


ibmcloud pi vpn update

Alias: update, upd

Description: Update a VPN connection.


update VPN_CONNECTION_ID [--name VPN_CONNECTION_NAME] [--peer-gateway-address PEER_GATEWAY] [--ike-policy-id IKE_POLICY_ID] [--ipsec-policy-id IPSEC_POLICY_ID]

  VPN_CONNECTION_ID: The unique identifier of the VPN connection.

Available Flags:

  -k, --ike-policy-id string          New ID of IKE policy selected for this VPN connection.
  -p, --ipsec-policy-id string        New ID of IPSec policy selected for this VPN connection.
  -n, --name string                   New unique name of this VPN connection.
  -g, --peer-gateway-address string   New IP address of the peer gateway attached to this VPN connection.

ibmcloud pi workspace

Alias: workspace, ws

Description: IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server Workspaces.

Usage: workspace

Available Commands:

  • action: Perform an action on a workspace.
  • context: Display the CRN of the currently targeted workspace.
  • create: Create a workspace.
  • delete: Delete a workspace.
  • get: View details of a workspace.
  • list: List all workspaces for this account.
  • target: Target a workspace.

ibmcloud pi workspace action

Alias: action, act

Description: Perform an action on a workspace.


action WORKSPACE_ID --operation OPERATION

  WORKSPACE_ID: The unique identifier of the workspace.

Available Flags:

  -o, --operation string   Operation to be done in a workspace. Valid values are per-migrate-start, per-migrate-validate.


    ibmcloud pi workspace action 85716e61-948f-309d-de8b-c4e5f0d3126d --operation per-migrate-start

ibmcloud pi workspace context

Alias: context, con

Description: Display the CRN of the currently targeted workspace.

Usage: context

ibmcloud pi workspace create

Alias: create, cr

Description: Create a workspace.


create WORKSPACE_NAME --datacenter DATACENTER --group RESOURCE_GROUP --plan PLAN [--user-tags USER_TAG1[,USER_TAGn]]

  WORKSPACE_NAME: The desired name of the workspace.

Available Flags:

  -d, --datacenter string   The datacenter location where the instance should be hosted. Use the "datacenter list" command to see possible values.
  -g, --group string        The ID of the resource group. Use the "ibmcloud resource groups" command to see possible values.
  -p, --plan string         Plan associated with the offering. Valid values are "public"/"off-prem" or "private"/"on-prem".
  -u, --user-tags strings   Comma separated list of user tags to be attached to the workspace.


    ibmcloud pi workspace create test-workspace --datacenter dal12 --group 393843beabcdea9d803840a384093841 --plan public --user-tags "project:customer-poc,env:dev,dataresidency:germany"

ibmcloud pi workspace delete

Alias: delete, del

Description: Delete a workspace.



  WORKSPACE_CRN: The cloud resource name that uniquely identifies IBM Cloud resources.

  WORKSPACE_ID: The unique identifier of the workspace.

ibmcloud pi workspace get

Alias: get

Description: View details of a workspace.



  WORKSPACE_ID: The unique identifier of the workspace.

ibmcloud pi workspace list

Alias: list, ls

Description: List all workspaces for this account.

Usage: list ([--long=True|False | --private=True|False])

Available Flags:

  -l, --long      Retrieve all workspace details.
  -p, --private   List private workspaces.

ibmcloud pi workspace target

Alias: target, tg

Description: Target a workspace.



  WORKSPACE_CRN: The cloud resource name that uniquely identifies IBM Cloud resources.