IBM Cloud Docs
Adding Cloud Paks, entitlements, or licenses to your cluster

Adding Cloud Paks, entitlements, or licenses to your cluster

Review the following steps for adding IBM Cloud Paks, Red Hat OpenShift licenses, and other entitlements to your Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud clusters

Assigning a Cloud Pak entitlement to your IBM Cloud account

To deploy a Cloud Pak to your Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud cluster, your entitlement to the Cloud Pak must be assigned to your IBM Cloud account.

  1. Verify that your Cloud Pak entitlement is in your Container software library. If you don't see the entitlement, the entitlement might be owned by a different user. Verify the user, and if you still have issues, click Contact IBM from the container software library page.
  2. Make sure that the IBM Cloud account owner gives you permission to assign entitlements.
    1. From the IBM Cloud console menu bar, click Manage > Access (IAM).
    2. From the Users tab, click the user that you want to assign permissions.
    3. Click Access policies > Assign access +.
    4. Click Account management.
    5. From the What type of access do you want to assign? drop-down menu, select License and Entitlement.
    6. Select at least the Editor platform access role, then click Add.
  3. Assign the Cloud Pak entitlement to your IBM Cloud account.
  4. Continue to create the Cloud Pak instance.

Adding entitlements to your cluster

Before you begin:

  1. Add your entitlement from IBM Passport Advantage to your Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud cluster.

    • For new clusters: Create a cluster with the --entitlement ocp_entitled option. When you specify the number of workers (--workers) and flavor (--flavor), make sure to specify only the number and size of worker nodes that you are entitled to use. You can optionally specify the worker node operating system (--operating-system). After your cluster is created, you are not charged the Red Hat OpenShift license fee for the entitled worker nodes in the default worker pool. If you want to use a different worker pool for your Cloud Pak, follow the steps for existing clusters.
    • For existing clusters or worker pools other than the default: Create a worker pool with the --entitlement ocp_entitled option. When you specify the number of workers (--size-per-zone) and flavor (--flavor), make sure to specify only the number and size of worker nodes that you are entitled to use. After creation, your worker pool does not charge you the Red Hat OpenShift license fee for your entitled worker nodes.

    Do not exceed your entitlement. Keep in mind that your OpenShift Container Platform entitlements can be used with other cloud providers or in other environments. To avoid billing issues later, make sure that you use only what you are entitled to use. For example, you might have an entitlement for the OCP licenses for two worker nodes of 4 CPU and 16 GB memory, and you create this worker pool with two worker nodes of 4 CPU and 16 GB memory. You used your entire entitlement, and you can't use the same entitlement for other worker pools, cloud providers, or environments.

  2. In the IBM Cloud catalog, in the Software tab, under Offering Type, check Cloud Paks.

  3. Select the Cloud Pak that you want to deploy, and follow the installation instructions. Each Cloud Pak requires an entitlement from IBM Passport Advantage, and has its own configuration settings. For more information, view the About tab and Cloud Pak documentation.

Adding Cloud Pak images from an entitled registry

You can deploy Cloud Pak images that you are already licensed to use in IBM Passport Advantage to your Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud cluster by using the IBM Cloud Container Registry entitled registry.

  1. Set up your cluster to pull images from the entitled registry.
  2. Set up Helm in your cluster and add the entitled Helm repository.
  3. Find and review the Helm chart from the Helm catalog or from the CLI by running helm search repo entitled and helm show entitled/<chart_name>.
  4. Follow the instructions that are particular to each Cloud Pak installation, such as configuring the Helm chart values to work within Red Hat OpenShift security context constraints.

Now you can run your Cloud Pak on your Red Hat OpenShift cluster!