IBM Cloud Docs
Why am I receiving multiple etcd alerts?

Why am I receiving multiple etcd alerts?

You receive multiple alerts for etcdHighNumberOfLeaderChanges or etcdExcessiveDatabaseGrowth, with descriptions similar to the following messages.

"etcd": 7.5 leader changes within the last 15 minutes. Frequent elections may be a sign of insufficient resources, high network latency, or disruptions by other components and should be investigated.
"etcd cluster "etcd": Observed surge in etcd writes leading to 50% increase in database size over the past four hours on etcd instance, please check as it might be disruptive.

The cluster etcd database is located on the cluster control plane, which is maintained by IBM. Metrics from three separate etcd instances are pushed to a single pod in the cluster, but the source of the metrics is not always distinguished. When these metrics are collected by Prometheus they might be read as originating from a single etcd instance rather than multiple separate instances, resulting in a false alert for high rates of activity. In this case, there is no underlying issue and the alerts are triggered falsely.

Often, the etcdHighNumberOfLeaderChanges and etcdExcessiveDatabaseGrowth do not indicate an underlying issue and can be ignored. If you want to validate that the alerts are false, you can contact customer support. Open a support case. In the case details, be sure to include any relevant log files, error messages, or command outputs.