IBM Cloud Docs
Opening required ports and IP addresses in other network allowlists

Opening required ports and IP addresses in other network allowlists

Virtual Private Cloud

This allowlist information is specific to VPC clusters. For allowlist information for classic clusters, see Opening required ports and IP addresses in your allowlist for classic clusters.

Opening ports in a corporate allowlist

If corporate network policies prevent access from your local system to public endpoints via proxies or allowlists, you must allow access to run ibmcloud, ibmcloud oc, and ibmcloud cr commands, oc commands, and calicoctl commands from your local system.

Running ibmcloud, ibmcloud oc, and ibmcloud cr commands from behind an allowlist

If corporate network policies prevent access from your local system to public endpoints via proxies or allowlists, to run ibmcloud, ibmcloud oc and ibmcloud cr commands, you must allow TCP access for IBM Cloud, Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud, and IBM Cloud Container Registry.

  1. Allow access to on port 443 in your allowlist.

  2. Verify your connection by logging in to IBM Cloud through this API endpoint.

    ibmcloud login -a
  3. Allow access to on port 443 in your allowlist.

  4. Verify your connection. If access is configured correctly, messages similar to the following are displayed in the output.


    Example output

  5. Allow access to the IBM Cloud Container Registry regions that you plan to use on port 443 in your allowlist. The global registry stores IBM-provided public images, and regional registries store your own private or public images. If your allowlist is IP-based, you can see which IP addresses are opened when you allow access to the IBM Cloud Container Registry regional service endpoints by reviewing this table.

  6. Verify your connection. The following is an example for the US East and US South regional registry. If access is configured correctly, a message of the day is returned in the output. Note that if there are no messages, a 204 is returned.

    curl -i

Running oc commands from behind an allowlist

If corporate network policies prevent access from your local system to public endpoints via proxies or allowlists, to run oc commands, you must allow TCP access for the cluster.

When a cluster is created, the port in the service endpoint URLs is randomly assigned from within 30000-32767. You can either choose to open port range 30000-32767 for any cluster that might get created or you can choose to allow access for a specific existing cluster.

Before you begin, allow access to run ibmcloud oc commands.

To allow access for a specific cluster:

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud CLI. Enter your IBM Cloud credentials when prompted. If you have a federated account, include the --sso option.

    ibmcloud login [--sso]
  2. If the cluster is in a resource group other than default, target that resource group. To see the resource group that each cluster belongs to, run ibmcloud oc cluster ls. Note: You must have at least the Viewer role for the resource group.

    ibmcloud target -g <resource_group_name>
  3. Get the name of your cluster.

    ibmcloud oc cluster ls
  4. Retrieve the service endpoint URLs for your cluster.

    • If only the Private Service Endpoint URL is populated, get this URL. Your authorized cluster users can access the master through this endpoint on the private network.
    • If both the Public Service Endpoint URL and Private Service Endpoint URL are populated, get both URLs. Your authorized cluster users can access the master through the public endpoint on the public network or the private endpoint on the private network.
    ibmcloud oc cluster get --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>

    Example output

    Public Service Endpoint URL:    https://c3.<region>
    Private Service Endpoint URL:   https://c3-private.<region>
  5. Allow access to the service endpoint URLs and ports that you got in the previous step. If your allowlist is IP-based, you can see which IP addresses are opened when you allow access to the service endpoint URLs by reviewing this table.

