IBM Cloud Docs
Why do I see a license or entitlement error when creating a worker pool?

copyright: years: 2024, 2025 lastupdated: "2025-01-29"

keywords: Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud, license, entitlement, OCP, Cloud Pak

subcollection: openshift

content-type: troubleshoot

Why do I see a license or entitlement error when creating a worker pool?

When you try to create a new worker pool with the Apply my OCP entitlement option, the creation fails and you see an error message similar the following example.

The entitlement `ocp_entitled` was not found. Specify `ocp_entitled` to search for any supported license or entitlement. 
If no match is found, then you do not have a supported license or entitlement.

The Cloud Pak license might not be assigned to your IBM Cloud account.

Follow the steps to check your existing licenses and to assign the Cloud Pak license to your IBM Cloud account.

Before you begin, make sure you have at least the Editor platform access role for License and Entitlement.

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud console and navigate to Manage > Account.
  2. Click Licenses and entitlements.
  3. Check if the correct Cloud Pak license is assigned to your account.
  4. If the Cloud Pak license is not assigned to your account, navigate to IBM Passport Advantage to assign the license to the account.