IBM Cloud Docs
Extended support and product release levels

Extended support and product release levels

IBM Cloud® is committed to support a set of key products for extended periods. Depending on a product's release level, various levels of support, committed warranties, or service level agreements (SLAs) are available.

Extended support for key products

The following table lists the products that IBM® will not withdraw support for before the indicated date, unless a functional equivalent is provided.

Table 1. Product support
Name Continued support through
App ID 2026-12-31
IBM Cloudant 2026-12-31
Cloud Functions 2026-12-31
Databases for PostgreSQL 2027-12-31
Db2® Warehouse on Cloud 2026-12-31
Event Streams 2027-12-31
Kubernetes Service 2027-12-31
Object Storage 2026-12-31
Power® Virtual Server 2026-12-31

For products that are not included in the previous table, IBM will provide at least 30 days notice of its intention to discontinue or replace a generally available product. If no replacement is provided, IBM will use commercially reasonable means to continue the operation and support of previously deployed instances of the product for a period of at least 12 months.

For more information about the terms of use for products, see IBM Cloud Terms.

Product release levels

Products are available in the IBM Cloud catalog at various release levels, including general availability (GA), select availability, beta, or experimental. The catalog also notes deprecated products, which are at the end of their lifecycle.

  • GA products are widely available for sale and delivery to customers or channels, usually across multiple geographies.
  • Select availability products are production-ready, available for sale, and accessible to select customers.
  • Beta products are made solely available for evaluation and testing purposes. There are no warranties, SLAs, or support provided and beta products are not intended for production use.
  • Experimental products are made solely available for evaluation and testing purposes, and might be unstable or not compatible with previous versions. An experimental product can be discontinued with short notice. There are no warranties, SLAs, or support provided, and experimental products are not intended for production use.
  • Deprecated products are in the process of being withdrawn from service and are eligible to be removed after the deprecation period.