IBM Cloud Docs
Why does pod not build with a permission denied error because of security context constraint (SCC)?

Why does pod not build with a permission denied error because of security context constraint (SCC)?

Virtual Private Cloud Classic infrastructure

A system pod or other pod that uses a security context constraint (SCC) has an operation that keeps retrying but fails with a permission denied error. For example, you might log in to the internal image-registry pod and try to run docker push.

Example error message when pushing an image to the internal registry:

error: build error: Failed to push image: error copying layers and metadata

The pod might use an SCC or belong to a system group that uses an SCC without the correct permission. You might have added a system group to an SCC by running oc adm policy add-scc-to-group <scc> system:<group>.

If the pod mounts a volume, the pod's permissions that are authorized by the SCC might no longer allow the pod to read or write data to the volume.

For example, the internal registry mounts a volume to read and write image data to a file storage instance. If the system:authenticated group that the internal registry belongs to changes the SCC from restricted to anyuid, then the pod runs with a different UID. The different UID prevents the internal registry pod from pushing or pulling images from the storage device.

Change the pod's SCC permissions.

  1. Describe the pod and check the <scc> security context constraint in the Annotations section.

    oc describe pod -n <project> <pod>

    Example output

    NAME:               image-registry-1234567
    Namespace:          openshift-image-registry
    Priority:           2000000000
    PriorityClassName:  system-cluster-critical
    Start Time:         Wed, 19 Feb 2020 15:38:53 -0500
    Labels:             docker-registry=default
    Annotations: anyuid
  2. Describe the security context constraint and check the user and groups in the Access section.

    oc describe scc <scc>

    Example output

    NAME:                        anyuid
    Priority:                    <none>
        Users:                    <none>
        Groups:                    system:authenticated
  3. If you don't want the user or group to have the permissions of the SCC, remove the user or group from the SCC. For more information, review the default Red Hat OpenShift and IBM Cloud SCCs that are set in the cluster.

    oc adm policy remove-scc-from-group <scc> <(user|group)>
  4. Add the user or group to the SCC with the appropriate permissions.

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-group <scc> <(user|group)>
  5. Delete the pod so that the pod is rescheduled with the new SCC permissions.

    oc delete pod -n <project> <pod>