IBM Cloud Docs
Why does the Ingress status show an ESSWS error?

Why does the Ingress status show an ESSWS error?

Virtual Private Cloud Classic infrastructure Satellite

When you check the status of your cluster's Ingress components by running the ibmcloud oc ingress status-report get command, you see an error similar to the following example.

The secret status shows a warning (ESSWS).

There was an error when attempting to apply the secret to your cluster.

To view the specific error, run the ibmcloud oc ingress secret ls commands and review the Status column.

Error api_request_failed
There was an issue uploading the new certificate to the registered instance for the cluster. Verify the instance details using the ibmcloud oc ingress instance ls command.
Error secret_apply_failed
There was an issue applying the secret to your cluster. Follow the steps to ensure your cluster control plane is healthy.
Error namespace_not_found
The namespace for the secret is no longer found in the cluster. If you no longer need the secret for that namespace, you can remove it with the ibmcloud oc ingress secret rm command. Otherwise, recreate the namespace on the cluster.

If the issue persists, contact support. Open a support case. In the case details, be sure to include any relevant log files, error messages, or command outputs.