IBM Cloud Docs
Why does the Ingress status show an ERRIODEG error?

Why does the Ingress status show an ERRIODEG error?

Virtual Private Cloud Classic infrastructure Satellite

You can use the ibmcloud oc ingress status-report ignored-errors add command to add an error to the ignored-errors list. Ignored errors still appear in the output of the ibmcloud oc ingress status-report get command, but are ignored when calculating the overall Ingress Status.

When you check the status of your cluster's Ingress components by running the ibmcloud oc ingress status-report get command, you see an error similar to the following.

The Ingress Operator is in a degraded state (ERRIODEG).

The Ingress Operator checks the health of the Ingress Controllers and enters a degraded state when the checks fail.

Get the details of the ingress ClusterOperator and complete the steps based on the error message.

Check the status of the ingress ClusterOperator. If you see False in the DEGRADED column, wait 10 to 15 minutes to see if the Ingress Status warning disappears. If not, proceed with the troubleshooting steps based on the message in the MESSAGE column.

oc get clusteroperator ingress

One or more status conditions indicate unavailable: DeploymentAvailable=False

  1. Ensure that your cluster has at least two workers. For more information, see Adding worker nodes to Classic clusters or Adding worker nodes to VPC clusters.
  2. Ensure that your cluster workers are healthy, otherwise Ingress Controller pods cannot be scheduled. For more information, see Worker node states.

One or more status conditions indicate unavailable: LoadBalancerReady=False

  1. VPC only: Ensure that you did not reach your LBaaS instance quota. For more information, see Quotas and service limits and the ibmcloud is load-balancers command.
  2. Ensure that your cluster masters are healthy. For more information, see Reviewing master health.
  3. Refresh your cluster masters by running the ibmcloud oc cluster master refresh command.

One or more other status conditions indicate a degraded state: CanaryChecksSucceeding=False

  1. Ensure that the correct LoadBalancer service address is registered for your Ingress subdomain.

    1. Run the ibmcloud oc cluster get command to see your Ingress subdomain.
    2. Run the ibmcloud oc nlb-dns get command to see the registered addresses.
    3. Run the oc get services -n openshift-ingress command to get the actual load balancer addresses.
    4. Compare the registered and actual addresses and update the subdomain if it differs. VPC: Run the ibmcloud oc nlb-dns replace command to replace the current address. Classic: Remove the currently registered addresses by running the ibmcloud oc nlb-dns rm classic command, then add the new addresses with the ibmcloud oc nlb-dns add command. Satellite: The actual addresses depends on your configuration: if you expose your worker nodes with an external load balancer, register the load balancer addresses, otherwise register the IP addresses assigned to the router-external-default service in the openshift-ingress namespace (use the oc get services -n openshift-ingress router-external-default -o yaml command to retrieve the addresses). Remove the currently registered addresses by running the ibmcloud oc nlb-dns rm classic command, then add the new addresses with the ibmcloud oc nlb-dns add command.
  2. VPC only: Ensure that your VPC subnets have public gateways attached. For more information, see Creating a Red Hat OpenShift cluster in your Virtual Private Cloud and Configuring VPC subnets

    1. Run the ibmcloud is public-gateways to see your public gateways.
    2. Run the ibmcloud is subnets to see your subnets.
    3. For every subnet run the ibmcloud is subnet <subnet-id> to check whenever it has a public gateway.
      1. If your subnet does not have a public gateway attached, you need to attach one. For more information, see Creating public gateways
  3. Ensure that no firewall rules block the canary traffic. VPC: canary traffic originates from one of the worker nodes, flows through a VPC Public Gateway and arrives to the public side of the VPC Load Balancer instance. Configure your VPC Security Groups to allow this communication. For more information, see Controlling traffic with VPC security groups. Classic: canary traffic originates from the public IP address of one of the worker nodes and arrives to the public IP address of your classic load balancers. Configure your network policies to allow this communication. For more information, see Controlling traffic with network policies on classic clusters.

Next steps

  1. Wait 30 minutes, then run the oc get clusteroperator ingress command and check the MESSAGE column again.
  2. If you see a different error message repeat the troubleshooting steps.
  3. If the issue persists, contact support. Open a support case. In the case details, be sure to include any relevant log files, error messages, or command outputs.