IBM Cloud Docs
IBM Cloud price changes

IBM Cloud price changes

The following page outlines the price changes for IBM Cloud®.

January 2025 price changes

Effective 1 January 2025, IBM Cloud is making price changes for infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) services, IBM Cloud Object Storage, R1Soft Backup Service, IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center Workload Protection cloud security posture management, and IBM Key Protect. See the following sections for additional details.

Premium changes by location for IaaS

Location premiums for most non-US multizone regions (MZRs) will remain unchanged. The premium for Sao Paulo (br-sao) will increase by 3 percentage points.

Table 1. IaaS MZR location premium changes
MZR locations Data centers Current location premium New location premium Effective increase
Dallas (us-south) DAL10, DAL12, DAL13, DAL14 0% 0% No increase
Washington DC (us-east) WDC04, WDC06, WDC07 0% 0% No increase
Toronto (ca-tor) TOR01, TOR04, TOR05 6% 6% No increase
London (eu-gb) LON04, LON05, LON06 13% 13% No increase
Frankfurt (eu-de) FRA02, FRA04, FRA05 16% 16% No increase
Madrid (eu-es) MAD02, MAD04, MAD05 16% 16% No increase
Osaka (jp-osa) OSA21, OSA22, OSA23 20% 20% No increase
Tokyo (jp-tok) TOK02, TOK04, TOK05 20% 20% No increase
Sydney (au-syd) SYD01, SYD04, SYD05 20% 20% No increase
Sao Paulo (br-sao) SAO01, SAO04, SAO05 29% 32% 2.3%

Location premiums for classic data centers will increase as follows:

Table 2. Classic data center location premium changes
Classic data centers Current location premium New location premium Effective increase
DAL08 11% 11% No increase
DAL09 0% 6% 6.0%
SJC03 0% 6% 6.0%
SJC04 0% 6% 6.0%
WDC03 11% 11% No increase
AMS03 6% 13% 6.6%
MON01 6% 13% 6.6%
LON02 13% 20% 6.2%
MIL01 16% 22% 5.2%
PAR01 16% 22% 5.2%
CHE01 20% 20% No increase
SNG01 20% 20% No increase

Existing VMware, Power Virtual Server (including SAP on Power Virtual Server), High Performance Computing, and SAP deployments made before 1 January 2025 will be exempt from these increases and prices will remain unchanged.

Premium changes by location for PaaS services

PaaS services outside of the United States will adopt the same location premiums as IaaS services shown in the previous section.

Excluded from this change are the following services:

  • IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service and Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud
  • IBM Cloud Logs
  • IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Deprecated
  • IBM Cloud Log Analysis Deprecated
  • IBM Cloud Monitoring
  • IBM Cloud Databases for Elasticsearch
  • IBM Cloud Databases for EnterpriseDB
  • IBM Cloud Databases for etcd
  • IBM Cloud Databases for MongoDB
  • Databases for MySQL
  • IBM Cloud Databases for PostgreSQL
  • IBM Cloud Databases for Redis
  • IBM Cloud Messages for RabbitMQ

Included in this change are the following services:

  • IBM Cloud® App Configuration
  • IBM Cloud App ID
  • IBM Cloudant
  • IBM Cloud Code Engine
  • IBM Cloud Container Registry
  • IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery
  • IBM Cloud Event Notifications
  • IBM Cloud Satellite
  • IBM Key Protect
  • IBM Event Streams for IBM Cloud
  • IBM Cloud Secrets Manager
  • IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center
  • IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center Workload Protection

IBM Cloud Object Storage

Object Storage will introduce charges for Aspera high-speed uploads and adopt new, simpler, flat, and consistent charges for high-speed downloads:

Table 3. New Object Storage high-speed data transfer charges.
Transfer Current charges 2025 charges - EU/UK/US/Japan 2025 charges - All other regions
High-speed uploads $0.00 10 GB free/month
10 GB+ $0.04/GB/month
10 GB free/month
10 GB+ $0.08/GB/month
High-speed downloads 0-50 TB $0.0836/GB
Next 100 TB $0.0627/GB
150 TB+ $0.0418/GB
10 GB free/month
10 GB+ $0.04/GB/month
10 GB free/month
10 GB+ $0.08/GB/month

Additionally, Object Storage prices will be increased by 2% in the Sao Paulo (br-sao) and Toronto (ca-tor) regions. In Chennai (in-che), the 2% increase will apply to Archive only.