  6. Verify your connection.

    • If the public cloud service endpoint is enabled:
      curl --insecure <public_service_endpoint_URL>/version
      Example command
      curl --insecure https://c3.<region>
      Example output
          "major": "1",
          "minor": "7+",
          "gitVersion": "v1.7.4-2+eb9172c211dc41",
          "gitCommit": "eb9172c211dc4108341c0fd5340ee5200f0ec534",
          "gitTreeState": "clean",
          "buildDate": "2017-11-16T08:13:08Z",
          "goVersion": "go1.8.3",
          "compiler": "gc",
          "platform": "linux/amd64"
    • If only the private cloud service endpoint is enabled, you must be in your IBM Cloud private network or connect to the private network through a VPN connection to verify your connection to the master. Note: You must expose the master endpoint through a private load balancer so that users can access the master through a VPN or IBM Cloud® Direct Link connection.
      curl --insecure <private_service_endpoint_URL>/version
      Example command
      curl --insecure https://c3-private.<region>
      Example output
          "major": "1",
          "minor": "7+",
          "gitVersion": "v1.7.4-2+eb9172c211dc41",
          "gitCommit": "eb9172c211dc4108341c0fd5340ee5200f0ec534",
          "gitTreeState": "clean",
          "buildDate": "2017-11-16T08:13:08Z",
          "goVersion": "go1.8.3",
          "compiler": "gc",
          "platform": "linux/amd64"
  7. Optional: Repeat these steps for each cluster that you need to expose.

Running calicoctl commands from behind an allowlist

If corporate network policies prevent access from your local system to public endpoints via proxies or allowlists, to run calicoctl commands, you must allow TCP access for the Calico commands.

Before you begin, allow access to run ibmcloud commands and oc commands.

  1. Retrieve the IP address from the master URL that you used to allow the oc commands.

  2. Get the port for etcd.

    oc get cm -n kube-system cluster-info -o yaml | grep etcd_host
  3. Allow access for the Calico policies via the master URL IP address and the etcd port.

Allowing access to the Red Hat OpenShift image registry in an allowlist

If you set up a secure external route for the internal image registry, or to access an IBM Cloud Object Storage bucket that backs up your internal image registry in a VPC cluster, you must allow access for the internal registry and IBM Cloud Object Storage endpoints in your corporate allowlist.

  1. If you create an external route for the internal Red Hat OpenShift image registry, allow access to the * domain so that you can access the image-registry-openshift-image-registry.<cluster_name>-<ID_string>.<region> route from your corporate network.

  2. VPC clusters: If you must access an IBM Cloud Object Storage bucket that backs up the internal Red Hat OpenShift image registry, or if you must otherwise access IBM Cloud Object Storage from your corporate network, allow access to the * domain.

Allowing traffic from your cluster in other services' allowlists or in on-premises allowlists

Allow your worker nodes to communicate with services that are protected by allowlists.

For example, you might have services that run inside or outside IBM Cloud, or services that run on-premises, that are protected by an allowlist. You want to permit incoming network traffic to those services from your cluster. In your service's allowlist, you must add the external IP addresses of the public gateways on your cluster's VPC subnets.

If you want to permit egress from your allowlist-protected services to your cluster, you must add your worker nodes' private IP addresses or your cluster's VPC subnet CIDRs in your service's allowlist. Note that because worker nodes in VPC clusters have only private IP addresses, connections into the VPC cluster worker nodes can only originate from systems that are connected to your IBM Cloud private network.

Before you begin

  1. Access your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.
  2. Install the infrastructure-service CLI plug-in. The prefix for running VPC infrastructure commands is ibmcloud is.
    ibmcloud plugin install infrastructure-service

Allowing ingress from a cluster to another service

To permit ingress from your cluster to another service, modify that service's allowlist or your on-premises allowlist.

  1. Get the Worker Zones and VPCs that your cluster is created in.

    ibmcloud oc cluster get -c <cluster>

    Example output

    Worker Zones:                   us-south-1, us-south-2, us-south-3
    Ingress Subdomain:    
    Ingress Secret:                 vpc-prod
    Creator:                        -
    Public Service Endpoint URL:
    Private Service Endpoint URL:
    Pull Secrets:                   enabled in the default namespace
    VPCs:                           ff537d43-a5a4-4b65-9627-17eddfa5237b
  2. For the worker zones and VPC that you found, ensure that you enabled a public gateway on the VPC subnets in each worker zone.

