IBM Cloud Docs
VPC clusters: Why does the VPC load balancer for Ingress controller only route to one zone?

VPC clusters: Why does the VPC load balancer for Ingress controller only route to one zone?

Virtual Private Cloud

You create a multizone VPC cluster. However, when you run ibmcloud is load-balancers to find the VPC load balancer that exposes the Ingress controller, the VPC subnet for only one zone in your cluster is listed instead of the subnets for all zones in your cluster. In the output, look for the VPC load balancer Name that starts with kube-crtmgr-<cluster_ID>.

ID                                          Name                                                         Family        Subnets               Is public   Provision status   Operating status   Resource group
r006-d044af9b-92bf-4047-8f77-a7b86efcb923   kube-bsaucubd07dhl66e4tgg-1f4f408ce6d2485499bcbdec0fa2d306   Application   mysubnet-us-south-3   true        active             online             default

When you create a Red Hat OpenShift cluster on VPC infrastructure in the CLI, the cluster is initially created with worker nodes in one zone only.

You then make the cluster multizone by manually adding zones to your worker pools with the ibmcloud oc zone add vpc-gen2 command. Currently, when you add zones to your cluster, the Ingress controller is not updated with the VPC subnets for the new zones, and does not route requests to apps in the new zones.

Restart the Ingress controller so that a new VPC load balancer is created, which registers the Ingress controller behind a hostname and forwards traffic to the Ingress controller. Then, update your Ingress subdomain to use the new VPC load balancer hostname.

  1. Run the following command to find the VPC load balancer that exposes the Ingress controller. In the output, look for the VPC load balancer name that starts with kube-crtmgr-<cluster_ID>.

    ibmcloud is load-balancers

    Example output

    ID                                          Name                                                         Family        Subnets               Is public   Provision status   Operating status   Resource group
    r006-d044af9b-92bf-4047-8f77-a7b86efcb923   kube-bsaucubd07dhl66e4tgg-1f4f408ce6d2485499bcbdec0fa2d306   Application   mysubnet-us-south-3   true        active             online             default
  2. Remove the router-default service and wait for it to be automatically re-created.

    oc delete svc router-default -n openshift-ingress

    After running the delete svc command to delete the service, you might need to remove the finalizers to fully remove the service. Run the following command to delete the finalizers on the service. oc get svc -n openshift-ingress router-default -o=json | jq '.metadata.finalizers = null' | kubectl apply -f -

  3. Verify that the new VPC load balancer that exposes the Ingress controller has Provision status of active and an Operating status of online. Also, verify that the Subnets list now includes subnets for each zone of your cluster.

    ibmcloud is load-balancers

    In the output, look for the VPC load balancer Name that starts with kube-crtmgr-<cluster_ID>.

    ID                                          Name                                                         Family        Subnets               Is public   Provision status   Operating status   Resource group
    r006-d044af9b-92bf-4047-8f77-a7b86efcb923   kube-bsaucubd07dhl66e4tgg-1f4f408ce6d2485499bcbdec0fa2d306   Application   mysubnet-us-south-1, mysubnet-us-south-2, mysubnet-us-south-3   true        active             online             default
  4. For the router-default service, copy the hostname that is assigned by the new VPC load balancer in the EXTERNAL-IP field.

    oc get svc -n openshift-ingress

    Example output

    NAME                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                            PORT(S)                      AGE
    router-default             LoadBalancer   80:32637/TCP,443:31719/TCP   2m
    router-internal-default    ClusterIP    <none>                                 80/TCP,443/TCP,1936/TCP      2m
  5. Get the Ingress subdomain for your cluster.

    ibmcloud oc cluster get -c <cluster_name_or_ID> | grep 'Ingress Subdomain'

    Example output

    Ingress Subdomain:    
  6. Update the Ingress subdomain DNS registration to use the new VPC load balancer hostname.

    ibmcloud oc nlb-dns replace --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID> --nlb-subdomain <Ingress_subdomain> --lb-host <vpc_lb_hostname>
  7. Verify that the ingress subdomain DNS registration is updated to include the new VPC load balancer hostname for your Ingress controller.

    ibmcloud oc nlb-dns ls -c <cluster_name_or_ID>

    Example output

    Subdomain                                                                             Load Balancer Hostname                 SSL Cert Status   SSL Cert Secret Name                            Secret Namespace   created           cluster-d84d4d2137685d8446c88eacf59b5038-0000   openshift-ingress