IBM Cloud Docs
Why are the ODF pods stuck at Pending?

Why are the ODF pods stuck at Pending?

When you list pods in the openshift-storage namespace with the oc get pods -n openshift-storage command, the ODF pods are stuck at Pending.

To determine why your storage cluster status is stuck at Pending, describe the pods that have the status Pending.

oc describe pod <pod> -n openshift-storage

In the output, check the Events section for the following error:

"Error: 0/3 nodes are available: 1 node(s) didn't match pod affinity/anti-affinity, 2 node(s) had volume node affinity conflict"

This error indicates that that the classic or VPC cluster where your ODF storage cluster is installed is a multizone cluster, but the storage classes specified in the monStorageClassName or osdStorageClassName fields in your CRD have a VolumeBindingMode parameter that is set to Immediate. Multizone ODF deployments require storage classes that have the VolumeBindingMode parameter set to WaitForFirstConsumer.

  1. Create custom storage class with the VolumeBindingMode set to WaitForFirstConsumer, or choose a pre-existing storage class with the same parameters.

  2. List the name of your ODF storage cluster.

    oc get ocscluster

    Example output:

    NAME             AGE
    ocscluster-vpc   71d
  3. Delete the storage cluster.

    oc delete ocscluster <ocs_cluster_name>
  4. Verify that your storage cluster is deleted and is not listed.

    oc get ocscluster
  5. Re-create the CRD with the pre-existing or custom storage class you chose earlier.

  6. Re-deploy the storage cluster.