IBM Cloud Docs
Why does my build error due to image pull authentication?

Why does my build error due to image pull authentication?

Virtual Private Cloud Classic infrastructure

When a build such as from Operator Hub or the built-in developer content catalog tries to pull an image from a Red Hat registry, the build might fail with an authentication error similar to the following.

error: build error: After retrying 2 times, Pull image still failed due to error: unauthorized: authentication required

By default, your cluster is set up with image pull secrets to Red Hat registries such as,, and Additionally in the default project, your cluster has image pull secrets to access the <region> registries for IBM Cloud Container Registry.

However, if an operator or built-in template has a build component that must pull an image from a private registry, the build might fail with an authentication error because the build does not have access to the default image pull secrets in its service account. By default, builds can pull images that are stored only in the internal registry.

Set up the build with access to the image, either by pulling the image from the private registry or by importing the image from the private registry into the internal registry.

For more information, see the Red Hat OpenShift documentation.

  1. Check the build configuration file to see what registry the build needs pull access to. For example, if your build is part of a Red Hat OpenShift template, the build config value refers to the private registry.

    oc -n openshift get template react-web-app-example -o yaml

    Example output

          kind: DockerImage
  2. Set up the build with image pull access. You can choose from pulling the image from the private registry or using an image stream from the internal registry.