IBM Cloud Docs
Testing serverless apps

Testing serverless apps

IBM Cloud® Functions is deprecated. Existing Functions entities such as actions, triggers, or sequences will continue to run, but as of 28 December 2023, you can’t create new Functions entities. Existing Functions entities are supported until October 2024. Any Functions entities that still exist on that date will be deleted. For more information, see Deprecation overview.

Test each entity that you create to verify that your serverless app is working or to troubleshoot where an issue might be occurring.

Testing actions from the console

Whenever you create or update an action or sequence in the console, test it by using the Invoke option.

  1. From the Action menu, select an action or a sequence.

  2. Select Invoke.

Testing actions from the CLI

You can test actions by running the ibmcloud fn action invoke command. You can test the action with or without parameters.

ibmcloud fn action invoke --result ACTION_NAME --param PARAMETER VALUE

The following invocation runs a Hello world example.

ibmcloud fn action invoke --result myAction --param name stranger

The following example shows possible output from the previous invocation.

        "greeting": "Hello stranger!"

Testing parameters stored in JSON files

You can pass a file of JSON-formatted parameters.

ibmcloud fn action invoke --result ACTION_NAME --param-file JSON_FILE

The following example shows possible output from the previous invocation.

    "payload": "Hello, Dorothy from Kansas"

Testing parameters entered in JSON format

You can pass JSON-formatted parameters with your invocation.

ibmcloud fn action invoke --result ACTION_NAME -p person '{"PARAM_NAME": "PARAM_VALUE", "PARAM_NAME": "PARAM_VALUE"}'

The following example shows possible output from the previous invocation.

    "payload": "Hello, Dorothy from Kansas"

Testing blocking actions

The invocation of the action can be blocking or non-blocking. Invocations are non-blocking by default. If you don't need the action result right away, use a non-blocking invocation.

Blocking invocations use a request-response style and wait for the activation result to be available. The wait period is the lesser of 60 seconds or the action's time limit value.

Run the action by running a blocking invocation.

ibmcloud fn action invoke --blocking ACTION_NAME

The following example shows possible output from the previous invocation.

ok: invoked hello with id 44794bd6aab74415b4e42a308d880e5b

    "result": {
        "payload": "Hello world"
    "status": "success",
    "success": true

The command outputs the following information.

  • The invocation result, if it is available within the expected wait period
  • Without the --result option, the activation ID is displayed in the result. The activation ID (44794bd6aab74415b4e42a308d880e5b) which can be used to retrieve the logs or the result of the invocation.

Testing triggers

Triggers can be fired, or activated, by using a dictionary of key-value pairs. Sometimes this dictionary is referred to as the event. Triggers can be explicitly fired by a user or fired on behalf of a user by an external event source. As with actions, each firing of a trigger that is associated with a rule results in an activation ID.

  1. Fire the trigger.

    ibmcloud fn trigger fire TRIGGER_NAME --param PARAM_NAME PARAM_VALUE --param PARAM_NAME PARAM_VALUE

    A trigger that isn't associated with a rule has no visible effect when it is fired. Because no rule associated with this trigger, the passed parameters are not used as input by any action.

    The following example shows possible output from the previous trigger fire.

    ok: triggered TRIGGER_NAME with id fa495d1223a2408b999c3e0ca73b2677
  2. Verify that the action was invoked by checking the most recent activation record.

    ibmcloud fn activation list --limit 1 ACTION_NAME

    The following example shows possible output from the previous command.

    fa495d1223a2408b999c3e0ca73b2677             ACTION_NAME
  3. Get more information about the activation ID from the previous command output.

    ibmcloud fn activation result ACTIVATION_ID

    The following example shows possible output from the previous command.

        "payload": "Hello, Human from Earth"

Testing duration of activations

Check how long an activation took to complete by getting the activation log. If the duration is too long or you need to adjust the default timeout to allow the function to run longer, you can update your action with a timeout.

  1. Get the activation ID.

    ibmcloud fn activation list --limit 1 ACTION_NAME

    The following example shows possible output from the previous command.

    b066ca51e68c4d3382df2d8033265db0             ACTION_NAME
  2. Get the log for the activation ID.

    ibmcloud fn activation get b066ca51e68c4d3382df2d8033265db0

    The duration shows the time in milliseconds. The activation took slightly over 2 seconds to complete.

    ok: got activation b066ca51e68c4d3382df2d8033265db0
        "activationId": "c2b36969fbe94562b36969fbe9856215",
        "start": 1532456307768,
        "end": 1532456309838,
        "duration": 2070,
  3. Update the action with a timeout in milliseconds.

    ibmcloud fn action update ACTION_NAME APP_FILE --kind RUNTIME --timeout VALUE

    For example, see the following command.

    ibmcloud fn action update hello hello.js --kind nodejs:10 --timeout 1000

Testing memory usage

If your app is packaged in a Docker image, you can use Docker commands to check the memory usage of your app.

  1. Create a container locally that runs your Docker image.

    docker run IMAGE_NAME
  2. Get a list of the containers to get a container ID.

    docker ps
  3. Check the statistics of the running container.

    docker stats CONTAINER_ID
  4. Review the memory usage value for the container. If the value does not fit within the system limits, adjust your script.

  5. After you are done reviewing the information, you can stop the running container.

    docker stop CONTAINER_ID
  6. Remove the container.

    docker rm CONTAINER_ID

Special considerations for memory usage with Node.js runtime actions

In the case where an action consumes more memory than requested, the action is terminated and the following log information is displayed:

2019-10-22T10:00:50.509Z  stderr: Killed
2019-10-22T10:00:50.510Z  stderr: The action did not initialize or run as expected. Log data might be missing.

When Cloud Functions runs successive invocations of the same action, the optimizations that are performed by Cloud Functions might consume more memory than expected to improve run times.

For example, when Cloud Functions runs actions, Linux containers are used for the processes. To speed up the process, new containers are not created each time that your action runs ("cold"), but instead, existing containers that ran your action before ("warm") are reused. So when your action completes, the container "freezes" to pause all processes and then "wakes" when your action is rerun.

This approach affects garbage collection. When you run a Node.js action, garbage is created on the heap. This garbage is accumulating over each warm reuse of the action process. However, because the Node.js process pauses between invocations, garbage collection does not run reliably.

Invoke Node.js garbage collection explicitly from within your action code by adding the option --expose-gc.

For example, use code similar to the following example code in your action:

try {
    if (global.gc) {
    console.log("About to run garbage collection.");
    console.log("Completed running garbage collection.");
    } else {
    console.log("Garbage collection not available.");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("Garbage collection cannot be started: " + e);