IBM Cloud Docs


IBM Cloud® Functions is deprecated. Existing Functions entities such as actions, triggers, or sequences will continue to run, but as of 28 December 2023, you can’t create new Functions entities. Existing Functions entities are supported until October 2024. Any Functions entities that still exist on that date will be deleted. For more information, see Deprecation overview.

IBM Cloud® Functions actions, triggers, rules, and packages (collectively referred to as entities) can include annotations.

Annotations are attached to entities like parameters. Annotations consist of a key that defines a name and value that defines the value. Annotations are most commonly used to document actions and packages. Packages in the Cloud Functions catalog carry annotations. These annotations include descriptions of the functionality that is offered by its actions, parameters to use at package binding time, invoke-time parameters, or whether a parameter is a secret. Annotations are invented as needed, for example, to allow for UI integration.

You can document an entity from the CLI by using the --annotation or -a flag.

Action annotations

Action annotations.
Annotation Description
description A description of the action.
parameters An array that describes actions that are required to execute the action.
sampleInput An example that shows the input schema with typical values.
sampleOutput An example that shows the output schema, usually for the sampleInput.

The following code is an example set of annotations for an echo action, which returns its input arguments unmodified. This action is useful for logging input parameters, for example, as part of a sequence or rule.

ibmcloud fn action create echo echo.js \
    -a description 'An action which returns its input. Useful for logging input to enable debug/replay.' \
    -a parameters  '[{ "required":false, "description": "Any JSON entity" }]' \
    -a sampleInput  '{ "msg": "Five fuzzy felines"}' \
    -a sampleOutput '{ "msg": "Five fuzzy felines"}'

Web action annotations

The following web action annotations must be explicitly set to true to enable API interactivity.

Annotations specific to web actions.
Annotation Description
web-export When applied to an action, the action becomes a web action. The action becomes accessible to REST calls without authentication so that users can access the actions from a browser. The owner of the web action incurs the cost of running them. In other words, the owner of the action also owns the activations record.
final When applied to an action, any action parameters that were previously defined can't be overridden by parameters that are provided during invocation.
raw-http When applied to an action that has the web-export annotation, the HTTP request query and body parameters are passed to the action as reserved properties.
web-custom-options Enables a web action to respond to OPTIONS requests with customized headers. Otherwise, a default CORS response applies.
require-whisk-auth The web action can be invoked only by requests that provide appropriate authentication credentials. When set to a boolean value, it controls whether the Basic Authentication value of the request is authenticated. A value of true authenticates the credentials, and a value of false invokes the action without any authentication. When set to an integer or a string, this value must match the request X-Require-Whisk-Auth header value.

Package annotations

Annotations specific to packages.
Annotation Description
description A description of the package.
parameters An array that describes parameters that are scoped to the package.

Parameter annotations

Parameter annotations.
Annotation Description
name The name of the parameter.
description A pithy description of the parameter.
doclink A link to further documentation for the parameter (useful for OAuth tokens).
required True for required parameters and false for optional ones.
bindTime True if the parameter is specified when a package is bound.
type The type of the parameter, one of password, array (but can be used more broadly).

Activation annotations

You can document activation records with the following annotations:

Activation annotations.
Annotation Description
path The fully qualified path name of the action that generated the activation. If this activation was the result of an action in a package binding, the path refers to the parent package.
kind The kind of action executed, and one of the supported Cloud Functions runtime kinds.
limits The time, memory, and log limits that this activation were subject to.

For sequence-related activations, the system generates the following annotations:

Sequence-related activation annotations.
Annotation Description
topmost This annotation is only present for an outermost sequence action.
causedBy This annotation is only present for actions that are contained in a sequence.
waitTime The time that is spent waiting in the internal Cloud Functions system. This time is roughly the time that is spent between the receipt of the activation request and when the invoker provisioned a container for the action. This value is only present for non-sequence related activations. For sequences, this information can be derived from the topmost sequence activation record.
initTime The time that is spent initializing the function. If this value is present, the action required initialization and represents a cold start. A warm activation skips initialization, and in this case, the annotation is not generated.

The following example shows these annotations as they might appear in an activation record:

"annotations": [
    "key": "path",
    "value": "guest/echo"
    "key": "waitTime",
    "value": 66
    "key": "kind",
    "value": "nodejs:6"
    "key": "initTime",
    "value": 50
    "key": "limits",
    "value": {
        "logs": 10,
        "memory": 256,
        "timeout": 60000