IBM Cloud Docs
Why does pushing to the internal registry time out?

Why does pushing to the internal registry time out?

Virtual Private Cloud Classic infrastructure

You try to push an image to the internal registry, but sporadically you see an error message similar to the following.

received unexpected HTTP status: 504 Gateway Time-out

The default file storage device that provides the storage for the internal registry's images is initially set up with 2 IOPS and 20 GB of storage. When you push larger images, the device might time out because its IOPS is too low to support the image.

Change the size and IOPS of the existing file storage device.

When you resize the volume in your IBM Cloud infrastructure account, the attached PVC description is not updated. Instead, you can log in to the openshift-image-registry (Red Hat OpenShift 4) or docker-registry (Red Hat OpenShift 3.11) pod that uses the registry-backing PVC to verify that the volume is resized.