R1Soft Backup Services

Charges for R1Soft Backup Services will increase as follows:

Table 4. R1Soft backup services changes
Tier Current charges 2025 charges
1 Pack $7.50 $10.00
5 Pack $36.25 $40.00
10 Pack $67.50 $75.00
25 Pack $143.75 $160.00

IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center

Charges for IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center Workload Protection cloud security posture management will increase from $8.24/compute instance/month to $18.00/compute instance/month.

Volume discounts are available as follows:

Table 5. IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center Workload Protection cloud security posture management changes
Number of compute instances Current price/month 2025 price/month
1 - 250 $8.24 $18.00
251 - 500 $7.004 $15.30
501 - 1000 $6.18 $13.50
1001 - 2500 $5.768 $12.60
2501 - 5000 $4.944 $10.80
5000+ $4.523 $9.90

All other Security and Compliance Center charges remain unchanged.

IBM Key Protect

Key Protect is making two changes to its pricing structure:

  1. The current free allocations of 5 key versions will be eliminated. The standard charge of $1.0764 /key version/month will apply to all keys.
  2. Charges for the global resiliency feature will be $100.00/duplicate region/month plus $1.0764/month for each duplicated key.

April 2024 price changes

Effective 1 April 2024, IBM Cloud is making the following price changes for cPanel and Red Hat® Enterprise Linux.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Effective 1 April 2024, Red Hat is making changes to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) prices and introducing a new tier structure for virtual server instance pricing. IBM Cloud is making the following price changes to reflect the Red Hat changes.

RHEL on Bare Metal Servers

For Bare Metal Servers, RHEL prices will change as follows:

Table 6. RHEL on Bare Metal Servers
Platform Offering Current charges New charges
VPC Bare Metal RHEL and RHEL for SAP Applications Hourly $0.120 $0.132
Classic Bare Metal RHEL Monthly $90.00 $99.00
Classic Bare Metal RHEL for SAP Applications Monthly $90.00 $99.00
Classic Bare Metal RHEL for SAP with HA and US Monthly $448.00 $492.80

RHEL on Virtual Server Instances

Red Hat prices for virtual server instances are changing from a 2-tier per server model to a 3-tier per vCPU model as follows:

Table 7. Charges based on server size
Old Model - charges based on server size Size
Small 1-4 vCPUs
Large 5+ vCPUs
Table 8. Charges per vCPU
New model - charges per vCPU Size
Small 1-8 vCPUs
Mid 9-127 vCPUs
Large 128+ vCPUs

With this new model, prices effective 1 April 2024 will be as follows:

Table 9. Comparison of pricing model changes
Platform Offering Current charges (per server) New charges (per vCPU)
Classic VSI RHEL Hourly Small: $0.06
Large: $0.12
Small: $0.017
Mid: $0.011
Large: not offered
Classic VSI RHEL Monthly Small: $45.00
Large: $93.00
Small: $12.584
Mid: $8.829
Large: not offered
VPC VSI RHEL for SAP Apps Hourly Small: $0.06
Large: $0.12
Small: $0.017
Mid: $0.011
Large: $0.009
VPC VSI RHEL for SAP Apps for HA and US Hourly Small: $0.14
Large: $0.31
Small: $0.023
Mid: $0.016
Large: $0.015
VPC VSI RHEL Hourly Small: $0.06
Large: $0.12
Small: $0.017
Mid: $0.011
Large: $0.009
VMware Shared VSI RHEL Hourly Small: $0.06
Large: $0.12
Small: $0.017
Mid: $0.011
Large: $0.009
VMware-aaS VSI RHEL Hourly Small: $0.06
Large: $0.12
Small: $0.017
Mid: $0.011
Large: $0.009


Effective 1 April 2024, IBM Cloud is making the following price changes for cPanel. These prices reflect a vendor price increase that was made in December 2023.

