IBM Cloud Docs
Why do I see an UnresponsiveMountHelperContainerUtility error for File Storage for VPC?

Why do I see an UnresponsiveMountHelperContainerUtility error for File Storage for VPC?

Virtual Private Cloud

Your app that uses encryption in-transit File Storage for VPC fails with an UnresponsiveMountHelperContainerUtility error.

You see an error message similar to the following example.

Code: UnresponsiveMountHelperContainerUtility, Description: Failed to mount target because unable to make connection to mount helper container service., BackendError: Failed to send EIT based request. Failed with error: Post "http://unix/api/mount": dial unix /var/lib/ibmshare.sock: connect: no such file or directory, Action: Check if EIT is enabled from storage operator. Run command 'kubectl edit configmap addon-vpc-file-csi-driver-configmap -n kube-system' and set 'ENABLE_EIT' flag to 'true'.}

Either encryption in-transit (EIT) is not enabled on your worker pools or, if EIT is enabled, your app that uses EIT features is running on a different worker node where EIT is not enabled.

Make sure that your app pod is running in the same worker pool as mentioned in the EIT_ENABLED_WORKER_POOL section of the configmap. Also verify that EIT is enabled for the workers on which pod is getting scheduled.

  1. Review the file-csi-driver-status configmap and verify that EIT is enabled. Make sure that the ENABLE_EIT flag is set to true and that you have specified the worker pools where you want to run your app.

    oc describe cm file-csi-driver-status -n kube-system
  2. List your app pods and verify your app is running in the worker pool specified in the EIT_ENABLED_WORKER_POOL configmap section.

    oc get pods -A