IBM Cloud Docs
Why does the Ingress status show an ESSVC error?

Why does the Ingress status show an ESSVC error?

Virtual Private Cloud Classic infrastructure Satellite

When you check the status of your cluster's Ingress components by running the ibmcloud oc ingress status-report get command, you see an error similar to the following example.

The CRN does not match the default secret with the same domain (ESSVC).

There are secrets in multiple namespaces for the same domain in your cluster but they reference different IBM Cloud Secrets Manager CRNs.

Ensure all secrets that share the same domain have the same CRN.

  1. View all the Ingress secrets for your cluster by running the following command.

    ibmcloud oc ingress secret ls
  2. In the output, ensure that secrets that have the same domain also have the same CRN. For secrets that have a different CRN, update them with the correct CRN by running the following command.

    ibmcloud oc ingress secret update -c <cluster> --name <secret_name> --namespace <secret_namespace> --cert-crn <new_crn>

    To find the correct CRN for the Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud managed domains look for the secret in the openshift-ingress, or ibm-cert-store namespaces.

  3. If the issue persists, contact support. Open a support case. In the case details, be sure to include any relevant log files, error messages, or command outputs.