Table 10. cPanel pricing changes
cPanel Option Current monthly charge New charge from 1 April 2024
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico and RVskin Admin Cloud up to 5 Accounts $14.00 $30.25
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico and RVskin Pro Cloud up to 30 Accounts $19.00 $42.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico and RVskin Plus Cloud up to 50 Accounts $27.00 $57.00
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico and RVskin Premier Cloud up to 100 Accounts $48.50 $72.55
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Metal up to 100 Accounts $48.50 $72.55
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 150 Accounts $63.50 $81.80
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 200 Accounts $78.50 $100.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 250 Accounts $93.50 $120.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 300 Accounts $108.50 $140.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 350 Accounts $123.50 $160.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 400 Accounts $138.50 $180.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 450 Accounts $153.50 $200.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 500 Accounts $168.50 $220.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 550 Accounts $183.50 $240.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 600 Accounts $198.50 $260.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 650 Accounts $213.50 $280.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 700 Accounts $228.50 $300.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 750 Accounts $243.50 $320.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 800 Accounts $258.50 $340.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 850 Accounts $273.50 $360.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 900 Accounts $288.50 $380.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 950 Accounts $303.50 $400.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 1000 Accounts $318.50 $420.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 1050 Accounts $333.50 $440.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 1100 Accounts $348.50 $460.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 1150 Accounts $363.50 $480.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 1200 Accounts $378.50 $500.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 1250 Accounts $393.50 $520.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 1300 Accounts $408.50 $540.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 1350 Accounts $423.50 $560.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 1400 Accounts $438.50 $580.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 1450 Accounts $453.50 $600.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 1500 Accounts $468.50 $620.99
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico/Softaculous and RVskin Premier Fixed Package up to 2000 Accounts $618.50 $820.99

January 2024 price changes

Effective 1 January 2024, IBM Cloud is making the following price changes for IaaS and PaaS services.

IaaS data center premium changes

Prices for IBM Cloud infrastructure services vary from location to location, based on a percentage premium from US base prices. Effective 1 January 2024, these location premiums are changing as follows:

Table 11. IaaS pricing changes
Location Current premium New premium Effective increase
San Jose
Washington DC
0% 0% No Change
3% 6% +2.9%
London 7% 13% +5.6%
10% 16% +5.5%
13% 20% +6.2%
20% 20% No Change
Sao Paulo 20% 29% +7.5%

These new premiums will apply to Bare Metal Servers, Virtual Server Instances, File and Block Storage, and Networking infrastructure, for both classic and VPC offerings.

For IBM Cloud® Object Storage, the premiums that are mentioned in the previous table will affect the Object Storage service only in the Sao Paulo (br-sao) region. Furthermore, there will be a global increase of 25% in Accelerated Archive prices and a 26% increase for Deep Archive storage.

There will be no changes to the existing premiums for IBM® Power® Virtual Server, third-party software, or network bandwidth.

PaaS global price changes

Effective 1 January 2024, all prices for IBM Cloud service will increase by 3% globally. This increase covers:

  • IBM Cloud® Activity Tracker
  • IBM Cloud® App ID
  • IBM Cloud® Code Engine
  • IBM Cloud® Continuous Delivery
  • IBM Cloud® Data Engine
  • IBM Cloud® Data Security Broker
  • IBM Cloud® Databases for DataStax
  • IBM Cloud® Databases for Elasticsearch
  • IBM Cloud® Databases for EnterpriseDB
  • IBM Cloud® Databases for etcd
  • IBM Cloud® Databases for MongoDB
  • IBM Cloud® Databases for MySQL
  • IBM Cloud® Databases for PostgreSQL
  • IBM Cloud® Databases for Redis
  • IBM Cloud® Event Notifications
  • IBM Cloud® Internet Services
  • IBM Cloud® Kubernetes Service and Red Hat® OpenShift® on IBM Cloud®
  • IBM Cloud® Log Analysis
  • IBM Cloud® Messages for RabbitMQ
  • IBM Cloud® Monitoring
  • IBM Cloud Satellite®
  • IBM Cloud® Secrets Manager
  • IBM Cloud® Security and Compliance Center
  • IBM Cloud® Security and Compliance Center Workload Protection
  • IBM® Cloudant® for IBM Cloud®
  • IBM® Event Streams for IBM Cloud®
  • IBM® Key Protect for IBM Cloud®