  3. List the public gateways for the subnets. In the output, for the zones and VPC that your cluster is in, note the gateway Floating IP addresses for the subnets.

    ibmcloud is public-gateways

    Example output

    ID                                     Name                                       Status      Floating IP      VPC              Zone
    5d308ea5-9f32-43b3-aaae-194d5723a3e5   pgw-b9d45630-c053-11e9-b2f8-79328ce05e7e   available   169.XX.XXX.XX    test-vpc         us-south-1
    f8b95e43-a408-4dc8-a489-ed649fc4cfec   pgw-18a3ebb0-b539-11e9-9838-f3f4efa02374   available   169.XX.XXX.XX    prod             us-south-1
    2ba9a280-fffa-4b0c-bdca-7970f09f9b8a   pgw-73b62bc0-b53a-11e9-9838-f3f4efa02374   available   169.XX.XXX.XX    prod             us-south-2
    057ddef6-631f-4b22-89eb-1e99982a54fa   pgw-64c5cae0-0be2-11ea-8f26-e1565e79a36c   available   52.XX.XXX.XXX    prod             us-south-3
  4. Add the public gateway IP addresses to your service's allowlist or your on-premises allowlist for inbound traffic.

  5. Repeat these steps for each cluster that you want to allow traffic to or from.

Allowing egress to a cluster from another service

To permit egress to your cluster from another service, modify that service's allowlist or your on-premises allowlist.

  1. Get the worker node subnets or the worker node IP addresses.
    • Worker node subnet CIDRs: If you anticipate changing the number of worker nodes in your cluster frequently, such as if you enable the cluster autoscaler, you might not want to update your allowlist for each new worker node. Instead, you can add the VPC subnets that the cluster uses. Keep in mind that the VPC subnet might be shared by worker nodes in other clusters.
      1. Get the Worker Zones and VPCs that your cluster is created in.
        ibmcloud oc cluster get -c <cluster>
        Example output
        Worker Zones:                   us-south-1, us-south-2, us-south-3
        Ingress Subdomain:    
        Ingress Secret:                 vpc-prod
        Creator:                        -
        Public Service Endpoint URL:
        Private Service Endpoint URL:
        Pull Secrets:                   enabled in the default namespace
        VPCs:                           ff537d43-a5a4-4b65-9627-17eddfa5237b
      2. For the subnets in the zones and VPC that your cluster is in, note the Subnet CIDR.
        ibmcloud is subnets
        Example output
        ID                                     Name             Status      Subnet CIDR        Addresses   ACL                                                          Public Gateway                             VPC              Zone
        5f5787a4-f560-471b-b6ce-20067ac93439   vpc-prod-dal1    available      183/256     allow-all-network-acl-ff537d43-a5a4-4b65-9627-17eddfa5237b   -                                          prod             us-south-1
        e3c19786-1c54-4248-86ca-e60aab74ed62   vpc-prod-dal2    available     183/256     allow-all-network-acl-ff537d43-a5a4-4b65-9627-17eddfa5237b   -                                          prod             us-south-2
        2930a068-51cc-4eca-807b-3f296d0891b4   vpc-prod-dal3    available    249/256     allow-all-network-acl-ff537d43-a5a4-4b65-9627-17eddfa5237b   -                                          prod             us-south-3
    • Individual worker node IP addresses: If you have a small number of worker nodes that run only one app and don't need to scale, or if you want to add only one worker node, list all the worker nodes in your cluster and note the Primary IP addresses. Only these worker nodes are added. If you delete the worker nodes or add worker nodes to the cluster, you must update your allowlist accordingly.
      ibmcloud oc worker ls --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>
  2. Add the subnet CIDRs or individual worker node IP addresses to your service's allowlist or your on-premises allowlist for outbound traffic.
  3. Repeat these steps for each cluster that you want to allow traffic to or from.